Paedophryne kathismaphlox, Kraus, 2010

Kraus, Fred, 2010, New genus of diminutive microhylid frogs from Papua New Guinea, ZooKeys 48 (48), pp. 39-59 : 42-43

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.48.446

publication LSID


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scientific name

Paedophryne kathismaphlox

sp. nov.

Paedophryne kathismaphlox View in CoL sp. n.

Figs 1, 2, 3G, H, I, 5, 7

Holotype. BPBM 17977 About BPBM (field tag FK 7471), adult female, collected by local villagers on NE slope Mt. Simpson , 10.03157°S, 149.57667, 2170 m, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea, 21 February 2003.

Paratypes (n = 3). BPBM 17975 About BPBM , 35353 About BPBM , same data as holotype, except collected 19 February 2003 ; BPBM 17976 About BPBM , same data as holotype .

Diagnosis. A minute microhylid (male SV = 10.1 mm, female SV = 10.4–10.9 mm) with the features of the genus and a relatively short leg (TL/SV = 0.35–0.39, Fig. 4A View Figure 4 ); short snout (EN/SV = 0.067 –0.079, EN/IN = 0.78–0.80, Fig. 4C View Figure 4 ); mediumsized eye (EY/SV = 0.12, EY/SN = 0.92–1.00, Fig. 4C View Figure 4 ); dorsal pattern of small darkbrown blotches on a dark-brown ground ( Fig. 4A View Figure 4 ); ventral pattern of tiny, scattered light straw flecks on a dark-brown ground (fig 4B); and a burnt-orange patch (in life) below the anus that contrasts with the dark-brown on the remainder of the animal.

Comparisons with other species. Th e new species differs from other asterophryines in the characters that typify the genus and in its unique burnt-orange rump patch.

Description of holotype. An adult female with a small mid-ventral incision. Head moderately wide (HW/SV = 0.35, Fig. 4A View Figure 4 ), with steeply oblique loreal region; canthus rostralis rounded, slightly convex when viewed from above; nostrils directed anterolaterally, closer to tip of snout than to eyes; internarial distance larger than distance from naris to eye (EN/IN = 0.80, IN/SV = 0.095, EN/SV = 0.076); snout rounded when viewed from the side or from above ( Fig. 4A, C View Figure 4 ); eyes moderately large (EY/SV = 0.12; EY/SN = 0.93, Fig. 4C View Figure 4 ), pupil horizontal; eyelid more than half width of interorbital distance; tympanum indistinct and small (TY/SV = 0.057), visible only when skin dries slightly. Skin smooth; supratympanic fold absent. Fingers unwebbed, flattened; F1 very reduced in size; relative lengths 3>2=4>1 ( Fig. 4D View Figure 4 ). Disc present only on F3, not wider than penultimate phalanx, circum-marginal groove absent. Subarticular and metacarpal tubercles absent. Toes unwebbed; T2, T3, and T4 with flattened discs, but only T4 has a terminal groove. Fifth toe reduced in size, with round tip and no disc; T1 a vestigial nub; relative lengths of toes 4>3>2=5>1 ( Fig. 4E View Figure 4 ). Toe discs barely wider than finger disc (3 rdF /4 thT = 0.85); disc of fourth toe not wider than penultimate phalanx. Subarticular and metatarsal tubercles absent. Hind legs rather short (TL/SV = 0.39, Fig. 4A View Figure 4 ). Tongue elongate, straplike, anterior third attached to floor of mouth.

In preservative, dorsum medium brown, irregularly and vaguely marked with darker brown, but pattern indistinct ( Fig. 4A View Figure 4 ); darker markings somewhat more obvious on limbs. Face and behind eye brown spotted with light straw brown ( Fig. 4C View Figure 4 ). Venter and under legs dark brown with scattered light straw-brown flecks; rear of thighs same ( Fig. 4B View Figure 4 ). Dirty gray-white patch below anus and proximal portion of thighs ( Fig. 4B View Figure 4 ). Iris black.













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