Paranthaclisis stangei Marquez, Martins & Contreras, 2022

Marquez-López, Yesenia, Martins, Caleb C. & Contreras-Ramos, Atilano, 2022, A new species of Paranthaclisis Banks (Neuroptera, Myrmeleontidae) from the Peninsula of Baja California, Mexico, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia (e 20220084) 66, pp. 1-10 : 2-5

publication ID 10.1590/1806-9665-RBENT-2022-0084

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Paranthaclisis stangei Marquez, Martins & Contreras

sp. nov.

Paranthaclisis stangei Marquez, Martins & Contreras , sp. n.

( Figures 1–4 View Figure 1 View Figure 2 View Figure 3 )

Etymology. We are glad to name this new species after Dr. Lionel A. Stange (in memoriam) of the Florida State Collection of Arthropods, as homage to his bright career of research in insects, especially Myrmeleontidae . Lionel helped all of us with Myrmeleontidae doubts and kindly supported YML during her visit to the Florida State Collection of Arthropods in 2019.

Diagnosis. Head mostly yellowish-white with black marks, especially on vertex, antenna yellowish-white with black rings on flagellomeres ( Figs.1C, D View Figure 1 ). Thorax dark brown, covered by long setae in white or black color, presenting some yellowish spots on dorsal sclerites, scutellum yellow with dark margin and a middle diffuse line brown, pronotum dark brown with two small circular yellow marks on the anterior part, one lateral yellow stripe near lateral margins small ( Figs. 1B, C View Figure 1 ). Male without eversible sacs between segments VI and VII of abdomen; lateral processes of the gonarcus directed laterally, broad and short, and sclerotized as gonarcus; mediuncus without dorsobasal split and without teeth on dorsal surface; parameres with a distal thinning, giving the appearance of being almost disconnected from their hooks, slightly curved dorsally ( Figs. 2D, E View Figure 2 ); hooks of parameres superacute and more sclerotized than basal part ( Figs. 2F, G View Figure 2 ).

Description. Measurements. Forewing length: 29.65–33.08 mm, width: 7.5–8.06 mm, body length: 22.51–24.97 (n=19).

Body color pattern ( Figs. 1A, B, C View Figure 1 ). Dark brown with some yellowish marks on dorsal sclerites; rostrum completely yellowish-white; wing venation alternating black and white.

Head ( Figs.1C, D View Figure 1 ). Mostly yellowish-white, with shiny black marks. Gray eye and white ocular rim, without setae. Vertex white, covered with short white setae, bearing a complex of black marks, composed by: (1) a broad transverse stripe near the base of scape, (2) one pair of “L” shape marks, with their base located at median region of vertex and disconnected, (3) one pair of semicircular marks located between vertex and eyes, (4) a narrow transverse stripe located at head base, near pronotum. Antennae clavate, mostly yellowish-white; scape trapezoidal, with several white setae; pedicel rectangular, with short setae; flagellomeres have a black ring at their base, covered with rings of tiny black setae, basal flagellomeres are narrower – nearly twice as wide as long – getting thicker towards the apex of the antenna, where they are eight times as wide as long. Rostrum yellowish-white, with many elongated, yellowish setae. mandible elongated, amber; maxillary palpi yellowish-white, with small pale setae; labial palpi yellowish-white, covered with small dark setae, apical palpomere brown.

Thorax ( Figs. 1A, B, D View Figure 1 ). Dark brown with pale yellow marks, especially on the wings base, covered by long setae in white or black color; ventrally dark brown colored. Pronotum dark brown with two small circular yellow marks on the anterior part, one lateral yellow stripe near lateral margins; mesonotum dark brown, mesoscutellum yellow with a middle black spot, posterior margin black and thick; metanotum dark brown, without pale marks. Pteropleura dark brown bearing a large number of long white setae.

Legs ( Figs. 1B, C View Figure 1 ). Mainly dark brown, covered by a dense layer of white or black colored long setae; coxae yellow; femur and tibia long, with a yellow ellipse mark at base of tibia, tibial spurs blackish to dark brown; tarsomeres, especially the apical ones black; claw and spur dark brown.

Wings ( Figs.1A, B View Figure 1 and 3A, B View Figure 3 ). Membrane hyaline; wing venation with an irregular pigmentation pattern, alternating brown and pale yellow, highly setose. Forewing. Slightly longer than the hindwing. Costal field narrow, with more than 45 simple crossveins. Pterostigma conspicuous, with nine crossveins and circular brown mark at basal part. Sc running parallel to RA until their apex fuse before the wing apex.Subcostal field regular, without crossveins. Basal area of pre-origin of RP with eight crossveins. RP originating on the basal 1/3 of the wing length, with 11 branches and several crossveins, including gradates. Radial field with 11 crossveins and elongated apical cell. MA simple, meeting the wing margin at 3/4 of the wing length. MP fused with main branch of CuA; MP with nine branches, CuA with five branches totalizing 14 branches. Cubital field located at wing base, with triangular shape and nine cells. Main branch of CuP straight meeting the wing margin at 1/4 of the wing length, with seven simple branches. Anal vein with three simple branches. Hindwing as forewing, with spurial vein connecting two crossveins on the area of the pre-origin of RP.RP with 10 branches. MP with nine branches. CuA with four branches. Cubital area narrower, with five cells. CuP meeting the wing margin at 1/5 of the wing length, with four branches. Anal vein with two branches. Presence of pillula axilaris, brown, semicircular and rounded by setae.

Abdomen ( Fig. 1B View Figure 1 ). Mostly dark brown with pleural area pale and thin yellow bands at the end of each segment; intersegmental membrane pale yellow. Male without eversible sac between segments VI-VII. Female abdomen broader and longer than male.

Male ( Figs. 2A–G View Figure 2 ). Eighth tergite rectangular, sclerotized, with small black setae, posterior margin with two pale spots. Eighth sternite rectangular, sclerotized, with a pale midline, bearing several setae, which become longer towards the posterior margin. Ninth tergite divided dorsally compounding two separated semirectangular and irregular plates, bearing few thin and yellow setae. Ninth sternite reduced, subtriangular, with distal margin convex and two elongate spots on lateral margins, basally with thin and short setae and apically with long, thicker setae. Ectoproct tubular, subtriangular in lateral view; posterior lobe well-developed, almost as long as the ninth tergite, sclerotized and ventrally with a pale circular spot, bearing long and thick setae. Gonarcus-parameres complex C-shaped in lateral view, enclosed in a membranous capsule with black and long setae basoventrally, arising from protuberant bases. Gonarcus arched in caudal view, laterodorsally with a short, broad, and basally directed process, which is broadly invaginated medially. Mediuncus highly sclerotized, subtriangular in lateral view, with broad base tapering towards the apex, and without medial division; dorsal margin smooth, without teeth; apex superacute, directed caudally, and slightly darker than base. Parameres, narrow in caudal view, with a strong narrowing before ventral hooks; ventral hooks acute and with irregular dorsal margin, subtriangular in lateral view; almost as long as mediuncus.

Female ( Fig. 4). Eighth tergite dorsally fused, rectangular in lateral view, posterior margin irregular.Eighth sternite reduced, bearing small black setae, posterior gonapophyses elongate and medially directed with long and black setae. Ninth tergite, subrectangular, little sclerotized with thin and black setae. Ninth sternite triangular in ventral view, with very small and black setae, lateral gonapophyses thickened and with long excavating setae, which are directed ventral. Ectoproct subtriangular, wider ventrally, sclerotized, and only with a pale circular spot, bearing long, coarse and black setae.

Ecology. All specimens were collected at light traps near the beach in the deserts and at temporary riverbeds in the Municipality of Mulegé in Baja California Sur state, Mexico.These insects present different flight schedules during the period of sampling (approximately 19:00–23:00 p.m.). They have a robust flight and approached the light screen almost at ground level. Other specimens remained on the ground near the trap and were captured with hand nets.

Material examined (all at CNIN,except two paratypes noted as NMNH). HOLOTYPE, male, MEXICO: Baja California Sur, Mulegé, San Bruno , Hotel Costa Serena , terreno aledaño, 27°09.832’ N, 112°09.895’ W, 6 m, 09/ viii/2021, trampa de luz, Contreras, Cancino, Luna, Martins, Marquez ( CNIN:NEU:MYR2483). PARATYPES, MEXICO: Baja California Sur, Mulegé , San Bruno , Hotel Costa Serena , terreno aledaño, 27°09.832’ N, 112°09.895’ W, 6 m, 08/viii/2021, trampa de luz, Contreras , Cancino , Luna , Martins , Marquez , 2♂ (NMNH-CNIN:NEU:MYR1833, CNIN:NEU:MYR3356), 6♀ (NMNH-CNIN:NEU:MYR1834, CNIN:NEU:MYR1835, CNIN:NEU:MYR2485, CNIN:NEU:MYR3353, CNIN:NEU:MYR3354, CNIN:NEU:MYR3355); same but 09/viii/2021, 4 ♂ ( CNIN:NEU:MYR1828, CNIN:NEU:MYR1829, CNIN:NEU:MYR2484, CNIN:NEU:MYR2489), 4♀ ( CNIN:NEU:MYR1830, CNIN:NEU:MYR2486, CNIN:NEU:MYR2487, CNIN:NEU:MYR2488). Baja California Sur, Mulegé , Arroyo San José Magdalena , 27°03.731’ N, 112°14.066’ W, 4 m, 09/viii/2021, trampa de luz, Luna, Contreras, Barba, Ramírez, 1♂ ( CNIN:NEU:MYR2491), 1♀ ( CNIN:NEU:MYR2492) GoogleMaps .

Key to species of Paranthaclisis Banks

(Modified from Diehl, 2012; Stange and Miller, 2012).

1 Vertex with scars shiny black, with few sparse setae ( Fig. 1D View Figure 1 ); mesoscutellum with medial area of posterior margin shiny, dark colored ( Figs. 1A View Figure 1 , 5D View Figure 5 ); in males, medial invagination of gonarcus deep in lateral view ( Figs. 2F, G View Figure 2 ; 7D View Figure 7 )...................................................... 2

1’ Vertex with scars dull brown, densely covered by setae ( Figs.5C, I View Figure 5 ); mesoscutellum with posterior margin dull ( Figs. 5A, G View Figure 5 ); in males, medial invagination of gonarcus almost inconspicuous in lateral view ( Figs. 7B, F View Figure 7 )........................................................................................... 4


Coleccion Nacional de Insectos, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History

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