Pedicularis siphonantha D. Don (1825: 95)

Garg, Arti & Singh, Rajeev Kumar, 2020, Typification of fifty one names in Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae), Phytotaxa 430 (2), pp. 61-94 : 91

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.430.2.1


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scientific name

Pedicularis siphonantha D. Don (1825: 95)


46. Pedicularis siphonantha D. Don (1825: 95) View in CoL .

Protologue citation:—“ Hab. in alpe Gosaingsthan Nepalensium. Wallich ”.

Type :— NEPAL. Gosain Than, s.d., Wallich cat. n. 417 (lectotype K001109995!, designated here) ; isolectotypes CAL!, E00273576!, E00273577!, P02968617!

Notes:—D. Don (1825) described Pedicularis siphonantha based on the collection of Wallich from Gosain Than, Nepal. Don’s types are known to be held mainly at BM and LINN-HS, but after contacting the curators of these herbaria no specimen of Wallich from Gosain Than, Nepal could be traced. Five specimens collected by Wallich from Gosain Than, Nepal were traced (CAL, E00273576, E00273577, K001109995 and P02968617). Of these, the best preserved specimen K001109995 from Wallich herbarium.

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