Pheidole latiscava Vázquez-Franco, 2024

Vázquez-Franco, César Maximiliano, Castaño-Meneses, Gabriela, Ríos-Casanova, Leticia & Morrone, Juan J., 2024, Three new species of Pheidole Westwood, 1839 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae: Attini) from central Mexico, Zootaxa 5523 (2), pp. 192-210 : 198-202

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5523.2.3

publication LSID


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scientific name

Pheidole latiscava Vázquez-Franco

sp. nov.

Pheidole latiscava Vázquez-Franco sp. nov. 3A4F2B17-15A6-42D2-ACA2-D837D9121D56

Figures 4 View FIGURE 4 , 5 View FIGURE 5 , 6 View FIGURE 6 and 10B View FIGURE 10 .

Diagnosis. Morphometric profile similar to P. dentata Mayr 1886 , P. laevivertex Forel 1901 , P. lamancha Longino 2019 , P. potosiana Wilson 2003 , P. probolonotum Longino 2019 , P. psilogaster Wilson 2003 , P. purpurea Longino 2009 and P. sepultura Longino 2019 ; however, morphologically more similar to members of the P. diligens species group (sensu Wilson 2003), like P. insipida Forel 1899 and P. hoelldobleri Wilson 2003 . Pheidole latiscava sp. nov. is distinguished by the head sculpture, partially foveolate (see description), and the pore in the mesopleuron, unique in all known American Pheidole .

Pheidole piceonigra Emery 1922 is close to Pheidole latiscava nov. sp. in the key of Wilson, both species have some degree of foveolate sculpture in the space between the eye and occiput, but in P. latiscava sp. nov. this foveolate pattern is larger and covers part of the occipital lobe.

Description and measurements.

Minor worker. Paratypes. (n= 6): EL 0.13-0.15; HL 0.62-0.68; HW 0.55-0.59; PPW 0.15-0.18; PSL 0.04-0.07; PTW 0.11-0.13; SL 0.73-0-77; WL 0.81-0.92; CI 83.33-89.66; PPI 116.67-160; PSLI 6.67-10.71; SI 126.92-140.

Head. Oval in full-face view; clypeus without medial longitudinal carina; anterior margin of clypeus with small notch; posterior margin of head concave; occipital carina absent; antennal fossae surrounded by at least four carinae; scape surpassing occipital border; head foveolate including clypeus, except for less impressed longitudinal area between frontal lobes that includes the frontal triangle; head and scape covered by short, appressed setae, at least 3 suberect setae in ventral scape margin.

Mesosoma: Promesonotal groove in lateral view present; mesonotal concavity shaped in a 90° angle; pronotum posteriorly smooth and shiny; metanotum with pore close to posterolateral margin of pronotum; metathoracic spiracle visible, close to notopropodeal sulcus; katepisternum foveolate; propodeal spine small; basal face of propodeum concave. In dorsal view, propodeum with longitudinal groove (visible with lateral light). Humeri concave in dorsal oblique view. In general sculpture less impressed in dorsum of mesosoma; mesosoma with some short, appressed setae; metanotal tibia without stiff, erect or suberect setae.

Metasoma. Petiole in lateral view of similar length and width; short peduncle; petiolar lobe rounded, with two erect setae. Postpetiole in lateral view with ventral margin slightly concave, with two erect setae; oval in dorsal view. First gastral tergite smooth and shiny, covered by combination of long, erect and short, appressed setae, the latter denser.

Color: Body black with mandibles brown and yellow brown tarsi.

Major worker. Holotype: EL 0.19; HL 1.05; HW 1,03; PPW 0.31; PSL 0.09; PTW 0.20; SL 0.73; WL 1.08; CI 98.10; PPI 155.56; PSLI 8.38; SI 70.49. Paratypes (n= 5): EL 0.20-0.22; HL 0.99-1.12; HW 0.97-1.08; PPW 0.29-0.31; PSL 0.07-0.09; PTW 0.20-0.22; SL 0.75-0.78; WL 1.03-1.12; CI 93.88-97.78; PPI 130-144.44; PSLI 6.67-8.33; SI 71.43-77.27.

Head. Oval in full-face view, with subparallel sides; clypeus smooth and shiny, without medial longitudinal carinae; anterior border crenated; four hypostomal teeth, inner hypostomal teeth pointed, curved to midline ( Fig. View FIGURE 10 10B); occipital cleft concave; occipital lobes curved; scape not surpassing occipital lobes; sculpture of head complex, occipital lobes and an area with “V” form, that starting at the occipital corners to center of head, little more than level above eye, smooth and shiny; two parallel longitudinal carinae cross to center of head where they disappear; antennal fossa surrounded by parallel carinae, with small rugoreticulum in gena; some longitudinal carinae cover frontal lobes extending slightly more than level above eye; space among occipital lobes and between gena and eye with lesser foveolate pattern; pilosity short and appressed, long, erect setae in head and four suberect setae in ventral margin of scape.

Mesosoma. Promesonotal groove in lateral view present; notopropodeal sulcus deeply impressed; posterior half of pronotum smooth and shiny; metanotum with pore close to posterolateral margin of pronotum; outer contour of pore slightly longer than spiracle; mesopleuron foveolate; propodeum’s dorsal face slightly concave; propodeal spines blunt, half length of basal face of propodeum. Pronotum and mesonotum smooth and shiny, with some anterior carinae; promesonotal suture absent but foveolate pattern in its place. Humeri in dorsal oblique view subangulate; pronotum with appressed setae; mesonotum with two erect setae.

Metasoma. Petiole in lateral view with similar length and width, short peduncle; petiolar lobe rounded, with two erect setae. Postpetiole in lateral view with ventral margin slightly concave, with two erect setae; oval in dorsal view; first gastral tergite smooth and shiny, covered by combination of long, erect and short, appressed setae, the latter one denser.

Color: Body black, mandibles black reddish and yellow brown tarsi.

Queen (dealate). Paratype (n= 1): EL 0.46; HL 1.28; HW 1.43; PPW 0.84; PSL 0.15; PTW 0.51; SL 0.88; WL 2.25; CI 112.07; PPI 165.22; PSLI 12.07; SI 61.54.

Head. Cordate in full-face view; occipital lobes angulate; posterior border concave; longitudinal medial sulcus present, starts in posterior border of head and interrupted by medial ocelli; anterior border of clypeus crenate, without medial longitudinal carina; hypostomal border curved, with four hypostomal teeth; scape not surpassing occipital lobes, terete at base; mandibles, clypeus, frontal triangle, and occipital lobes smooth and shiny, rest of head foveolate, with longitudinal carinae in frontal lobes; rugoreticulum present between antennal fossa and eye; head covered by disperse, appressed setae; four pairs of erect setae visible in lateral view.

Mesosoma. Flat in lateral view, interrupted slightly by scutoscutellar sulcus; propodeum basal face sinuous, posterior face flat; propodeal spiracle ovoid, propodeal spine triangular; pronotum longitudinally carinulate, katepisternum and anepisternum smooth and shiny; anapleural sulcus present. Notaulus in dorsal view absent; parapsidal lines present; dorsal mesoscutum, mesoscutellum and pronotum smooth and shiny; sparse, appressed setae present in mesosoma; some sparse, thin, erect setae on mesoscutum and mesoscutellum in lateral view; legs with thin, appressed setae.

Metasoma: Petiole in lateral view longer than wide, long peduncle; petiolar lobe triangular, posteriorly projected, with two erect setae; ventral profile flat. Postpetiole in lateral view convex; ventral margin with anteroventral process; hexagonal in dorsal view, sides angulate. First gastral tergite shagreened and shiny, sculpture stronger anteriorly, with longitudinal carinae close to the postpetiole; stridulitrum visible in dorsal view; gaster with sparse, appressed setae; erect setae in posteroventral face.

Color: Body black, and yellow brown tarsi.

Male. Unknown.

Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the combination of the Latin words “latus” (side or flank) and “cavus” (hole or cavity), referring to the lateral cavities present in the mesosoma of both worker castes.

Geographic range. Mexico (Puebla). Only known from the type locality. Mexican Transition Zone (sensu Morrone 2019).

Biology. The type series was collected in a nest, under a rotten trunk on ground, in a shaded area. The nest was formed by 12 major workers, 21 minor and only one dealate queen, no alates were observed, and only some larvae and pupae were observed, but it was impossible to excavate the entire nest, for this reason this collection represents only a part of the adult colony. A particular aspect was the location of the queen, which was close to the surface of the trunk, so it was collected quickly, finding it in a chamber without larvae, pupae, or eggs, this species is probably monogynous. Both castes were observed foraging in the ground of the forest.

Comments. We consider that the lateral hole in the mesosoma is probably the opening of a mesothoracic spiracle, but extremely modified and exposed; however, this hypothesis needs verification. The function of this structure is unknown.

Variation in type series. In the minor worker, mesonotal convexity profile in lateral view, always present, angulate to concave and less projected in one specimen (CASENT0649724). In the major worker, the smooth and shiny area with “V” form is interrupted by a slightly impressed foveolate pattern, difficult to see in two specimens (CASENT0649725, CASENT0649721), in both cases the posterior part of occipital lobe are smooth and shiny.

Material examined. HOLOTYPE 1 major worker: “ MÉXICO, Puebla / Zapotitlán de Méndez / 20º0’17.83’’N 97º42’46.28’’W ±10 m / 772m, 4oct2023 / col. C. M. Vázquez-Franco #342-N // Cafetal con sombra diversificada / nido en tronco en descomposición / aspirador manual” [ CASENT0649719 , CNIN] GoogleMaps . PARATYPES: 1 dealate queen, 5 majors and 6 minor workers: Same data as holotype [2s, CASENT0649723 , CASENT0649725 ; GoogleMaps 2w CASENT0649724 , CASENT0649726 , CCMVF; GoogleMaps 1s, CASENT0649721 , GoogleMaps 2w, CASENT0649720 , CASENT0649722 , GoogleMaps 1dq, CASENT0649718 , CNIN; GoogleMaps 1s, CASENT0649727 , GoogleMaps 1w, CASENT0653344 , CZUG; GoogleMaps 1s, CASENT0653345 , GoogleMaps 1w, CASENT0653346 , IEXA] GoogleMaps .




Mexico, Jalisco, Guadalajara, Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro de Estudios en Zoologia, Entomologia


Coleccion Nacional de Insectos, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico


Universidad de Guadalajara,Centro de Estudios en Zoologia, Entomologia













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