Parichoronyssus bakeri, Morales-Malacara and Guerrero, 2007, Morales-Malacara and Guerrero, 2007

Mello-Oliveira, Victor de Souza, Jacinavicius, Fernando de Castro, Guerro-de-Souza, Mariane, Júnior, Leormando Fortunato Dornelas, Castro-Santiago, Ana Carolina, Calchi, Ana Cláudia, Lourenço, Elizabete Captivo, Dowling, Ashley P. G., Famadas, Katia Maria, André, Marcos Rogério, Camargo, Luis Marcelo Aranha, Barros-Battesti, Darci Moraes & Bassini-Silva, Ricardo, 2024, Contribution to the knowledge of Parichoronyssus bakeri Morales-Malacara and Guerrero, 2007 (Mesostigmata: Macronyssidae): new locality and host-association records with additional molecular data, Acarologia 2007 (1), pp. 56-62 : 58

publication ID 10.24349/r5x8-stb5


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Parichoronyssus bakeri


The females of P. bakeri View in CoL

( Figure 1 View Figure 1 )

can be separated from other Parichoronyssus by having the dorsal shield with 13 pairs of setae; trichopores present in the place of setae j4 to j6, and z5 ; seta r2 absent; more than 24 pairs of setae on the integument of the ventral opisthosoma; entire anal shield without a line interrupting the perianal zone in the anterior region; coxal field I with a spine-like projection with rounded tip in the posterior region ( Figure 1E View Figure 1 ).

Only diagnostic characteristics of the females are being highlighted here since we have yet to obtain sequences of males and nymphal stages (deutonymph and protonymph) to confirm the species. According to the literature, these other stages were morphologically identified, but it is worth noting that different species of Parichoronyssus can parasitize the same host.

The three partial 18S rRNA sequences were obtained from two different lots (IBSP 18475 and 18513) from Rio de Janeiro State and were identical among them, constituting a single haplotype (GenBank access number OR242724). Compared with the sequences available in Genbank, this sequence showed 96.15% identity (query cover: 99%; e-value: 0.0) with Chiroptonyssus haematophagus (GenBank access number: FJ911855). While the six partial 16S rRNA sequences were obtained from three different lots (IBSP 18475, 18513, and 18514), also from the same state. Five sequences were identical between them, constituting a single haplotype, and the other sequence with a difference when compared to the haplotype (GenBank access number OR242725 and OR242726). The two haplotypes of 16S rRNA partial sequences showed 89.44% and 88.89% identity (query cover: 98% and 99%; e-value: 6e-14 and 4e-137, respectively) with Chiasmanyssus cavernicola (GenBank access number: MW522530).

Material examined. BRAZIL — 14♀ and 8♂ (IBSP 18370); Monte Negro Municipality, Rondônia State (63°14′2″W, 10°17′42″S); 20 May 2021 ; ex. Phyllostomus hastatus (Pallas, 1767) ( Chiroptera : Phyllostomidae ); Dornelas L. F. Jr. coll. 8♀ and 4♂ (IBSP 18376); same data. 14♀, 2♂ and 7PN (IBSP 18475); Mário Takume Farm, Tinguá Neighborhood, Nova Iguaçu Municipality, Rio de Janeiro State ; 17 Nov. 2011 ; same host; Lourenço E.C. et al. coll. 5♀ and 12PN (IBSP 18514); same locality and host; 14 Apr. 2012. 11♀ (IBSP 18513); same locality and host; 17 Nov. 2011.

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