Polyphrix misa, Inga & Alvarado, 2024

Inga, Lita & Alvarado, Mabel, 2024, Two new species of the genus Polyphrix Townes 1972 (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Cryptinae) from Peru, Zootaxa 5497 (2), pp. 267-275 : 268-271

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5497.2.6

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scientific name

Polyphrix misa

sp. nov.

Polyphrix misa sp. nov.

Figs 1–2 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 , 4C View FIGURE 4

Material examined. Holotype: 1♀ “ PERU: LO. Alto Nanay , Qda Lobillos, 120m 18M 0563775E, 9610397N 12.xii.2008, C. Castillo //Aguajal Mixto Colecta manual 11AB” ( MUSM) . Paratype: 1♀ and 1♂ similar to holotype, 1♂ “ PERU: LO. Alto Rio Chambira 18M 569924E 9674657N 174m, 9.x.2008, F. Meza // Colinas fuertemnt disect, Yellow trap 11 T32 Y6”, and 1♀ “ PERU: MD, Manu , Rio Serjali 12º42’55.5”S 71º14’31.6”W 428m, 19-21.i.2011, J. Costa ” ( MUSM) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Polyphrix misa sp. nov. may be distinguished from all other species by the combination of the following characters: mesosoma completely orange, metasomal tergites 2–8 black with apical white stripe and hind femur black. It is quite similar to P. varians but differs in having the hind femur black (vs. orange) and the genal orbits pale yellow but interrupted at mid gena (vs. completely white).

Description. Female holotype.

Fore wing 10.20 mm. Body entirely shiny, scarcely punctate and very sparsely pilose. Head ( Figs 1A,B View FIGURE 1 ): antenna with 33 flagellomeres; clypeus scarcely punctate, CWH 2.00, CWW 1,26 apex slightly convex; mandible and palpi sparsely pilose; mandible moderately long, MLW 2.10, MWW 0.60, ventral tooth slightly longer and more robust than dorsal tooth; occipital carina moderately high, sharp, uniformly curved, ending far from hypostomal carina, at distance as large as basal width of mandible; MSM 0.50.

Mesosoma ( Figs 1A, 1C,D View FIGURE 1 ): pronotum with weak and short wrinkles at posterior margin of collar inferiorly; dorsal margin regular, neither swollen nor prominent; mesoscutum subcircular; notaulus almost absent, traceable only in tangent anterior view; lateral carina of scutellum weak, distinct only on anterior 0.2; epicnemial carina restricted to ventral 0.70 of mesopleuron, almost straight, mesopleuron dorsad of carina giving rise to short and very weak transverse strigulation; mesopleural fovea shallow; mesopleural suture straight, narrow and crenulate; median portion of postpectal carina very weak, short and slightly arched forward; metapleuron smooth, shiny, with sparse hairs; justacoxal carina present only as very short subvertical ridge; transverse furrow at base of propodeum centrally 0.70 as long as distance anterior transverse carina to anterior margin of propodeum, measured centrally. Legs: hind pre-apical tarsomere not distinctly bilobed; FLW 7.40. Propodeum anterior margin centrally concave; SWL 2.00; anterior transverse carina straight, area behind it with 8 or 9 distinct straight transverse wrinkles, either complete or incomplete, posterior ones stronger and sharper. Wings ( Figs 1A, 1E View FIGURE 1 ): fore wing vein 1-Rs+M distinctly sinuous, without bulla; crossvein 1m-cu uniformly arched, slightly shorter than 1-Rs+M; vein 1M+Rs anteriorly straight, posteriorly arched; crossvein 1cu-a straight, forming straight angle with M+Cu, ending basad of vein 1M+Rs by about 0.2 its own length; crossvein 2cu-a 0.25 as long as vein 2-Cu; cell 1+2Rs (areolet) of moderate size, APH 0.15, transversely rectangular, AWH 2.13; crossvein 3r-m spectral, distinctly longer than 2r-m; hind wing vein M+Cu forming straight angle with vein M; HW1C 0.89; vein 2-Rs entirely tubular; crossvein 1r-m with bulla at ventral 0.3; veins 1-Rs and 2-Rs distinctly angled; vein Cub straight, reaching about 0.8 of distance to wing margin; vein 2-1A reaching about 0.85 of distance to wing margin.

Metasoma ( Figs 1A, 1D, 1F View FIGURE 1 ): first tergite elongate, slender, T1LW 3.64, T1WW 1.57; spiracle at center, slightly protuberant; T2LW 1.65, T2WW 1.85; tergites 3–8 smooth, shiny, pilose; OST 1.59; ovipositor moderately slender, straight, scarcely punctate, laterally strongly compressed; dorsal valve with nodus and notch, ventral valve with eight apical teeth; apex moderately long, pointed.

Color ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ). Head: scape, pedicel and flagellomeres black except for flagellomeres T7–17, T6 distal end and T18–23 dorsally white, apically flagellomeres dark brown; supra-clypeal area, clypeus, mouth parts, malar space and orbital and gena band (interrupted at mid gena) pale yellow; apex of mandible dark brown; supra-antennal area, occiput, temple and except orbital band, black. Mesosoma : orange except for fore and mid legs with tibia and tarsomeres 1–4 pale yellow, tarsomere 5 brown; hind leg with trochantellus, femur and apical third of tarsomere 5 brown, tibia and basitarsus pale yellow, and tarsomeres 2–4 and tarsomere 5 (except distal third) white. Metasoma: Tergites usually black; T1 basally orange to apically black, apical stripe pale yellow; T2 basally (at the center) dark orange; T2–7 basally black with apical and lateral stripes pale yellow; T8 basally black with lateral stripes pale yellow; S1–3 pale yellow with small black stripes on the sides; ovipositor dark red, sheaths dark brown; wings hyaline.

Variation of female paratypes. Fore wing length 9.2–10.8 mm. They differ from the holotype in the following features: CWH 1.58–1.80, CWW 1.23–1.25, MLW 1.92–2.20, MWW 0.69–0.70, MSM 0.54–0.70; Mesosoma with legs FLW 6.80–7.64, SWL 1.80–2.00; fore wing APH 0.16–0.26, AWH 1.78–2.00; hind wing HW1C 1.00–1.15; metasoma with T1LW 3.58–3.89, T1WW 1.80–2.00, T2LW 1.60–1.71, T2WW 1.56–1.81, OST 1.29–1.48. Within the coloration orbital and gena band complete or interrupted at middle, antenna with 33–34 flagellomeres with T18–21 dorsally white.

Male paratypes ( Fig 2 View FIGURE 2 ). Fore wing length 8.5–8.8 mm. They differ from the females in the following features: CWH 1.77–2.36, CWW 1.18–1.28, MLW 1.83–1.92, MWW 0.54–0.58, MSM 0.42–0.50; Mesosoma with legs FLW 7.44–8.00, SWL 1.40–1.50; fore wing APH 0.16–0.23, AWH 1.50–2.14; hind wing HW1C 1.15–1.60; metasoma with T1LW 4.33–4.41, T1WW 1.31–1.50, T2LW 2.60–3.08, T2WW 1.33–1.56. Antennal coloration differs as follows: pedicel and flagellomeres black except for flagellomeres T5–22, T6 distal half and T9, 23–27 dorsally white or flagellomeres T10–21, T6 distal half and T9, 22–23 dorsally whit, apically flagellomeres dark brown.

Distribution. Peru, Loreto and Madre de Dios Departments ( Fig. 4C View FIGURE 4 ).

Etymology. The specific epithet ‘ misa’ means ʻbicolorʼ in Quechua, noun in apposition.


Type Collection


Museum Donaueschingen













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