Pteroplistes (Eupteroplistes) tarbinskyi, Gorochov, 2022

Gorochov, Andrei V., 2022, New taxa of the cricket subfamily Pteroplistinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) from Indo-Malayan Region, Amurian Zoological Journal XIV (3), pp. 445-456 : 450-451

publication ID 10.33910/2686-9519-2022-14-3-445-456

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scientific name

Pteroplistes (Eupteroplistes) tarbinskyi

sp. nov.

Pteroplistes (Eupteroplistes) tarbinskyi View in CoL Gorochov, sp. nov.

(Figs. 1: A–E; 2: A–D) 548d-44dd-b36a-49d9c7697275

Material. Holotype — ♂, Indonesia, Sumatra Island, North Sumatra Prov., ~ 80 km W of Medan, environs of Bukit Lawang vill. on the Bohorok River near Gunung Leuser National Park , 3 ° 32–33ʹN, 98 ° 6–7ʹE, 200–300 m, 6– 14.04.2018, A. Gorochov , M. Berezin, I. Kamskov, E. Tkatsheva ( ZIN).

Description. Male (holotype). Body colouration moderately variegate: head dark brown with light brown M-shaped spot on dorsum between distal halves of eyes, most part of each antenna and apical parts of palpi, with yellowish lateral ocelli and numerous small marks on other parts (a pair of longitudinal spots between aforementioned M-shaped spot and eyes; stripe along posterior edge of each eye contacting with previous spot dorsally and with yellowish mark on lower part of gena ventrally; stripe along medial edge of each eye contacting aforementioned longitudinal spot dorsally and lateral ocellus ventrally; three dots under median ocellus; two pairs of transverse lines un- der antennal bases; transverse stripe on upper clypeal part contacting three more ventral but vertical and very short stripes of same colour on lower clypeal part; one spot on each subgena and on apex of each preapical segment of palpi; most part of labrum and of scape), and with moderately dark (greyish brown) rest of palpi, small spots on scape and on antennal flagellum (latter spots rather sparse) as well as on base of mandible (Fig. 1, A); pronotum brown with dark brown lateral lobes and few small light brown to reddish brown marks on disc; tegmina light greyish with yellowish tinge, almost transparent majority of membranes, light brown to light greyish brown venation, and few greyish brown areas in dorsal field (near plectrum and along 1A in basal area, between mirror and lateral part of distal oblique vein, on distal half of apical area; Fig. 1: B); hind wings with visible parts greyish brown; legs yellowish with two greyish brown spots on fore and middle femora (small one on dorsoproximal part and larger one on subapical part), large dark brown to greyish brown area on distal part of hind femur, numerous brown oblique lines on more proximal parts of dorsal and outer surfaces of this femur, two large greyish brown areas on fore and middle tibiae as well as one similar area on fore and middle basitarsi, and more or less similar spots on hind tibia and tarsus (but these spots smaller, tibia with three spots, its armament partly darkened); abdominal tergites and anal plate dark brown to brown with light brown median and lateral areas on last tergites as well as light brown to yellowish lateral parts of anal plate and spots on its posterior part (Fig. 1: C, D); paraprocts light brown; body venter and genital plate yellowish with greyish tinge; cerci greyish with two or three longitudinal yellowish stripes in proximal portion and very small and dense almost yellowish marks in more distal portions. Body moderately flattened dorsoventrally; head with rather widely rounded (not angular) rostrum in profile, moderately long (for this genus) mouthparts, moderately small round lateral ocelli, very small transverse median ocellus, and space between antennal cavities almost as wide as scape (Fig. 1: A); pronotum slightly narrowing to head and with almost straight anterior and posterior edges of disc. Tegmina slightly protruding beyond apices of hind femora and with dorsal field as in Fig. 1, B; their lateral field significantly narrower, having moderately widened R-M area, rather sparse crossveins almost only in this area, very narrow Sc-R area as well as numerous (rather dense) and somewhat obliquely parallel branches of Sc; apices of hind wings reaching tegminal apices. Legs with almost round but not large inner tympanum only, 3 outer and 1 inner very short and articulated dorsal spines on distal part of hind tibia, numerous smaller and denticle-like other dorsal spines of this tibia, and 6 very short to moderately short apical spurs of this tibia (middle inner spur longest and reaching about middle of hind basitarsus). Anal plate as in Fig. 1: C, D; genital plate distinctly larger than anal plate but rather short, with distal half slightly narrowed as well as having three apical lobules (small median one separated from a pair of larger and roundly angular lobules by a pair of small oblique folds; Fig. 1, E); cerci very long (almost 24 mm in length). Genitalia: median part of epiphallic sclerite very short (narrow) (Fig. 2: A); posteromedian epiphallic plate as in Fig. 2: C, D; posterolateral epiphallic lobes narrow, widely hooked in distal half and with almost angular medial projection in middle part (Fig. 2: A, B); ventral rachial plate with moderately wide spine-like process having semimembranous and acute apical part (Fig. 2: B, D); first pair of arcuate anterior plates heavily sclerotised, but second one semisclerotised; formula small and transverse as well as characteristic in shape (Fig. 2: A, B).

Length in mm. Body 12; body with wings 17; pronotum 3.3; tegmina 12; hind femora 10.7.

Female unknown.

Comparison. The species is distinguished from all the other representatives of Pteroplistinae by the characters given in Eupteroplistes diagnosis.

Etymology. This species is named in memory of the well-known Soviet orthopterist Sergei P. Tarbinsky and in honor of his 120 th birthday.


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum

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