Paratrachymyrmex irmgardae ( Forel, 1912 )

Mera-Rodríguez, Daniela, Serna, Francisco, Sosa-Calvo, Jeffrey, Lattke, John & Rabeling, Christian, 2020, A checklist of the non-leaf-cutting fungus-growing ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Colombia, with new biogeographic records, Check List 16 (5), pp. 1205-1227 : 1223

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Check List by Pensoft

scientific name

Paratrachymyrmex irmgardae ( Forel, 1912 )


(40) Paratrachymyrmex irmgardae ( Forel, 1912)

Fig. 10C, D View Figure 10

Material examined. COLOMBIA: Cesar • 1 worker; Valledupar; 10°23′17″N, 073°14′11″W; alt. 250– 150 m; Jan. 2011; Y. Dominguez leg.; UNAB 765 GoogleMaps .

Identification. Cephalic denticle absent; mandibles stri- ate but with no more than 12 striae between the lateral border and the basal teeth; and gaster with vestigial or no hair-tubercles (unpublished key by Kempf).

Distribution. Paratrachymyrmex irmgardae is only known from Colombia ( Fig. 1D View Figure 1 ) ( Kempf 1972).