Paranysson oscari R. Turner

Pulawski, Wojciech J., 2022, A Revision of the Genus Paranysson Guérin-Méneville, 1844 (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae), Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 67 (16), pp. 361-393 : 384-388

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.11512908


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scientific name

Paranysson oscari R. Turner


Paranysson oscari R. Turner View in CoL

Figures 37-44 View FIGURES View FIGURE .

Paranysson oscari R. Turner, 1914:341 View in CoL , ♀. Lectotype: ♀, Zambia: Pakasa, locality of unknown location (BMNH), present designation, examined. – Arnold, 1923:15 (in revision of African Paranysson View in CoL ), 1930:7 (in checklist of Afrotropical Sphecidae View in CoL ); Schouteden, 1930:92 ( Zaire); Arnold, 1951:163 ( Ghana: Aburi); Leclercq, 1968:89 (in revision of African Paranysson View in CoL ; Zaire), 1969:1053 ( Congo Brazzaville); R. Bohart and Menke, 1976:308 (in checklist of world Sphecidae View in CoL ); Dollfuss, 1990:122 ( Central African Republic).

Paranysson oscari race servus Arnold, 1929:392 View in CoL , ♂. Holotype: ♂, Liberia: Paiata ( MRAC, see Leclercq, 1968:89). Paratypes: Democratic Republic of the Congo: Stanleyville, now Kisangani. Synonymized with Paranysson oscari View in CoL by Leclercq, 1968:89. – Arnold, 1930:7 (in checklist of Afrotropical Sphecidae View in CoL ). LECTOTYPE DESIGNATION. R. Turner, 1914 described Paranysson oscari View in CoL from an unspecified number of females, without designating the holotype. I have designated as the lectotype of this species a female in the BMNH labeled “N. Rhodesia, Pakasa, 25.I.[19]11, Silverlock coll., 1912- 20”, “ Paranysson oscari Turn. View in CoL Type” in Turner’s handwriting, and “B.M. Type Hym. 21.1568.” RECOGNITION. Paranysson oscari View in CoL differs from its congeners by several outstanding characters. First, the basal portion of the mandible ( Fig. 39 View FIGURES ) is impunctate or has a few, sparse punctures (rather than being closely punctate). Also, the clypeal bevel is markedly inclined between basal part and lamella (perpendicular in some females, nearly reduced in some specimens). In the female, the ventral surface of the hindcoxal spine ( Fig. 40 View FIGURES ) is sparsely setose (glabrous in the other species); in the male, the palpi are conspicuously setose ( Fig. 41 View FIGURES ), terga V-VII sparsely punctate (in most specimens densely punctate apically on tergum VII), tergum VI with obtuse, lateral carina on each side ( Fig. 42 View FIGURES ), as in Paranysson inermis View in CoL , tergum VII with posterior margin truncate apically in most specimens ( Fig. 42 View FIGURES ) rather than rounded or triangular. As in P. inermis View in CoL , the propodeum in most specimens has no carina between side and posterior surface, although in some specimens an ill-defined carina is present. A subsidiary recognition feature is a long apical flagellomere, longer than in the other species except P. inermis View in CoL (its dorsal length is 2.1-2.2 × its basal width in the female and 2.0- 2.1 in the male, while 1.7-1.8 × and 1.6-1.8, respectively, in P. abdominalis View in CoL and less than that in the other species).

DESCRIPTION. Clypeal bevel markedly inclined between basal part and lamella (perpendicular in some females), nearly reduced in some specimens, delimited from basal part by sharp carina ( Figs. 37, 38 View FIGURES ), mesally extending toward clypeal base as glabrous line that is well defined in male ( Fig. 39 View FIGURES ); clypeal lamella with two teeth on each side, with only one teeth on the right side in male from Zimbabwe. Propodeal dorsum conspicuously ridged longitudinally in most specimens, reticulate in some, in most specimens without carina between side and posterior surface, with ill-defined carina in some.

♀ – Ocellocular distance equal to 1.0-1.1 × distance between hindocelli. Lateral teeth of clypeal free margin well defined, slightly protruding beyond clypeal margin between them. Dorsal length of flagellomere I 1.6-1.9 × apical width, of apical flagellomere 2.1-2.2 × its basal width. Hindcoxal spine originating closer to anterior hindcoxal margin than to posterior ( Fig. 40 View FIGURES ), setose ventrally, as long as or slightly longer than hindcoxal venter. Pygidial plate impunctate to sparsely punctate, mainly laterally. Length 7.8-12.2 mm.

♂ – Ocellocular distance equal to 1.1-1.2 × distance between hindocelli; dorsal length of flagellomere I 1.7-2.0 × apical width, of apical flagellomere 2.0-2.1 × its basal width. Palpi conspicuously setose ( Fig. 41 View FIGURES ). Mesothoracic venter covered with dense, appressed pilosity that completely conceals integument in oblique lateral views. Terga V-VII sparsely punctate (tergum VII in most specimens densely punctate apically), tergum VI with obtuse, lateral carina on each side ( Fig. 42 View FIGURES ), as in Paranysson inermis , tergum VII with posterior margin truncate apically in most specimens ( Fig. 42 View FIGURES ), insignificantly concave in some. Length 6.2-10.7 mm. Unlike other Paranysson , penis valve has a subapical lateral process ( Fig. 43 View FIGURES ).

GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION ( Fig. 44 View FIGURE ). Liberia and northern Cameroon in the north to northern South Africa in the south.

RECORDS. ANGOLA: Cuanza Sul Province: 4 mi. SW Quilenda (1 ♂, CAS) .

BURUNDI: Rumonge Province: 6 mi. N Rumonge (1 ♀, 1 ♂, CAS) .

CAMEROON: Nord Region: 15 km W Campement des Eléphants (= 67 km S Garoua) at 8°46.6ʹN 13°36.5′E (2 ♀, 1 ♂, CAS) . Sud Region: Dja [Faunal Reserve] (1 ♀, USNM) , 7 mi. S Ebolowa (1 ♂, CAS) .

CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: ca 40 km E Bambio at 3°59ʹN 17°11′E (1 ♀, 3 ♂, OÖLM) , ca 50 km NE Bambio at 4°10ʹN 17°14′E (1 ♀, 2 ♂, OÖLM) , 70 km NNE Bangui at 4°57ʹN 18°46′E (3 ♀, 4 ♂, OÖLM) , 50 km SW Bangui at 4°04ʹN 18°14′E (2 ♂, OÖLM) , Bangui-Binbo at 4°20ʹN 18°20′E (1 ♀, OÖLM) and 4°20ʹN 18°32′E (2 ♂, OÖLM) , 50 km from Boda [no direction] at 4°03ʹN 17°20′E (1 ♀, 1 ♂, OÖLM) , 140 km ESE Bossangoa at 6°11ʹN 18°22′E (1 ♀, OÖLM) , 60 km SE Bouar at 5°42ʹN 16°00′E (2 ♀, OÖLM) , 90 km S Bozoum at 5°39ʹN 16°37′E (1 ♀, OÖLM) , 90 km N Carnot at 5°36ʹN 15°54′E (1 ♀, 2 ♂, OÖLM) , Gashaka Gumti National Park at 7°21ʹN 11°32′E (1 ♀, OÖLM) , 40 km S Kaga Bandoro at 6°41ʹN 19°07′E (1 ♀, OÖLM) , 10 km NNE Mbaïki at 3°56ʹN 18°00′E (1 ♂, OÖLM) , 20 km NNE Mbaïki at 3°04ʹN 18°03′E (1 ♂, OÖLM) , 150 km WNW Mbaïki at 4°03ʹN 17°02′E (2 ♀, 5 ♂, OÖLM) , 35 km NE Nola at 3°46ʹN 16°13′E (2 ♂, OÖLM) , 40 km S Nola at 3°23ʹN 16°10′E (1 ♀, 2 ♂, OÖLM) , 45 km E Nola at 3°40ʹN 16°26′E (2 ♀, 2 ♂, OÖLM) and 3°32ʹN 16°26′E (1 ♂, OÖLM) , 90 km NE Nola at 4°04ʹN 16°37′E (1 ♀, 10 ♂, OÖLM) and 4°07ʹN 16°37′E (3 ♀, 6 ♂, OÖLM) , 95 km SW Sibut at 5°12ʹN 18°25′E (3 ♀, 1 ♂, OÖLM) .

DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO (localities followed by L are from Leclercq, 1968): Bas-Uélé Province: Abumombazi (L), Amadi (L), Api (L), Bambesa (L), Dingila (L), Poko at 3°10′N 26°50′E (1 ♀, 2 ♂, AMNH) GoogleMaps . Cuvette-Ouest Province: 10 km SW Kéllé at 0°05′09ʺN 14°26′07ʺE (1 ♀, OÖLM) GoogleMaps . Equateur Province: Eala (L), Sokro (L) . Haut - Katanga Province: 27 mi. SE Kienge (1 ♀, CAS) , Lubumbashi (L, as Elisabethville) , 4 mi. S Sampwe (1 ♀, CAS). Haut-Uélé Province: Mauda (L) . Kongo Central (formerly Bas-Congo): Kisantu (L), Kwilu (L), Luali (L), Madimba (L), Mayidi (L), Mbanza-Ngungu at 5°30′S 15°0′E (1 ♂, AMNH, as Thysville) GoogleMaps . Kwango Provinc e: Dima (L), 3 mi. E Kenge (3 ♂, CAS) , 13 mi. E Kenge (2 ♀, 1 ♂, CAS) , 34 mi. E Kenge (2 ♀, CAS) , 21 mi. W Popokabaka (1 ♂, CAS) . Kwilu Province: 46 mi. W Idiofa (1 ♂, CAS) , Ipamu (L), 10 mi. S Lusanga (1 ♀, CAS, as Leverville) . Lomami Province: Katomba (L), Lusuku (L) . Lualaba Province: Ditanto (L), Kapanga (L) . Maï-Ndombe Province: Bena Bendi (L), Bumbuli (L) , Tua (L), Lukogi (L), Wamba District : 2 km E Kikongo Mission at 4°16′S 17°12′E (9 ♀, 10 ♂, UCD) GoogleMaps . Maniema Province: Kasongo (L), 62 mi. E Kibombo (1 ♀, CAS) , Malela (L) . Mongala Province: Binga (L) . Nord-Kivu Province: Walikkale (L) 39 km S Walikale (1 ♀, CAS) , 17 mi. W Walikale (1 ♀, CAS) . Nord-Ubangi Province: Abumombazi (L), Bosobolo (L), Kekongo (L), Yakoma (L) . Oriental Province: Avakubi at 1°20′N 27°37′E (3 ♂, AMNH) GoogleMaps , Epulu [River] (1 ♀, 1 ♂, UCD) , Mayumbe (L), Zobe in Mayumbe (L) . Sankuru Province: Komi (L) . Sud-Kivu Province: Luhoho River at Irangi (1 ♀, CAS) . Tanganyika Province: 16 mi. SW Kalemie (1 ♂, CAS, as Albertville), Nyunzu (L) . Tshopo Province: Bafwabaca at 2°10′N 27°0′E (3 ♀, AMNH) GoogleMaps , Bafwasende at 1°10′N 27°0′E (1 ♀, AMNH) GoogleMaps , Basoko (L), Bengamisa at 1°0′N 25°10′E (2 ♀, 4 ♂, AMNH) GoogleMaps , Kisangani at 0°30′N 25°10′E (2 ♀, 20 ♂, AMNH, as Stanleyville), Yangambi (L) GoogleMaps . Tshuapa Province: Bokuma (L), Ikela (L), Lokolenge (L). Upemba National Park : Munowe River (1 ♀, CAS) .

GHANA: Ashanti Region: Akumadan (1 ♂, CAS) . Eastern Region: Aburi (1 ♂, USNM) , New Senchi at 6°12′N 0°05′E (1 ♀, OÖLM) GoogleMaps .

GUINEA: Mount Nimba National Park at 7°41.66′N 8°24.11′W (3 ♂, OÖLM) GoogleMaps .

IVORY COAST: Abijan District: Abijan : forêt de Banco (1 ♂, CAS) , 40 km NW Abijan (1 ♀, CAS) . Lacs District: Toumodi (♂, CAS) .

LIBERIA: Lofa County: Voinjama (1 ♂, CAS) .

MALAWI: Northern Region: Rhumphi (1 ♀, UCD) .

MOZAMBIQUE: Manica Province: 55 km NW Chimoio at 13°44′S 33°15′E (1 ♂, OÖLM) GoogleMaps . Niassa Province: Cuamba: Mituque Centro Pastoral (1 ♀, OÖLM) .

NIGERIA: Ogun State: Ikenne at 6°52′N 3°43′E (1 ♀, USNM) GoogleMaps . Ondo State: Ikoya at 6°30′32ʺN 4°41′28ʺE (13 ♀, 6 ♂, USNM) GoogleMaps . Oyo State: Olokemeji [Forest Reserve] near Ibadan at 7.42°N 3.55°E (1 ♀, 1 ♂, USNM) GoogleMaps .

REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO (= Congo Brazzaville ): Cuvette-Ouest: 15 km S Moyoye at 0°48′41ʺN 15°23′22ʺE (1 ♀, OÖLM) GoogleMaps , Odzala [National Park] ( Leclercq , 1969), Oka (1 ♀, USNM) . Pool: Brazzaville (Leclercq, 1969) . Sangha: 7 km SW Mokéto at 1°30′14ʺN 15°54′54ʺE (1 ♀, OÖLM) GoogleMaps .

SOUTH AFRICA: Limpopo: 35 km W Hoedspruit at 24°23′S 30°40′E (1 ♂, OÖLM) GoogleMaps .

ZAMBIA: Central Province: 60 km NW Kapiri Mposhi (1 ♂, OÖLM) . Copperbelt Province: 8 mi. SW Ndola (1 ♂, CAS) . Northwestern Province: 50 km E Mwinilunga (1 ♀, OÖLM) , 90 km Solwezi E Chisasa [sic] (1 ♂, OÖLM) , 100 km W Solwezi at 12°13′S 25°39′E (1 ♀, OÖLM) GoogleMaps , 150 km W Solwezi: Ntambu at 12°18′S 25°10′E (1 ♂, OÖLM) GoogleMaps .

ZIMBABWE: Bulawayo Province: Bulawayo airport at 20°00′S 28°38′E (1 ♀, 1 ♂, CAS) GoogleMaps . Manicaland Province: Bubi River at 21°42′49ʺS 30°31′02ʺE (1 ♂, OÖLM) GoogleMaps . Mashonaland West Province: 30 km W Harare (1 ♀, OÖLM) .


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Paranysson oscari R. Turner

Pulawski, Wojciech J. 2022

Paranysson oscari race servus

Arnold 1929: 392

Paranysson oscari

Arnold 1929: 392

Paranysson oscari

Arnold 1929: 392

Paranysson oscari

Arnold 1929: 392

Paranysson inermis

Arnold 1929: 392

P. inermis

Arnold 1929: 392

P. inermis

Arnold 1929: 392

Paranysson oscari

R. Turner 1914: 341


Guerin-Meneville 1844


Guerin-Meneville 1844


Latreille 1802


Latreille 1802


Latreille 1802
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