Psammoecus taiwanensis, Ng & Lin, 2023

Yoshida 1, Takahiro, Karner, Michael & Hirowatari, Toshiya, 2018, A Revision of Taiwanese Species in the Genus Psammoecus Latreille (Coleoptera, Silvanidae), Zoological Studies 57 (18), pp. 1-18 : 2-6

publication ID 10.6620/ZS.2018.57-18


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Psammoecus taiwanensis

sp. nov.

Psammoecus taiwanensis sp. nov.

( Figs. 1A View Fig , 2 View Fig , 3 View Fig and 4 View Fig A-C)

Type series: Holotype: male, Sungkang , Jing Ying Village, Ren-ai Township, 2-VII-2014, T. Yoshida leg. ( NMNS, male genitalia illustrated) . Paratypes: TAIWAN: [New Taipei City] 1 female & 1 ex., Wulai District, 4-VI-1970, Y. Hori leg. (EUMJ). [Yilan County] 2 exs, Fushan Botanical Garden, Yuanshan Township, 25-27-IX-2000, L. Papp, L. Peregovits & L. Ronkay leg., at light (HNHM; studied by MK); 2 exs, Cueifong Lake, Nan-ao Township, alt. 1950 m, 1-IV-2004, T. Kurihara leg. (ELKU). [Nantou County] 1 ex., Gaofeng, 7-8- V-2009, J. Aoki leg. (ELKU); 3 males, 1 female & 2 exs, Tun-yuan-trail, Jing Ying Village, Ren-ai Township, 1-VII-2014, T. Yoshida leg. (ELKU); 3 exs, same locality, 6-VII-2014, T. Yoshida leg. (ELKU); 10 exs, same data as holotype. (ELKU); 1 male, Tsiufeng, Ren-ai Township, 10-VII-1966, H. Kamiya leg. (KUM). [Chiayi County] 1 ex., Alishan, Alishan Township, 1-VIII-1968, K. Y. leg. (ELKU); 1 ex., Fenchihu, Zhuqi Township, 22-VII-1966, H. Kamiya leg. (KUM); 2 exs, same locality, 23-VII-1966, H. Kamiya leg. (KUM); 1 ex., same locality, 24-VII-1966, H. Kamiya leg. (KUM); 1 ex., same locality, 22-VI-1968, M. Tomokuni leg. (EUMJ). [Kaohsiung City] 1 ex., Shanping, Liouguei District, 20-21-III-1980, T. Niisato leg. (EUMJ); 1 ex., Mt. Su-shan (Shi Shan) near Liouguei, Taoyuan District, 25-IV-1986, K. Baba leg. (KUM).

Etymology: The specific name is derived from Taiwan, the type locality of the new species.

Diagnosis: This species resembles P. piceus Grouvelle, 1882 ; it is distinguished by the distal portions of parameres bearing dense short pubescence, in comparison with distal portions of parameres bearing only two apical setae in P. piceus . This species also resembles P. harmandi but is easily distinguished by the presence of a row of long erect setae along each lateral elytral margin, the expanded anterior angles of pronotum and the stick-shaped and elongate parameres (cone-shaped and stout in P. harmandi ) ( Figs. 3 View Fig and 4 View Fig ).

Description: Body length: 2.83-3.43 mm (n = 20).

Coloration: ( Figs. 1A View Fig and 2 View Fig ). Head and pronotum dark brown. Elytra somewhat lighter colored, with a quadrate black macula on each elytron at middle, connected by narrow horizontal band at posterior 1/3, round maculae at posterior 1/4, connected to lateral margins, darkened around humeri and end of elytra. Antennae dark brown, 7th and/or 8th to 10th antennomere darker, 11th (apex) yellowish-brown.

Head: ( Fig. 2A and B View Fig ). Wide, HW/HL 1.28- 1.43; IE/HL 0.86-0.98. Temples somewhat enlarged behind eyes, narrowed gradually toward basis. Eyes of moderate size, slightly prominent. Dorsal surface with coarse punctation. Antennae long; antennomeres with pubescence of moderate to large length; distal portion of 7th to 10th and entire 11th antennomeres with short pubescence, very dense on 8th to 11th antennomeres; approximate ratios of antennomere lengths of holotype as follows: 2.6: 1.0: 1.2: 1.3: 1.3: 1.5: 1.4: 1.2: 1.1: 1.0: 1.7.

Pronotum: ( Figs. 2A, B View Fig and 4B View Fig ). Subquadrate, widest near anterior margin, straightly narrowed toward base, lateral margins slightly flattened; lateral areas of basis somewhat flattened, PW/ PL 1.18-1.27. Punctation on pronotal disk as on vertex; pubescence composed of numerous setae of moderate length, very long setae on teeth of lateral margins and anterior and posterior angles ( Fig. 4B View Fig ). Anterior angle with two small teeth and few small tubercles; lateral margin with some very small teeth, anterior tooth largest; posterior angle with small tooth ( Fig. 4B View Fig ).

Elytra: ( Figs. 2A View Fig and 4C View Fig ). Elongate-oval, EW/BL 0.40-0.45. Rows of punctures wider than interstices. Pubescence composed of numerous semi-erect setae of medium length, some very long, erect setae along each lateral margin, longer toward humeral swelling, with some long setae on lateral margin ( Fig. 4C View Fig ).

Male genitalia: ( Fig. 3 View Fig ). Spiculum gastrale ( Fig. 3A View Fig ) with long and very thin strut, diverging widely around apex; branches slightly widened, connected by membrane; lateral sclerites elongate, curved inwards around apices, with short and thin strut. Parameres ( Fig. 3B View Fig ) stick-shaped, elongate, depressed at base, protruding dorsally at inner basal angles, narrowed at basal 1/3 to 2/3, dorsally densely punctate, punctures of various size on basal 1/3, with a short seta on each inner margin of basal 1/3, dorsally densely with short setae on distal 1/2 or 1/3 to apices, with a long seta and a very long seta on each apex. Phallobase ( Fig. 3B View Fig ) long, upper layer deeply and widely incised at distal 1/3, with incision covered by a membrane, lower layer thin, extending toward base. Penis ( Fig. 3B View Fig ) long, sub-parallel, gradually narrowed around apex, with rounded protrusion at apex, finely punctate near apex. Internal sac recurved around apex, with a thin ringed structure and a thin apical strut, densely armed with numerous spines on apical half near space of the ringed structure, with two spinous parallel armed lines around middle, with dense, minute spines near middle.

Distribution: Taiwan.

Remarks: This new species is distributed in high altitudes of Taiwan and occurs sympatrically with P. harmandi . On Tun-yuan-trail, the species was collected from dead leaves of broad-leaved trees.


National Museum of Natural Science













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