Poecilosomella varians ( DUDA, 1925 )

Papp, L., 2002, Eighteen New Oriental Species Of Poecilosomella Duda (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 48 (2), pp. 107-156 : 119

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12587600



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scientific name

Poecilosomella varians ( DUDA, 1925 )


Poecilosomella varians ( DUDA, 1925) View in CoL

Material studied: 2 males, 1 female ( NMNH, 1 male in HNHM): SRI LANKA: Mate. Dist. , Sigiriya, 800 feet, black light, 13–14 November 1976 – Collected by: G. F. Hevel, R. E: Dietz IV, S. Karunaratne, D. W. Balasooriya ; 1 male ( NMNH): CEYLON, Anu. Dist. , Irrigation Bungalow, Padaviya 180 ft., 27 Feb.–9 Mar. 1970, Dawis & Rowe .

This species seems widespread if we take all the former distribution data into consideration ( HACKMAN 1977, PAPP 1991a,b). However, since there are a number of species which can be separated from P. varians only by the characteristics of their genitalia, some of the earlier records must be corroborated. It was recorded as new to Sri Lanka by PAPP (1991b), and is also reliably known from Singapore (type locality), India, Indonesia (W. Flores), cf. PAPP (1991 a).

P. brunettii ( DEEMING, 1969), P. nigrotibiata ( DUDA, 1925) and P. himalayensis ( DEEMING, 1969) were not found during this study. For their detailed morphology see DEEMING (1969) and PAPP (1991 a).


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile

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