Pseudoparamoeba sp.

Lee, Won Je, 2016, New Korean records of two amoeboid protozoa (Protist); Vannella bursella and Pseudoparamoeba sp., Journal of Species Research 5 (3), pp. 381-384 : 383-384

publication ID 10.12651/JSR.2016.5.3.381

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scientific name

Pseudoparamoeba sp.


Pseudoparamoeba sp. ( Fig. 2 View Fig )

Material examined. Korea: Chungchungnam­do , Garorim Bay (36°78′N, 126°48′E), 31 Mar. 2015, from marine water columns, collected by Won Je Lee. Type strain, live cells are kept with the Culture Collection of Protists, Kyungnam University , Korea, reference “ KM045 .

Description. Locomotive form longer than broad, producing a few short subpseudopodia from anterior hyaline zone. Some may elongate to long, narrow pseudopodia. Length not including long pseudopodia 10­ 15 μm (avg. 12.5 μm). Floating form usually irregularly rounded with radiating hyaline pseudopodia tapering to very fine tip. Surface covered with truncate glycostyles. Cysts not seen.

Remarks. This species encountered here are assigned to Pseudoparamoeba because it has general appearances of the genus: elongated locomotive form, producing a few short pseudopodia from anterior hyaline zone, and surface covered with glycostyles. This genus includes only two species, P. microlepsis and P. pagei . Pseudoparamoeba sp. is different from these two species because P. microlepsis is from a freshwater habitat and has one contractile vacuole, and P. pagei often produces wide conical subpseudopodia, resembling in outline those of Vexillifera spp. This species does not have this kind of characters. Further studies such as electron microscopic and molecular works are needed to establish the identity of the species encountered here.

This genus is morphologically similar to Vexillifera , belonging to the family Vexilliferidae but Vexillifera differs from five genera ( Pseudoparamoeba , Paramoeba , Neoparamoeba, Kornevella and Cunea ) of the family Paramoebidae within the order Dactylopodida by its remarkable locomotive form with long and slender dactylopodia in combination with an amorphous glycocalyx ( Udalov, 2016).

Habitat. Marine water.

World distribution. Korea.

Deposition. NIBRPR0000106577, NIBRPR0000106578.

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