Palpostilpnus hoanglienensis Pham, Sheng, Park, Tran & Reshchikov, 2024

Pham, Nhi Thi, Sheng, Mao-Ling, Park, Clara, Tran, Duong Dinh & Reshchikov, Alexey, 2024, First record of the genus Palpostilpnus Aubert (Ichneumonidae: Phygadeuontinae) from Vietnam, with descriptions of eight new species, Zootaxa 5514 (6), pp. 525-549 : 528-530

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5514.6.2

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scientific name

Palpostilpnus hoanglienensis Pham, Sheng, Park, Tran & Reshchikov

sp. nov.

Palpostilpnus hoanglienensis Pham, Sheng, Park, Tran & Reshchikov , sp. nov.

( Figures 2B View FIGURE2 , 5 View FIGURE 5 )

Material examined. Holotype: ♀ ( IEBR), VIETNAM, Lao Cai Province, Hoang Lien National Park , 22°19’41.5”N 103°46’54.5”E, 2,300 m a.s.l., 28 September 2013, light trap, Pham N.T. coll. GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. Black body with reddish markings; occipital carina complete dorsally; postero-ocellar distance 1.5× ocular-ocellar distance; ventral side of F8 onwards of female flattened and thickened; propodeum without any carinae; ovipositor short and curved.

Description of holotype. Face 1.8× as wide as high, granulate, with dense setae, centrally weakly convex. Clypeal suture indistinct. Clypeus 1.8× as wide as high, weakly convex, similar sculptures as face, ventral margin round. Mandible slender, gradually narrowed to apex, teeth sharp, equal in length, upper tooth broader than lower tooth. Malar space matt, as long as mandibular basal width ( Fig. 5A View FIGURE 5 ). Gena punctulate, with setae. Frons and vertex granulate, posterior portion from behind ocelli to occipital carina steeply sloping. Postero-ocellar distance 1.5× ocular-ocellar distance, 1.5× median ocellus diameter ( Fig. 5B View FIGURE 5 ). Antenna with 24 flagellomeres, ventral side of F8 onwards flattened and thickened ( Fig. 5E View FIGURE 5 ). Occipital carina complete.

Mesosoma. Pronotum rugulose. Epomia present ( Fig. 5F View FIGURE 5 ). Mesoscutum granulate, 0.9× as long as its maximum width, with dense setae. Notaulus weakly present anteriorly. Scutellum weakly convex, anterior 0.7 coriaceous, with setae, posteriorly impunctate, lateral carina present basally ( Fig. 5C View FIGURE 5 ). Mesopleuron punctate, with setae; epicnemial carina distinct, reaching to groove below subtegular ridge. Sternaulus distinct on 0.5 anterior to posterior corner of mesopleuron. Metapleuron punctate, similar sculptures as mesopleuron. Juxtacoxal carina absent ( Fig. 5F View FIGURE 5 ). Propodeum gently sloping in lateral view, without any carinae, subpolished, anteriorly with dense punctures, posteriorly with sparse punctures ( Fig. 5G View FIGURE 5 ). Spiracle small, oval.

Wings. Fore wing length 3.9 mm, vein 1cu-a interstitial to M&RS, curved ventrally, vein 3rs-m absent, vein 2rs-m about 2.0× length of M between 2rs-m and 2m-cu, vein 1m-cu&M with short ramulus, length of CU between 1m-cu &M and 2cu-a 0.9× length of 2cu-a. Hind wing with distal abscissa of CU present, obsolescent near wing margin, length of CU between M and cu-a 1.7× length of cu-a.

Legs. Inner profile of basal portion of fore basitarsus distinctly bent. Hind coxa with indistinct punctures. Hind femur 3.8× as long as its maximum width, equal to hind tibia length. Hind basitarsus 0.45× as long as tarsus.

Metasoma. T1 2.9× as long as apical width, polished, medially with scattered punctures, posteriorly densely punctate, with dorso-lateral carina; petiole flat; postpetiole broad; ventrolateral carina weak; spiracle small, round. T2 onwards densely punctate, with setae. T2 broad posteriorly, 1.8× as long as basal width, 0.8× as long as apical width ( Fig. 5H View FIGURE 5 ). Ovipositor very thin, short and curved ( Fig. 5D View FIGURE 5 ), ovipositor sheath 0.12× as long as hind tibia.

Colour. Body black with reddish markings. Head black, mandible (except apex), palpi and scape yellow, flattened part of F8 onwards reddish brown. Propleuron, pronotum (except ventrally), tegula, dorsal line of mesopleuron, fore and mid legs yellow. Hind leg reddish brown with black markings on coxa, trochanter, trochantellus, femur posteriorly, tibia posteriorly and tarsus. T1 black except posteriorly yellow. T2 onwards ferrugineous with a large black transverse band medially.

Male. Unknown.

Comparative notes. This new species differs from both P. trifolium and P. tamasek in the mesoscutum being entirely black, without yellow markings, the flattened and thickened F8–F24 ventrally, and the shorter and curved ovipositor.

Etymology. The species name refers to the type locality, Hoang Lien National Park.

Distribution. Currently known only from montane evergreen forest in Hoang Lien National Park, Lao Cai Province, Northwest Vietnam.

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