Oxycarenus bicolor heraldus Distant, 1904

Meng, Changjun, Cao, Suyan, Dong, Wen & Gao, Cuiqing, 2024, The redescription and complete mitogenomes of two Oxycarenus species (Hemiptera, Oxycarenidae) and phylogenetic implications, ZooKeys 1211, pp. 231-250 : 231-250

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/zookeys.1211.126013

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scientific name

Oxycarenus bicolor heraldus Distant, 1904


Oxycarenus bicolor heraldus Distant, 1904 View in CoL

Figs 1 B, C View Figure 1 , 2 D – F View Figure 2

Oxycarenus heraldus View in CoL : Distant 1904: 44.

Oxycarenus bicolor variety heraldus View in CoL : Bergroth 1918: 73.

Oxycarenus bicolor heraldus View in CoL : Slater 1964: 670.

Oxycarenus lugubris View in CoL : Zheng and Zou 1981: 97. Misidentification.

Type material examined

(digital photograph). Lectotype: Burma • ♀; Carin Chebà [pr] / 900–1100 m [pr] / L. Fea V XII- 88 [pr] // heraldus [hw] / Dist. [hw] // Distant Coll. / 1911–383 // Type [pr, red] // SYN / TYPE [pr, blue] // Oxycarenus / heraldus / Distant, 1904: 44 [pr] / BMNH (E) / 1340705 [pr] ( BMNH) .

Paralectotype: same information except: BMNH (E) / 1340706 [pr].

Other material examined.

China • 2 ♀♀; Gansu, Wen county, Fanba ; 30 Jul. 1988; collected from capsule of Abutilon theophrasti ( NKUM) 20 ♂♂ 15 ♀♀; Jiangsu, Nanjing, Laoshan ; 20 Jun. 2021; collected from capsule of Hibiscus mutabilis ( NJFU) 6 ♂♂ 7 ♀♀; Sichuan, Qingchengshan ; 16 Aug. 1956; Leyi Zheng leg. ( NKUM) 20 ♂♂ 25 ♀♀; Yunnan, Dali, Cangshan ; 19 Aug. 2006; Zhonghua Fan leg. ( NKUM) 300 ♂♂ 242 ♀♀; Yunnan, Menglong, Banna, Mengsong , alt. 1600 m; 23 Apr. 1958; Xvwu Meng leg. ( IZAS) 40 ♂♂ 32 ♀♀; Yunnan, Pingbian ; alt. 1300 m; 22 Jun. 1956; Keren Huang leg. ( MSIE) .


Head dark, blackish brown or black, densely coarsely punctate, with white, flat, decumbent setae and sparser erect, apically enlarged, long setae. Antennae dark, blackish brown or black, with segment I extending to tip of clypeus. Head ventrally densely covered with silvery-white, flat setae. Rostrum extends to hind coxae or middle of abdominal sternite III. Bucculae dark. Pronotum brown with a black transverse stripe at callus area. Covered with coarse punctures and sparsely erect and apically enlarged long setae, with slightly sinuate lateral margins. Scutellum dark blackish brown or black, similar setae to pronutum, punctuated, with a sunken base and a slightly elevated middle. Clavus dark brown to blackish brown, possessing three lines of punctures, with middle row incomplete. Corium with exocorium, basal 1 / 3 of inner corium, and distal angle yellowish white, about middle 1 / 3 of inner corium blackish brown, not reaching exocorium; sometimes, extreme distal angles of corium slightly darkened, but not with obvious small black spots; distal margin of corium straight; clavus and corium with sparse pale erect setae. Membrane dark blackish brown, with basal margin adjoining distal margin of corium narrowly white. Head and prothorax ventrally densely covered with silvery-white, decumbent setae; thoracic sternites and pleurae black or dark blackish brown, glossy, except supracoxal lobe and posterior margin of metapleura pale; ostiolar peritreme of metathoracic scent gland strongly protruding, basally brown and distally yellow. Femora blackish brown, slightly thickened; fore femora with four spines; tibiae yellow with both ends dark blackish brown, and fore tibiae darker. Abdomen reddish brown to blackish brown. Posterior margin of sternites VI and VII in males with two conspicuous transverse combs of glandular setae on either side of median line. Female abdominal sterna III – IV fused; ovipositor reaching abdominal sternites V – VII, with sternites V – VII medially strongly narrowed and pushed forward towards abdominal sternites V.

Pygophore: dorsal opening broadly rounded; lateral projections finger-like, slightly inclined posteriorly and internally; distal margin of cup-like sclerite bifurcate (Fig. 2 D View Figure 2 ). Parameres with blade falcate and curved; outer projection rounded; inner projection projecting dorsoventrally, more square (Fig. 2 E, F View Figure 2 ).

Measurements (in mm, n = 8). Body length 3.80–4.30, width 1.10–1.40. Head length 0.71–0.73, width across eyes 0.72–0.73; antennal segments I – IV length: 0.28–0.30: 0.61–0.63: 0.47–0.49: 0.58–0.60. Pronotum length 0.83–0.85, width of anterior margin 0.58–0.60, width of posterior margin 1.10–1.11; scutellum length 0.41–0.43, width 0.54–0.55. Distance of apex clavus – apex corium 0.89–0.90; distance of apex corium – apex membrane 0.67–0.69.


China (Gansu, Jiangsu, Hubei, Sichuan, Yunnan); Burma.


The specific status of Oxycarenus heraldus Distant, 1904 was previously reduced to Oxycarenus bicolor var. heraldus by Bergroth (1918), and later treated as subspecies Oxycarenus bicolor heraldus by Slater (1964).

Oxycarenus bicolor heraldus shares similar coloration with Oxycarenus bicolor bicolor , but there are notable differences. Unlike Oxycarenus bicolor bicolor , the brown spots on the hemelytra of Oxycarenus bicolor heraldus do not reach the exocorium (the brown spots on the hemelytra extend to the lateral margin of the corium in O. bicolor bicolor ). Furthermore, the body size of O. bicolor heraldus is larger (3.80–4.30 mm) compared to O. bicolor (which is smaller, approximately 3.0– 3.4 mm), and while the postero-lateral angles of the corium in O. bicolor heraldus may be slightly darkened, but they lack the distinct small black spots that are present in O. bicolor bicolor .

Oxycarenus bicolor heraldus is a common species in China, but it has long been misidentified as Oxycarenus lugubris (Motschulsky, 1859) ( Zheng and Zou 1981) . In comparison with O. lugubris , the pronotum of O. bicolor heraldus is brown with a black transverse stripe, whereas in O. lugubris , it is entirely black. Furthermore, only the middle 1 / 3 of the inner corium is blackish brown in O. bicolor heraldus , with the basal membrane narrowly white, while the distal 2 / 3 of the inner corium is entirely black, and the base of the membrane is also black in O. lugubris . Although both the species are distributed in China, O. lugubris has only been recorded from Taiwan and Hong Kong according to the data available on the iNaturalist website.


Institut Zoologii Akademii Nauk Ukraini - Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Museum of Shanghai














Oxycarenus bicolor heraldus Distant, 1904

Meng, Changjun, Cao, Suyan, Dong, Wen & Gao, Cuiqing 2024

Oxycarenus lugubris

Zheng LY & Zou HG 1981: 97

Oxycarenus bicolor heraldus

Slater JA 1964: 670

Oxycarenus bicolor variety heraldus

Bergroth E 1918: 73

Oxycarenus heraldus

Distant WL 1904: 44