Polydictya barclayi, Constant, 2016

Constant, Jérôme, 2016, Two new species of Polydictya from Borneo and Siberut, and notes on P. chewi Nagai & Porion, 2004 and P. tanjiewhoei Bosuang, Audibert & Porion, 2015 (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Fulgoridae), Belgian Journal of Entomology 43, pp. 1-17 : 1-17

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13271377

publication LSID


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scientific name

Polydictya barclayi

sp. nov.

Polydictya barclayi View in CoL sp. nov.

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:DAFC368C-6F7C-4D23-92D5-D7F616D4F6C5 Figs 1 View Fig , 2 View Fig , 8 View Fig

ETYMOLOGY. The species name is a patronym dedicated to Mr Max Barclay (BMNH) in acknowledgment for his assistance with my work.

TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype ♂: [Sabah, Gunung Lutong , 15 18 April 88, Ento FRC] [ Malaysia CIE A20315] [L NO 20] ( BMNH).

NOTE. “88” stands for 1988 as year of collecting; “Ento FRC” for Entomology: Forset Research centre”, referring to a facility near Sandakan in Sabah; “CIE” for Commonwealth Institute of Entomology. The code “L NO 20” probably refers to a collecting event about which no further information is available (pers. comm. M. Barclay, Dec. 2015).

DIAGNOSIS. The species can be separated from all other Polydictya species by the following combination of characters: (1) Tegmina orange brown with numerous small black spots on corium; membrane without spots ( Fig. 1 A View Fig ); (2) hind wings orange with apical and sutural margins, and anal area brown ( Fig. 1 A View Fig ); (3) frons regularly rounded in dorsal view, not projecting anteriorly ( Fig. 1 B View Fig ), orange-brown ( Fig. 1 D View Fig ); (4) anterior tibiae not laminate ( Fig. 1 A, C View Fig ); (5) abdomen black dorsally ( Fig. 1 A View Fig ); (6) terminalia orange.


Measurements and ratios ♂ (n = 1): LT: 19.7 mm; LTg/BTg = 2.54; BV/LV = 4.86; LF/BF = 0.79.

Head: entirely orange-brown ( Fig. 1 B, D View Fig ); vertex curved and deeply grooved transversely with transverse carina in middle, not reaching lateral margins, and all 4 margins carinate ( Fig. 1 B View Fig ); frons slightly visible from above ( Fig. 1 B View Fig ), convex, smooth, subquadrate with impressed, bisinuate longitudinal groove along lateral margin, starting in front of eye ( Fig. 1 D View Fig ); clypeus narrower and shorter than frons, brown apically ( Fig. 1 D View Fig ); labium elongate, brown, reaching posterior trochanter ( Fig. 1 C View Fig ); antennae orange-brown with scape cylindrical; pedicel bulbous ( Fig. 1 D View Fig ).

Thorax: orange-brown ( Fig. 1 B, E View Fig ); pro-, meso- and metasternites brown ( Fig. 1 C View Fig ); pronotum rugulose, with pair of impressed points on disc; mesonotum smooth with disc slightly wrinkled longitudinally; scutellum slightly impressed on disc ( Fig. 1 B View Fig ); tegulae orange-brown ( Fig. 1 B, E View Fig ).

Tegmina: ( Fig. 1 A, C, F View Fig ) orange-brown with small black spots on corium: 4–5 spots in postcostal cell, 6–7 spots on clavus including a smaller one at apex of clavus and 8 spots distributed between claval suture and vein CA; membrane unicolorous; veins orange-brown, slightly paler than cells on membrane. Tegmina elongate, slightly broadening near apex; apex obliquely cut; costal margin straight.

Hind wings: ( Fig. 1 A, C View Fig ) orange with apex and sutural margins bordered with brown. Anal area brown; slightly broader than tegmina.

Legs: ( Fig. 1 A, C View Fig ) orange-brown with coxae and trochanters brown. Base and apex of femora and tibiae, and tarsi, dark brown. Metatibiae with 5 lateral and 7 apical spines.

Abdomen: ( Fig. 1 A, C View Fig ) black dorsally; brown ventrally; terminalia orange.

Male genitalia: pygofer, anal tube and gonostyli orange. Pygofer higher than long, with posterior margin showing digitiform, laterally flattened process at dorsal margin, directed posteriorly, and anterior margin strongly concave in lateral view ( Fig. 2 A, B View Fig ). Gonostyli ( Fig. 2 A View Fig ) elongate, 1.64 times longer than high in lateral view with posterior half broader and subbasal constriction in lateral view; strong lateral tooth directed posteroventrally at 2/3 of length, under dorsal margin; apical margin strongly rounded; dorsal margin slightly bisinuate and ventral margin broadly rounded in lateral view. Aedeagus ( Fig. 2 View Fig D-F) with endosomal process strongly laminate and broadening on posterior half; showing a strong ventral tooth and a deep narrow ventral groove on posterior half of broadened part; ventral margin of lamina resulting from groove furnished with small teeth; corpus and lamina separated and diverging apically; apical margin of corpus and lamina rounded. Anal tube elongate, 1.86 times longer than broad, broader at 2/3 of total length in dorsal view; curved ventrally near base in lateral view ( Fig. 2 A, B View Fig ); lateral margins strongly sinuate in dorsal view and mostly straight in lateral view ( Fig. 2 B View Fig ); apical margin strongly notched in dorsal view ( Fig. 2 C View Fig ) and rounded in lateral view.

DISTRIBUTION. Currently known from a single location on Borneo, Maliau Basin in the southern-central part of the state of Sabah ( Fig. 8 B View Fig ).

REMARKS. The most similar species is P. kuntzi Nagai & Porion, 2004 but the latter lacks the black spots on tegmina and has the dorsum of the abdomen largely bright red instead of entirely black.













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