Lejeunea edentata L.Söderstr., 2015

Pócs, Tamás, Zhu, Rui-Liang, Reiner-Drehwald, Elena, Söderström, Lars, Hagborg, Anders & Konrat, Matt Von, 2015, Notes on Early Land Plants Today. 71. New synonyms, new names and new combinations in Lejeuneaceae (Marchantiophyta), Phytotaxa 208 (1), pp. 97-102 : 98-100

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.208.1.10

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scientific name

Lejeunea edentata L.Söderstr.

nom. nov.

Lejeunea edentata L.Söderstr. View in CoL , nom. nov. pro Cyclolejeunea marginata R.M.Schust., Phytologia 39 (6): 430, ( Schuster

1978). Type:— VENEZUELA. Estado Tachira: Bosque Valencia below Páramo de Tama, Villa Paez, R.M. Schuster & L. Ruiz-Teran 76-2279 (F, holotype) ≡ Prionocolea marginata (R.M.Schust.) R.M.Schust., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 72: 277, 1992 ( Schuster 1992), nom. inval. (ICN Art. 35.1; genus not valid). Blocking name:— Lejeunea marginata (Lehm.) Gottsche, Lindenb. et Nees, Syn. Hepat. 2: 393, 1845 ( Gottsche et al. 1845) ≡ Cololejeunea marginata (Lehm.) Spruce ex Pearson, Forh. Vidensk. - Selsk. Kristiania 1892 (8): 9 ( Pearson 1892).

Lejeunea falcata (Pócs et J.Eggers) Pócs , comb. nov. Basionym:— Papillolejeunea falcata Pócs et J.Eggers, Bryobrothera 5:163, 1999 ( Pócs & Eggers 1999). Type:— PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Southern Highlands Prov.: Tari, between Tari Gap and Ambua Lodge, 14–18 May 1997, J. Eggers, No. PNG 3/203 (herb. J. Eggers, Schenefeld, holotype!).

Lejeunea flava (Sw.) Nees, Naturgesch. Eur. Leberm. View in CoL 3: 277, 1838 ( Nees 1838). Basionym:— Jungermannia flava Sw. , Nova Gen. Spec. Pl. Prodr.: 144, 1788 ( Swartz 1788). Type:— JAMAICA. Swartz s.n. (UPS [Hb. Thunb. 25916, c.per., not seen], lectotype by Grolle 1976b; S! [scanty, 2 shoots], BM! [c.per.], isolectotypes).

= Lejeunea leucophaea Spruce, Trans. & Proc. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh 15: 267, 1884 ( Spruce 1884), syn. nov. Type:— ECUADOR. “ad Rio Verde, fl. Pastasa affluentem, alt. 1500 m.”, “ad pedem Montis Tunguragua”, Spruce s.n. (MANCH CC 18697! [= MANCH000274], lectotype here designated [or possibly holotype] autoicous, c.per.).

= Lejeunea consimilis Gottsche ex Steph., Sp. Hepat. 5: 729, 1915 ( Stephani 1915), syn. nov. Type:— BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro, Glaziou 7226 [Stephani herb. No. 26027] (G-00282345!, lectotype here designated [or possibly holotype] autoicous, c.per.).

= Eulejeunea subsymphoreta Steph., Sp. Hepat. 6: 418, 1923 ( Stephani 1923), syn. nov. Type:— BOLIVIA. Cochabamba, prov. Chapare, Tablas , 1800 m, Herzog 4614 (G-00121988!, lectotype here designated, autoicous, c.per.; M, isolectotype). Ibidem, Herzog 4604 (G-00121997!, paralectotype, c.per.). Note:— Herzog 4614 was chosen as lectotype as the collection is larger than in Herzog 4604.

Lejeunea koponenii (Pócs et J.Eggers) Pócs , comb. nov. Basionym:— Papillolejeunea koponenii Pócs et J.Eggers, Bryobrothera 5:159, 1999 ( Pócs et Eggers 1999). Type:— PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Southern Highlands Prov.: Tari, between Tari Gap and Ambua Lodge, 14–18 May 1997, J. Eggers, No. PNG 3/200 (herb. J. Eggers, Schenefeld, holotype!).

Lejeunea herminieri (Steph.) R.L.Zhu View in CoL , comb. nov. Basionym:— Archilejeunea herminieri Steph., Sp. Hepat. 4: 714, 1911 ( Stephani 1911). TYPE:— GUADELOUPE. s.loc., l’Herminier s.n. (G-00060727). NOTE:—The earliest name is Archilejeunea saccatiloba but this is unavailable in Lejeunea View in CoL which Ye et al. (2013) overlooked. Stephani (1911) described Archilejeunea subinermis twice (p. 703 and 720) and Archilejeunea herminieri . Archilejeunea subinermis Stephani (1911: 720) is synonymous with this species (cf. Gradstein & Buskes 1985) but this name is also not available in Lejeunea View in CoL . Thus, the earliest available name is Lejeunea herminieri View in CoL , which we adopt here.

= Archilejeunea subinermis Steph., Sp. Hepat. 4: 720, 1911 ( Stephani 1911), syn. fide Gradstein & Buskes (1985). TYPE:— MEXICO. Inter Frullaniam (G-00060840). Blocking name:— Lejeunea subinermis ( Stephani 1895c: 318) Stephani (1901: 318) .

= Archilejeunea saccatiloba Steph., Hedwigia 34: 61, 1895 ( Stephani 1895a), syn. fide Gradstein (2013). TYPE:— BRAZIL, s.loc., Beyrich s.n. [Stephani herb. no. G-20795] (G-00060842!, lectotype here designated [or possibly holotype]). = Lejeunea saccatiloba (Steph.) R.L.Zhu et W.Ye, J. Syst. Evol. 51 (4): 472, 2013 ( Ye et al. 2013), nom. illeg. (ICN Art. 53.1; hom. illeg.). Blocking name:— Lejeunea saccatiloba ( Stephani 1891: 207) Anonymous (1891 : IX).

= Cyrtolejeunea antillana R.M.Schust., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 97: 336, 1970 ( Schuster 1970). TYPE:— DOMINICA. Freshwater lake near Morne Micotrin, ca. 790 m, R.M. Schuster 66619a (F, holotype), syn. fide. Grolle in Dauphin et al. (1998).

Lejeunea trinitensis Lindenb., Syn. Hep. View in CoL 3: 381, 1845 (Gottsche et al. 1843). Type:— TRINIDAD, Crüger s.n (W- Lindenb. Hep. 6668!, lectotype here designated [or possibly holotype]). Note:—For more information about the type, see Grolle (1981).

= Lejeunea prorepens Spruce, Trans. & Proc. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh 15: 277, 1884 ( Spruce 1884), syn. nov. Type — PERU. ad fluvii Huallaga cataractas, supra filices, Spruce s.n. ( MANCH-CC16938 ! [= MANCH000357 About MANCH ] (autoica, c.per.), lectotype here designated; MANCH-CC16937 ! [= MANCH000356 About MANCH ] (autoica, c. per.), isolectotype).

Lejeunea viridis R.M.Schust. ex L.Söderstr. et A.Hagborg , sp. nov. Based on:— Prionocolea viridissima R.M.Schust., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 75: 215, 1994 ( Schuster 1994), nom. inval. (ICN Art. 35.1; genus not valid). Type:— COLOMBIA. Isla Gorgona. R.M. Schuster 88-1621b (F, holotype). Blocking name:— Lejeunea viridissima Lindenb., Sp. Hepat.

(Lindenb.) 5: 320, 1843 ( Lindenberg 1843). Note:—We base the current species on the description in Schuster (1994: 215) together with the current type citation.














Lejeunea edentata L.Söderstr.

Pócs, Tamás, Zhu, Rui-Liang, Reiner-Drehwald, Elena, Söderström, Lars, Hagborg, Anders & Konrat, Matt Von 2015

Jungermannia flava

Sw. 2015

Lejeunea herminieri (Steph.) R.L.Zhu

R. L. Zhu 2015

Lejeunea herminieri

R. L. Zhu 2015

Archilejeunea subinermis

Stephani 1911

Archilejeunea subinermis

Stephani 1911: 720

Lejeunea subinermis (

Stephani 1901: 318

Lejeunea saccatiloba ( Stephani 1891: 207 )

Anonymous 1891


Libert 1820


Libert 1820
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