Pseudokiefferiella ferringtoni Makarchenko, 2024

Makarchenko, Eugenyi A., 2024, Pseudokiefferiella ferringtoni sp. nov. (Diptera: Chironomidae: Diamesinae) from North America, Zootaxa 5493 (4), pp. 446-450 : 446-449

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5493.4.10

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scientific name

Pseudokiefferiella ferringtoni Makarchenko

sp. nov.

Pseudokiefferiella ferringtoni Makarchenko , sp. nov. E646D6B2-FF8F-4A73-85F3-4DF989DE9AB8

( Figs. 1–18 View FIGURES 1–9 View FIGURES 10–18 )

Type material. Holotype, adult male, U.S.A., Wyoming, Park County, 31 mile N and 21 mile W of Cody City, 44° 57’ 43” N, 109° 24’ 07” W, alt. 3228 a.s.l., sweeping above small spring area at dusk, water temperature 3 C, 13.VIII.1969, leg D. Hansen GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 8 adult males, 12 pupal exuviae, 2 larvae, the same data as holotype, except Park County, Beartooth Pass region , sweeping over spring/tiny, alt. 3233 m a.s.l., 02.IX.2017, leg. D. Hansen. GoogleMaps

Derivatio nominis. The species is named in honour and memory of American chironomidologist Dr. Leonard C. Ferrington, Jr. (1948–2021).


Adult male (n = 5, except when otherwise stated).

Coloration. Brown, dark brown. Antennae brownish grey. Wings grayish.

Head ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–9 ). Eyes pubescent, slightly elongate dorsomedially. Temporal setae including 5–6 verticals and 5–8 preoculars. Clypeus with 2–3 setae, 44–60 μm long. Antenna with 13 flagellomeres and well developed plume of setae; maximal length of these setae on flagellomeres 200–220 μm; terminal flagellomere with 1 subapical seta, 40–52 μm long; pedicel with 1 setae, 52–56 μm long. AR 1.23–1.31. Palpomere length (μm): 40–56, 68–96, 128–172, 136–180, 168–236. Palpomere 3 in distal part with sensilla capitata with diameter 14–16 μm. Head width/palpal length 0.91–1.10.

Thorax ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1–9 ). Antepronotum with 2–5 ventrolateral setae. Dorsocentrals 10–13, prealars 4–6. Scutellum with 12–20 setae.

Wing ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1–9 ). Length 2.64–3.12 mm, width 0.64–0.80 mm. Anal lobe developed and rounded. Squama with 27–38 setae, 108–120 μm long. R 2+3 reduced and visible only in basal part. R and R 1 with 12–15 setae, R 4+5 with 2–6 setae in distal part. RM/MCu 2.6–2.8.

Legs. Spur of front tibia 56–80 µm long. Spurs of mid tibia 48–68 µm and 56–82 µm long. Spurs of hind tibia 44–68 µm and 90–96 µm long. Hind tibial comb with 12–14 setae. Ta 4 cardioform ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1–9 ). Length (μm) and proportions of leg segments are as in Table 1 View TABLE 1 .

Hypopygium ( Figs. 5–10 View FIGURES 1–9 View FIGURES 10–18 ). Tergite IX with 8–15 setae from one side, 28–40 µm long and with anal point, 56–64 µm long, distally hair-like ( Figs 6–7 View FIGURES 1–9 , 10 View FIGURES 10–18 ). Laterosternite IX with 6–11 setae, 80–88 µm long. Transverse sternopodeme consisting of a narrow arch 168–172 µm long, with expansion in middle. Aedeagal lobe 76–88 µm long, dilated in the basal half and wedge-shaped distally ( Figs. 5, 8 View FIGURES 1–9 ); phallapodeme 84–120 µm long, with short lateral fork-shaped branch ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 1–9 ). Gonocoxite 272–304 µm long, basal plate below narrow, dark and bare collar-shaped, above with a rounded lobelike projection, which is covered with some short setae ( Figs. 8–9 View FIGURES 1–9 ). Gonostylus, 144–148 µm long, with long crista dorsalis; apex with short macroseta, 8 µm long ( Figs 6–7 View FIGURES 1–9 , 10 View FIGURES 10–18 ); HR 1.84–2.11.

Pupa (n=5, except when otherwise stated). Total length ca 6–6.7 mm. Exuviae transparent white, or yellowish.

Cephalothorax. Frontal apotoma with 2 setae, 202–224 μm long. Thorax in anterodorsal part smooth or slightly wrinkled. Thoracic horn brownish yellow, clawlike, 136–168 μm long, 24–96 μm wide at the base. Precorneal setae lengths (μm): Pc 1 —88–140, Pc 2 —200–208, Pc 3 —108–128. Pc 1 and Pc 3 weak and pale, Pc 2 strong and brown ( Figs. 11–13 View FIGURES 10–18 ). Sometimes Pc 2 divided into branches ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 10–18 ). Near precorneals dark thorn is located ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 10–18 ). Antepronotum with 2 median seta, 220–244 μm long and 144–176 μm long. Dorsocentral setae length (μm): Dc 1 100–164, Dc 2 80–84, Dc



Abdomen. Apophyses distinct. Tergite I with shagreen posteriorly. Tergite II with shagreen in anterior third, tergites III–VIII almost completely covered in shagreen. Sternites without shagreen. Tergites I—VIII with posterior transverse row of strong, brown or dark brown elongated spines, maximum length 72–88 μm and width 32–48 μm. Number of these spines on tergites I–VIII accordingly—17–23: 16–26: 14–20: 16–18: 12–18: 12–17: 11–14: 7–8 ( Figs. 15–16 View FIGURES 10–18 ). Sternites without posterior transverse row of spines. Segment I with 2 pairs of lateral setae in posterolateral corner. Segments II–VIII with 4 pairs of lateral setae, lengtth of L 1 –L 4 (in μm) accordingly—196–292: 260–280: 144–208: 120–188. Lateral setae on segment VIII shifted to posterolateral corner. Segments II–VIII with spine-like process in posterolateral corner, ca 40 μm long. Anal lobe 426–492 µm long (female) ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 10–18 ) and 459 µm long (male) ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 10–18 ), with pointed triangular apical tubercle, 36–44 μm long, and with 3 anal macrosetae 280–288 µm long, slightly curved in distal part. Male genital sac slightly extending beyond anal lobe ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 10–18 ).

Larva unknown.

Diagnosis. Wing length 2.64–3.12 mm AR 1.23–1.31. Dorsocentrals 10–13, prealars 4–6, scutellars 12–20. LR 1 0.66–0.68, BV 1 3.26–3.73, SV 1 2.60–2.73. Anal point 56–64 µm long, distally hair-like. Aedeagal lobe dilated in the basal half and wedge-shaped distally. Phallapodeme with short lateral fork-shaped branch. Basal plate of gonocoxite below narrow, dark and bare collar-shaped, above with a rounded lobelike projection, which is covered with some short setae. Gonostylus with long crista dorsalis. HR 1. 84–2.11. Pupa with brownish yellow, clawlike thoracic horn, 136–168 μm long. Pc 1 and Pc 3 weak and pale, Pc 2 strong and brown. A dark thorn is located near precorneals. Tergites I–VIII with posterior transverse row of strong, brown or dark brown elongated spines, maximum length 72–88 μm. Segment I with 2 pairs of lateral setae in posterolateral corner. Segments II–VIII with 4 pairs long brown lateral setae. Anal lobe with 3 anal macrosetae, slightly curved in distal part; apical tubercle pointed. Male genital sac slightly extending beyond anal lobe.

Remarks. The new species is closely related to all members of the genus Pseudokiefferiella described by morphology of adult male or adult male and pupa— Ps. parva (Edwards) , Ps. matafonovi Makarchenko et Semenchenko and Ps. silinka Makarchenko et Semenchenko ( Edwards 1932; Zavřel 1941; Wülker 1959; Serra-Tosio 1971; Makarchenko & Semenchenko 2023), but can be distinguished from them by the structure of the hypopygium, namely the shape of the aedeagal lobe, phallapodeme and basal plate of the gonocoxite. Also, like the last two species, the male of Ps. ferringtoni sp. nov. lacks rounded-triangular protrusion on gonocoxite in dorsolateral at the base of the gonostylus, which is present in the Ps. parva ( Serra-Tosio, 1971) . The pupa of the new species differs from all known species by the claw-shaped form of the thoracic horn and the presence of dark thorn which located near precorneal setae, as well as some other features listed in Table 2 View TABLE 2 . It is most closely related to the pupa given by Langton (2023) from North America as Pseudokiefferiella NA 1. However, it is impossible to compare the pupae of these species in more detail due to the very vague description of the latter.

Distribution. Known only from the type locality in Beartooth Pass region of Park County ( U.S.A., Wyoming).

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