Pamirospila montana Loktionov, sp. nov., 2024

Loktionov, Valery M., 2024, Review of the genus Pamirospila Wolf, 1970 (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae), with description of a new species, Zootaxa 5481 (5), pp. 573-581 : 576-577

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5481.5.6

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scientific name

Pamirospila montana Loktionov, sp. nov.

sp. nov.

Pamirospila montana Loktionov, sp. nov.

( Figs 1–8 View FIGURES 1–8 )

Diagnosis. Female differs from those of other species by the combination of the following characters: head in frontal view with vertex almost straight between eye tops ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1–8 ), flagellomere 1 3.1 times as long as wide, spines of tarsal comb flattened, plantula rounded apically, ocellar triangle 90°, terga black, with brownish pubescence. Male is unknown.

Type material. Holotype, ♀, Tajikistan, Khatlon Region, Shurabad district, 8 km ESE Shurabad, Khozratishoh Range , altitude 1800 m, 16.VI.2015 (O. Pak) [ FSCV].

Description. FEMALE. Length: body 17.0 mm; forewing 12.5 mm. Head 1.15 times as wide as height; MID 0.65 times as long as head width in frontal view, half of MID 1.8 times as long as eye width ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1–8 ). Ocellar triangle right-angled; POD: OOD = 0.71 ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1–8 ). Head in frontal view with vertex straight medially and noticeably raised over eye top ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1–8 ). Posterior margin of vertex in dorsal view weakly concave ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1–8 ). Head in lateral view with frons convex ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1–8 ). Temple in dorsal view well-developed ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1–8 ). Gena in profile well-developed, 0.7 times as wide as eye medially ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1–8 ). Malar space short ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1–8 ). Clypeus slightly convex, as wide as LID, and 2.9 times as wide as height, rounded anterolaterally; anterior margin straight, with differentiated somewhat impressed rim ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1–8 ). Mandible stout with two small subapical teeth. Labrum anterior margin straight. Antenna with flagellomeres shortened and thickened ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1–8 ); ratio of antennal segments (on dorsal side) 21 (scape): 6 (pedicel): 20 (1): 17 (2): 17 (3): 15 (4): 15 (5): 14 (6): 12 (7): 12 (8): 11 (9): 14 (10); flagellomere 1 3.1 times as long as maximum width and 0.5 times as long as UID; flagellomere 10 obliquely truncate with polished area apically.

Mesosoma. Pronotum in dorsal view 0.32 times as long as its maximum width; its posterior border rounded medially ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1–8 ). Dorsum of mesoscutum slightly convex. Dorsum of mesoscutellum and metanotum nearly flat. Metapostnotum very deep, slightly roundly emarginate posteriorly, 0.25 times as long as metanotum medially. Propodeum in dorsal view 0.78 times as long as wide; dorsum in lateral view slightly convex, with postero-lateral corner somewhat convex; dorsum evenly merging with posterior face not forming distinct edge; posterior face inclined and barely concave.

Legs. Protarsus with flattened spines of tarsal comb; protarsomere 1 with three spines, 2 with two spines, 3 and 4 with one spine each ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1–8 ). Protarsus shortened, ratio of protarsomeres 65 (1): 29 (2): 22 (3): 16 (4): 33 (5); protibia 2.2 times as long as protarsus 1 and 0.91 times as long as all protarsomeres (excluding claws). Protibia with a few spines ventrally. Meso-, metatibia and tarsi spinose. Metatibia longer spur 0.63 times as long as metatarsomere 1. Tarsomeres 5 with row of spines ventrally. Plantula rounded apically. Orbicular pecten with 6–8 bristles. Tarsal claws symmetrical, with inner small pointed tooth.

Wings. Fore wing ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 1–8 ) brown, with more dark apical portion; pterostigma small, dark brown, 3.5 times as long as its own height (on inner distance) and 1.1 times as long as Rs 2; crossvein cu-a slightly arched outward, originating after separation of vein M+CuA; vein M ending far from wing margin; vein Cu 1 not touching wing margin. Hind wing ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 1–8 ) lighter than fore wing; crossvein cu-a evenly arched outward and interstitial. Metasoma stout, wider than mesosoma in dorsal view ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–8 ).

Sculpture. Body matt, with inconspicuous microsculpture. Frons with fine median impression reaching median ocello. Metapostnotum with fine transverse striae. Propodeum with irregular rugae postero-laterally; its posterior face without rugae. Antenna and legs matt.

Colour and pubescence. Body completely black ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–8 ); mandible red-brown medially and apically; outer eye orbit near temple with small elongated yellowish spot; tergum 2 in basal half indistinctly dark reddish; claws brown. Gena and propleura ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1–8 ), procoxa, mesopleura, propodeum ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 1–8 ), and tergum 1 laterally with dense long brown erect setae; frons, clypeus, pronotum with more shorter and rare erect setae; meso-scutum and scutellum, metanotum, femorae, meso- and metacoxae, sterna with scattered setae; terga 2–4 without setae. Body covered brownish micropubescence.

MALE. Unknown.

Distribution. Known from the type locality only.

Etymology. The specific name " montana " is derived from the Latin "montanea", meaning mountain, and refers to the mountainous biogeographical zone where the new species like other congeners occur.













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