Pseudosympycnus pennipes, Soares & Ale-Rocha, 2022

Soares, Matheus Mickael Mota & Ale-Rocha, Rosaly, 2022, Three new species of Pseudosympycnus (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) from Peru and an updated key to the species, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia (e 20220005) 66 (1), pp. 1-10 : 6-7

publication ID 10.1590/1806-9665-RBENT-2022-0005

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scientific name

Pseudosympycnus pennipes

sp. nov.

Pseudosympycnus pennipes View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 1C View Figure 1 , 2A–B View Figure 2 , 3A–B View Figure 3 , 4B View Figure 4 , 5A–B View Figure 5 , 7 View Figure 7 )

Diagnosis (male). Metepimeron yellow ( Fig.1C View Figure 1 ). Femora yellow,except dorsal surface of femur I and apex of femur III brownish ( Figs. 1C View Figure 1 , 4B View Figure 4 ). Femur III with ventral row of strong setae decreasing in length from base to apical 5/8 of femur ( Fig. 4B View Figure 4 ). Tarsus I ( Fig. 3A View Figure 3 ): brown, except It 3 –It 4 and basal 2/3 of It 5 white: It 2 with brush of compacted stout dorsal setae directed forward at base, followed by 3 stout curved setae, apex with dorsal and anterodorsal stout setae; It 3 laterally flattened with dorsal small projection overlapping base of It 4, with dorsal row of setae, 2–3 basal longer and curved. Tarsus II unmodified. Tarsus III ( Fig. 3B View Figure 3 ): IIIt 3 with posterodorsal row of curved and strong setae, as long as segment, and 1 slender dorsal seta at apex; IIIt 4 with dorsal to posteroventral rows of slender and long setae, decreasing in length towards apex; IIIt 5 with anterodorsal to posterodorsal rows of long, slender and curved setae.

Description. Male ( Fig.1C View Figure 1 ). Body length [holotype]: 3.1 mm. Wing length:3.3 mm, width:1.0 mm. Head ( Figs.2A–B View Figure 2 ). Vertex slightly excavated. Face ground color dark yellow but obscured by dense silvery pruinosity, narrowing at middle (narrower than anterior ocellus at narrowest point). Clypeus covered by dense silvery pruinosity, ending below eye level, lower margin rounded. Frons dark blue purple, covered by weak silvery pruinosity. Occiput dark brown, except upper part posterior to ocellar triangle with weak bluish-purple reflections, covered by weak silvery pruinosity; one row of black postocular setae, increasing in length at lower 1/2; paravertical setae as long as postoculars; vertical setae proclinate and convergent, slightly shorter than ocellars; ocellar setae divergent, one pair of minute postocellar. Palpus thin, ovoid, 2 times longer than wide, 1/3 as long as eye height, ground color yellow, obscured by dense silvery pruinosity and covered with few pale short hairs and 1 black seta near apex. Proboscis pale brown. Antenna entirely brown. Pedicel with crown of setae at apex, dorsalmost slightly longer. Postpedicel triangular, with short pubescence, arista-like stylus arising at upper edge, dorsally, at middle. Thorax. Mesonotum and scutellum mostly metallic dark green, with strong bluish-purple reflections; notopleuron obscured by weak silvery pruinosity; pleura dark brown with some green to bluish reflections and weak silvery pruinosity, but metepimeron and dorsal part of metepisternum (around posterior spiracle) yellow. Chaetotaxy. Lower surface of proepisternum with 1 conspicuous black seta and 4–5 pale hairs. Acrostichals in two regular rows, 5 pairs of large dorsocentrals, increasing in size posteriorly, fourth pair slightly offset laterally; 1 large (slightly shorter than notopleural setae) and 2 very small postpronotal setae; 1 pre-sutural, 1 sutural and 1 post-sutural slightly offset laterally intra-alar setae, 1 pre- and 1 postsutural supra-alars, 2 notopleurals, 1 postalar; 1 pair of scutellars as long as postalar setae. Legs ( Figs. 1C View Figure 1 , 3A–B View Figure 3 , 4B View Figure 4 ). Mostly yellow, but trochanter I, dorsal surface of femur I, It 1–2 and apex of It 5, lateral surface of coxa II, leg II from apical 1/3 of tibia, leg III from apex of femur brownish; It 3-5 white, except apex of It 5 brown. Leg I. Podomere ratios: 35/32/21/5/7/10/6. Anterior surface of coxa I covered by short black setae, outer edge with 3 pre-apical long black setae, apicalmost stronger, apical edge with 3–4 longer black setae. Femur I covered by short vestiture of black setae, with 4–5 slender setae on basal 1/3, almost as long as diameter of femur (MSSC), 1 short posteroventral seta near apex. Tibia I relatively thicker than II and III. Tarsus I ( Fig. 3A View Figure 3 ): It 1 with ventral row of short setae, 2 basalmost longer than width of segment, with anterior to anterodorsal rows of setae on apical 1/3. It 2 with brush of compacted stout dorsal setae directed forward at base, followed by 3 stout curved setae, apex with dorsal and anterodorsal stout setae; It 3 laterally flattened with dorsal small projection overlapping base of It 4, with dorsal row of setae, 2–3 basal longer and curved, anterior and posterior surfaces mostly bare (all MSSC). Leg II. Podomere ratios: 39/55/41/15/13/7/4. Anterior surface of coxa II mostly bare, except apical edge with fringe of long setae, and with 2 setae at middle-length of outer edge, apicalmost twice longer than basal seta. Femur II covered with short black setae vestiture, but ventral surface mostly bare, 1 short and slender anteroventral seta at base, 1 anteroventral row of short hairs decreasing in length from basal 2/8 to apical 5/8 (MSSC), 2 posteroventral rows of short pale hairs from base to apical 5/8 (MSSC), 1 conspicuous anterior and 1 posterior preapical seta. Tibia II with 1 anterior seta at 6.5/8, 4 anterodorsal setae at 1/8, 3/8, 5.5/8 and 8/8, 3 posterodorsal at 1/8, 3.5/8 and 8/8, 1 ventral at 6.5/8 and 1 antero- and 1 posteroventral at apex. IIt 1 with anterior row of setae as long as width of segment from base to apical 6/8. Leg III. Podomere ratios: 42/51/6/17/7/12/5. Coxa III with 1 strong seta near base and 1 smaller near apex. Femur III ( Fig.4B View Figure 4 ) with ventral row of strong setae decreasing in length from base to apical 5/8 (MSSC), 1 anterior strong preapical seta. Tibia III with 3 anterior setae at 1/8, 3/8 and 5/8, 1 anterodorsal seta at apex, with dorsal row of more conspicuous setae from basal 2/8 to apex, and with group of ventral fine pale hairs at apex (MSSC).Tarsus III ( Fig. 3B View Figure 3 ): IIIt 3 with posterodorsal row of curved and wide setae, as long as segment, and 1 slender dorsal seta at apex (MSSC); IIIt 4 with dorsal to posteroventral rows of slender and long setae, decreasing in length towards apex (MSSC); IIIt 5 with anterodorsal to posterodorsal rows of long, slender and curved setae (MSSC). Wing. Membrane brownish smoky, veins brown. Costal vein ending in wing apex. Posterior margin with conspicuous fringe of setae. Veins R 4+5 and M 1 subparallel near apex. CuA+CuP as indistinct fold. Length of crossvein dm-m/last part of M 4 (“CuAx ratio”): 1. Halter yellow. Abdomen ( Fig. 1C View Figure 1 ). Entire tergite 1 except for a narrow patch dorsally and tergites 2 and 3 laterally yellow, sternites 1 and 2 yellow, abdomen otherwise dark brown with weak greenish reflections. Tergites 1–6 covered with short vestiture of black setae, but posterior margin of tergites with longer setae (those on tergite 1 1.5 times longer than tergite length). Hypopygium ( Figs. 5A–B View Figure 5 ). Capsule brown, cercus yellow; ventral lobe of surstylus long and narrow, with dorsal edge weakly sclerotized, ventral edge with 4 long setae and few short setae at apex; dorsal lobe of surstylus short, subtriangular, with pointed apex; cercus as long as ventral lobe of surstylus, with pointed apex and covered with long setae; epandrial lobe short, with 1 short seta at apex; hypandrium: distal part covering phallus-postgonite apparatus, fused with genital capsule at base; basal part prolonged into genital capsule as two hypandrial arms, forming distinct hypandrial apodemes; phallus: basal part wide and parallel to ejaculatory apodeme, widening ventrally, parallel to hypandrium and strong narrowing at apex; postgonites extending from base of phallus to form two-branched structured, directed anteriorly, before fusing with each other in association with distal part of phallus.

Female. Unknown.

Type material. HOLOTYPE ♂, labelled: “ Peru, Cusco, Quincemil / 13º13′03.4″S 70º43′40″W / 633 m, 23–31.viii.2012 ” “Sweep, J.A. Rafael / R.R.Cavichioli, D.M. Takiya ” “ HOLOTYPE / Pseudosympycnus pennipes / Soares & Ale-Rocha [red label]” ( MUSM) GoogleMaps . Holotype in good condition (terminalia not dissected). PARATYPES: same data as holotype (1 ♂, MUSM; 2 ♂, INPA, one specimen with detached genitalia stored in microvial with glycerin) GoogleMaps .

Etymology. From Latin penna = feather and pes = foot, referring to the IIIt 5 with remarkable rows of long, slender and curved setae.

Remarks. Pseudosympycnus pennipes sp. nov. is similar to P. araza and P.latipes by having the It 3–5 mostly white, and to P. araza, P. latipes and P. singularis due to It 2 with brush of compacted stout dorsal setae directed forward and It 3 overlapping the base of It 4 in males.Nevertheless, the new species is distinct in having the tibia I without conspicuous setae, femur III with ventral row of strong setae decreasing in length from base to apical 5/8, IIIt 5 with rows of long, slender, and curved setae, and the ventral lobe of surstylus with dorsal edge weakly sclerotized.

Distribution. Peru (Department of Cusco) ( Fig. 7 View Figure 7 ).


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia

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