Pourthiaea tomentosa (T.T. Yu & T.C. Ku) Long Y. Wang, W. Guo & W.B. Liao, 2020

Guo, Wei, Fan, Qiang, Zhang, Xian-Zhi, Liao, Wen-Bo, Wang, Long-Yuan, Wu, Wei & Potter, Daniel, 2020, Molecular reappraisal of relationships between Photinia, Stranvaesia and Heteromeles (Rosaceae, Maleae), Phytotaxa 447 (2), pp. 103-115 : 111

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.447.2.3

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scientific name

Pourthiaea tomentosa (T.T. Yu & T.C. Ku) Long Y. Wang, W. Guo & W.B. Liao


2.1a Pourthiaea amphidoxa var. amphidoxa View in CoL Stranvaesia amphidoxa var. amphidoxa

2.1b Pourthiaea amphidoxa var. amphileia (Hand.-Mazz.) W. Guo, W.B. Liao & Long Y. Wang, com. nov. ≡ Photinia amphidoxa var. amphileia Handel-Mazzetti (1933: 481) . ≡ Stranvaesia amphidoxa var. amphileia (Hand.-Mazz.) T.T. Yu in Yu & Ku (1974: 214). Type:— CHINA. Hunan, Wugang, Yunshan, alt. 1100–1300m, April 1919, T.H. Wang s.n. (lectotype designated here: WU-0059454!, isolectotype: A-00045592!). Other syntypes examined: 15 June 1918, H. Handel-Mazzetti 2507 (syntype: WU-0059455!), 6–8 August 1917, 220006 (syntype: WU-0059456!, A-00045586!, NY-00436109!). (see note 5)

2.2 Pourthiaea tomentosa (T.T. Yu & T.C. Ku) Long Y. Wang, W. Guo & W.B. Liao com. nov. ≡ Stranvaesia tomentosa T.T. Yu & T.C. Ku in Yu et al. (1975: 102). Type:— CHINA. Chongqing, Nanchuan, Jinfoshan, K.C. Kuan et al. 1319 (lectotype designated here: PE-00026319!, isolectotypes: PE-00026320!, PEY-0035360!, CDBI-0172158!). (see note 6)

3. Photinia Lindl. in Gawler (1820a: pl. 491). ≡ Heteromeles Roemer (1847: 105) . Type species: Photinia arbutifolia Lindl. in Gawler (1820a: pl. 491).

Trees or shrubs, evergreen. Winter buds small; scales imbricate. Leaves alternate, simple, leathery, margin serrate, rarely entire; stipules present, usually caducous. Inflorescences terminal, compound-corymbose, many flowered. Hypanthium cupular or campanulate to cylindric, adnate to ovary or free near apex. Sepals 5, persistent, short. Petals 5, contorted or imbricate in bud, base clawed. Stamens 10–20. Carpels 2–5; ovary semi-inferior, 2–5-loculed, in fruit free apically; styles 2–5, free or ± connate, short, dilated apically; stigmas truncate; ovules 2 per locule, erect. Fruit a pome, globose, ovoid, or ellipsoid, somewhat fleshy, 2–5-loculed, free from hypanthium only near apex, with persistent, incurved sepals; carpel crustaceous or membranous, each locule 1- or 2-seeded; seeds erect, testa leathery; cotyledons plano-convex.

About 33 species and 4 varieties, distributed in east, southeast Asia and North America.

3.1 Photinia davidiana (Decne.) Cardot (1919: 399) View in CoL . ≡ Stranvaesia davidiana Decaisne (1874: 179) View in CoL . Type:— CHINA. Tibet: Baoxing, Mou-Pin “now belongs to Sichuan ”, A. David s.n. (holotype: P-02143103!).














Pourthiaea tomentosa (T.T. Yu & T.C. Ku) Long Y. Wang, W. Guo & W.B. Liao

Guo, Wei, Fan, Qiang, Zhang, Xian-Zhi, Liao, Wen-Bo, Wang, Long-Yuan, Wu, Wei & Potter, Daniel 2020

Photinia davidiana (Decne.)

Cardot, M. J. 1919: )
Decaisne, M. J. 1874: )
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