Primula qiupuensis J.W.Shao, 2020

Zhang, Chao, Zhang, Jian-Ye, Chen, Fang-Ming, Chen, Wen-Hao, Chen, Dong-Sheng & Shao, Jian-Wen, 2020, Primula qiupuensis, a new species in Primulaceae from China, Phytotaxa 441 (2), pp. 176-182 : 177-180

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.441.2.4

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Primula qiupuensis J.W.Shao

sp. nov.

Primula qiupuensis J.W.Shao View in CoL , sp. nov. (Figs. 1–3).

Type: — CHINA. Anhui: Shitai County, Gongxi Town, Lixin Village , 30°15’22’’ N, 117°33’30’’ E, under the forest, beside the stream on the north slope, elev. ca. 320 m, 16 March 2015, Jian-Wen Shao and Jing Liu 20150316-2 (holotype ANUB 002324 About ANUB ; isotypes ANUB 002326 About ANUB , ANUB 002321 About ANUB , ANUB 002320 About ANUB , ANUB 002319 About ANUB & ANUB 002315 About ANUB ) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis: —This species is similar to P.merrilliana but differs from it in pollen being stephanocolpate (vs. pantoporate), and pinnae being pinnatilobate to pinnatipartite (vs. pinnatipartite to pinnatisect).

Herb biennial, dwarf, glabrous. Leaves 10–30 in an open rosette; petiole 0.5–2.0 (–3)cm long; leaf blade pinnatisect, 1.5–8.0 cm long, 0.8–2.0 cm wide; pinnae 3–7 pairs, elliptic, 3.0–9.0 mm long, margin pinnatilobate to pinnatipartite, segments 5–7, apex mucronulate; terminal pinna slightly larger, usually 3-lobed. Scapes 2 to 10 in each plant, 2.0–7.0 (–10.0) cm tall, carrying 1 umbel or 2 superimposed umbels, usually 3 flowers per umbel; bracts linear lanceolate, 3–5 mm long. Pedicel slender, 1.5–4.0 cm long. Flowers distylous or homostylous. Calyx narrowly campanulate, 4.0–5.0 mm long, split to middle; lobes lanceolate, apex acute, not outward curvature, veins 3. Corolla pink or lilac, distylous flowers limb 11.0–21.0 mm across, lobes obovate to obovate-elliptic, ca. 7.0× 4.5 mm, apex rounded. Pin flowers: corolla tube ca. 7.0 mm, stamens at middle of corolla tube; style about as long as tube. Thrum flowers: corolla tube ca. 8.0 mm, stamens at the mouth of corolla tube, style ca. 2 mm. Homostylous flowers limb 7.0–14.0 mm across, lobes obovate, ca. 5.0× 2.5 mm, corolla tube 4.0- 6.8 mm, both stamens and stigma at the mouth of corolla tube. Pollen grains suboblate with 4–7 (8) colpi, with reticulated ornamentation. Capsule subglobose, 3.0–4.0 mm in diam., dehiscing by valves.

Phenology: —Flowering of Primula qiupuensis is from March to April, and fruiting is from April to May.

Distribution: — Primula qiupuensis is distributed in the hilly and mountainous areas of Qiupu River Basin (North of Guniujiang Mt.).

Habitat: — Primula qiupuensis usually occurs along stream sides under (or at the edge of) broadleaf deciduous forests or cultivated land on the northern slopes ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ).

IUCN Red List category: —The distribution area of Primula qiupuensis is very limited (ca. 1500 km 2, Fig. 1) and its habitat is fragmented. Furthermore, the size of currently known populations ranges from 200 to 3000 (mostly less than 500 individuals per population, Table 1) and the number of mature individuals extremely fluctuates among years in some known populations (such as TL, SS and PLD in Table 1). Therefore, its conservation status is evaluated as Vulnerable (VU) based on the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria (B1ac (iv); IUCN 2019).

FIGUE 1. The distribution of species in Primula sect. Ranunculoides .— A. P. ranunculoides ; P. merrillana ;

P. cicutariifolia ; ★ P. jiugongshanensis ; red line indicating P. qiupuensis distribution area. — B. The distribution areas (indicated by red line) and populations of P. qiupuensis . P. qiupuensis locations, with white or yellow outline indicating distylous and homostylous populations respectively. The population codes see Table 1.

Figure 3. Primula qiupuensis J.W.Shao. —A. Plant.—B-D. Corolla longitudinal section of long-, short- and homostyled flowers, showing the position of pistil and stamens.—E-F. Pollen morphology of short-styled flower in equatorial (E) and polar view (F), showing stephanocolpate pollen grains with 7 colpi.—G. Bracts.—F. Calyx.

Etymology: —The specific epithet refers to Qiupu River Basin, where the known populations of this new species distribute. This region also holds a long cultural history.

Additional specimens examined (paratypes): — CHINA. Anhui: Guichi District, Meicun Town, Likengcun , 30°23′48″ N, 117°30′15″ E, elev. ca. 40 m, 9 April 2016, Jian-Wen Shao and Wei Zhang 20160409-1 ( ANUB 002328 About ANUB ) GoogleMaps ; Guichi District, Pailou Town, Dawangdong Scenic , 30°21’18’’ N, 117°20’58’’ E, elev. ca. 205 m, 14 March 2015, Jian-Wen Shao and Jing Liu 20150313-1 ( ANUB 002314 About ANUB ), Jian-Wen Shao and Jing Liu 20150314-2 ( ANUB 002322 About ANUB ) GoogleMaps ; Guichi District, Tangxi Town, Shashang , 30°18’58’’ N, 117°34’54’’ E, elev. ca. 200 m, 13 March 2015, Jian-Wen Shao and Jing Liu 20150313-2 ( ANUB 002323 About ANUB ) GoogleMaps ; Guichi District, Tangxi Town, Yinshan , 30°26’32’’ N, 117°35’37’’ E, elev. ca. 120 m, Jian-Wen Shao and Jing Liu 13 March 2015, 20150313-1 ( ANUB 002318 About ANUB , ANUB 002327 About ANUB ) GoogleMaps ; Shitai County, Hengdu Town, Lianhuatian , 30°09’03” N, 117°35’05” E, elev. ca. 100m, 9 March 2016, Jian-Wen Shao and Wei Zhang 20160309-1 ( ANUB 002316 About ANUB ) GoogleMaps ; Shitai County, Renli Town , 30°11’15’’ N, 117°31’01’’ E, elev. ca. 300 m, 16 March 2015, Jian-Wen Shao and Jing Liu 20150316-1 ( ANUB 002325 About ANUB ) GoogleMaps ; Tongling City, Shunan Town, Fenghaungshan , 30°51’22” N, 118°01’28” E, elev. ca. 90 m, 10 April 2016, Jian-Wen Shao and Wei Zhang 20160410-1 ( ANUB 002329 About ANUB ) GoogleMaps .













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