Prionocandona kantii Gupta, 1989

Meisch, Claude, Smith, Robin J. & Martens, Koen, 2024, An updated subjective global checklist of the extant non-marine Ostracoda (Crustacea), European Journal of Taxonomy 974, pp. 1-144 : 8

publication ID 10.5852/ejt.2024.974.2767


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scientific name

Prionocandona kantii Gupta, 1989


Prionocandona kantii Gupta, 1989

This unusual species, the sole member of its genus, was inadvertently omitted from Meisch et al. (2019a). It was described from groundwaters of Bihar, India, and originally placed in the subfamily Herpetocyprellinae of the family Cyprididae , although the genus was given the ending ‘ candona ’. The antenna was reported to lack swimming setae ( Gupta 1989), although the figures appear to show the presence of one very reduced seta. The seventh limb, with a well-developed terminal pincer arrangement, clearly indicates that it does belong to the Cyprididae , while the caudal ramus attachment has a Triebel’s loop, which indicates that it belongs to the subfamily Cypricercinae . The Triebel’s loop is clearly part of the dorsal branch of the attachment, and so we here transfer it to the tribe Bradleystrandesiini of the Cypricercinae .

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