Pilgrimcheles karolinae, Fraaije & Krzemiński & Van Bakel & Krzemińska & Jagt, 2014

Fraaije, René H. B., Krzemiński, Wiesław, Van Bakel, Barry W. M., Krzemińska, Ewa & Jagt, John W. M., 2014, New Late Jurassic symmetrical hermit crabs from the southern Polish Uplands and early paguroid diversification, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 59 (3), pp. 681-688 : 685

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.4202/app.2012.0022

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scientific name

Pilgrimcheles karolinae

sp. nov.

Pilgrimcheles karolinae sp. nov.

Figs. 2B, C View Fig , 3C View Fig .

Etymology: Named in honour of Karolina Borek, who, together with her parents, collected the majority of specimens used in the present study.

Types: Holotype is I−F/ MP/3953 /1533/08( ISEA), a near−complete shield (maximum length 3.0 mm, maximum width 2.5 mm), from Bzów; paratypes are MAB k.3205, a near−complete shield (maximum length 2.0 mm, maximum width 1.5 mm) from Ogrodzieniec and I−F/ MP/6266 /1599/12( ISEA), a near−complete carapace (maximum length 4.0 mm and maximum width 3.3 mm), from Niegowonice.

Type locality: Abandoned quarry at Bzów, a prolongation of the huge quarry at Ogrodzieniec, southern Poland .

Type horizon: Ammonites ( Ochetoceras canaliculatum , Trimarginites trimarginatus , Dichotomosphinctes sp. , and Glochioceras subclausum) collected at this locality, have recently been identified by Günter Schweigert (personal communication 2011). They indicate the Gregoriceras transversarium Zone of the middle Oxfordian. A single specimen in this lot might represent Cardioceras tenuiserratum , which would indicate the upper Perisphinctes plicatilis Zone (see also Matyja and Wierzbowski 1994).

Diagnosis.—As for genus, by monotypy.

Description.—Well−calcified and clearly areolated shield, length slightly exceeding width, subcylindrical transversely, slightly convex longitudinally. Small, broad−based, triangular rostrum, with a broad, median ridge which towards the gastric region turns into a central gastric groove. Orbital cavity rimmed and subovate, bounded by triangular, forwardly directed, post−ocular spine. Ocular−frontal area equaling about 55% of total maximum width. Posterior pointed, bluntly arrowhead−shaped gastric region, bounded laterally by the massetic grooves, posteriorly by deep V−shaped cervical groove; anterior part delimited by prominent crescentic post−rostral ridge and covered by transverse crenulations. Mesogastric process absent. Prominent, globose and elongated anterior and posterior massetic regions forming widest part of shield. Central part of V−shaped cervical groove pronounced and very deep, curving around reniform keraial region, extending through massetic grooves almost linearly towards postfrontal ridge. Anterior of keraial region and paralleling the posterior massetic region occurs an elongated submassetic region. Lateral of keraial region a similar−sized anterior branchial area. Cardiac region or other posterior parts not preserved.

Remarks.— Pilgrimcheles karolinae gen. et sp. nov. can be distinguished from Masticacheles longirostris gen. et sp. nov. in having more elongated massetic regions instead of globose rhomboidal ones, and in having submassetic and keraial regions of reniform shape. Mesoparapylocheles michaeljacksoni and Diogenicheles theodorae gen. et sp. nov. both have undivided massetic regions. Overall carapace morphology of Pilgrimcheles karolinae most closely resembles that of the extant Parapylocheles scorpio but differs in having a robust and ridged rostrum, broader orbital cavities and a divided massetic region.

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