Parasa neoherbifera, Katewa & Pathania, 2019

Katewa, Amit & Pathania, P. C., 2019, Genitalic studies of four Limacodid species (Limacodidae Lepidoptera) including the description of a new species from Western Ghats, India, Records of the Zoological Survey of India 119 (4), pp. 373-380 : 377-378

publication ID 10.26515/rzsi/v119/i4/2019/148937

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Parasa neoherbifera

sp. nov.

Parasa neoherbifera sp. nov.

( Plate 4 View Plate 4 , Photo A, Figures. B-F)

Rs basally after origin, Rs and M 1 closely approximating basally, M 2 and M 3 slightly diverging distally, M 3 arising from lower angle of cell, CuA 1 arising well before lower angle of cell, CuA 2 arising almost in middle of cell, CuP well developed, 1A+2A and 3A present, well developed, somewhat diverging distally.

Male genitalia: Male genitalia with uncus well formed, broadens towards middle region, then tapering towards distal end, setosed with long setae, tip ending to a small spine; gnathos present, bifurcated at tip; tegumen moderately broad; vinculum short, broad U-shaped; saccus developed; valva simple without any projections, broad at base, tapering towards proximal end, tip blunt, setosed with hairs; transtilla membranous; juxta present; aedeagus long and narrow, shallowly S-shaped, ductus ejaculatorious enters subapically.

Male: Alar expanse: 17 mm. Vertex pea-green, frons brown; antennae bipectinate, basal one-third strongly bipectinate, brown, scape brown scaled; labial palpus expanding upto frons, brown scaled, pale yellow scales on inner side, second segment larger than first and third, tip with pale yellow scales; thorax pea-green throughout; forewing with costa straight, termen oblique, straight, basal two-third reddish brown, outer margin light brown; cilia on termen dark brown, costa dark brown, hind wing rounded, blackish dark brown; cilia on termen brown; legs covered with brown scales, scattered white scales throughout, hairy; abdomen brown dorsally, yellowish brown ventrally.

Wing venation: Forewing with Sc ending beyond anterior two-third of costal margin, R 1 arising well before middle of cell, R 2 arising near upper angle of cell, R 3, R 4 and R 5 stalked, stalk originating from upper angle of cell, M 1 and M 2 almost straight and parallel to each other, M 2 and M 3 connate at lower angle of cell, CuA 1 arising well before lower angle of cell, CuA 2 originating before posterior one-third of cell, CuP well represented, 1A + 2A straight; hind wing with Sc + R1 anastomosing with Female genitalia: Not studied.

Material examined: Karnataka: Dist. Belgaum, FRH, Londa , 420m, 24.iii.2003, 01 ♂ ; Dist. Kodagu, Baghamandala , 900m, 25.xi.2003, 02 ♂♂ ; Dist. Uttar Kannada, Ganeshgudi , 480m, 13.xi.2003, 1♂ , 16.x.2005, 01 ♂.; Gujarat: Dist. The Dangs, Saputara , 970m ,

30.ix.2005, 04 ♂♂; Dist. The Dangs, Ahwa, 520m,

29.ix.2005, 01 ♂, coll. A. Katewa and Party.

Etymology: The specific name is derived as Parasa neoherbifera sp. nov. being sibling to P. herbifera Walker.

Remarks: Ten nonspecific specimens completely conform to the characteristics of the genus Parasa Moore were collected. However, they differ from other species of the genus as far as the coloration of the wings is concerned. In fact, these individuals represent an unnamed species, which is somewhat closely allied to P. herbifera Walker on the basis of the maculation of the wings. It differs from the same in the structure of the aedeagus, besides being somewhat smaller in alar expanse. Accordingly, the phenomenon is named as i.e., P. neoherbifera sp. nov.













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