Ochna puberula N.Robson (Robson 1962: 25)

Shah, Toral, Mashimba, Fandey H., Suleiman, Haji. O., Mbailwa, Yahya S., Savolainen, Vincent, Larridon, Isabel & Darbyshire, Iain, 2023, A taxonomic revision of the ecologically important Ochna holstii (Ochnaceae) complex using molecular and morphological data, Plant Ecology and Evolution 156 (2), pp. 174-200 : 174

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scientific name

Ochna puberula N.Robson (Robson 1962: 25)


6. Ochna puberula N.Robson (Robson 1962: 25) View in CoL

Figs 3B View Figure 3 , 11 View Figure 11

Ochna afzelioides sensu Bamps and Farron (1967) quoad Schmitz 2653, non Robson (1962: 36).

Ochna holstii sensu Bamps and Farron (1967) quoad Schmitz 6548, non Engler (1894: 69).

Ochna Ochna sp. 40 of Flora of Tropical East Africa ( Verdcourt 2005: 37) - Type: UGANDA • Ankole District, Bushenyi, S Kasyoha - KitomiForest, Kamukaaga, between R. Kyambura and R. Nzozi.


ZAMBIA • Abercorn [Mbala], Kawimbe; 1958; Richards 10235; holotype: K [K001387768 - Sheet 1, K001387769 - Sheet 2].


Shrub or small tree, 0.5-6 m tall. Bark grey-white or grey-brown, rough, sometimes with white, peeling or exfoliating bark. Stems and young new growth rusty brown, sometimes with white lenticels, puberulous, often drying blue-black. Stipules pale brown, linear, semi-persistent, 2.5-6 mm long. Leaves green, drying blue-black, thin, glabrous, lanceolate-oblanceolate to elliptic, (1.5-)3-8 cm long, 1-3 cm wide, leaf base cuneate to attenuate, acute to obtuse at apex, margins serrate, often densely so with teeth curving inwards; lateral veins> 20, tertiary vernation reticulate on both sides, midrib raised above and below; petiole 0.5-2 mm long; buds brown, glabrous, bud scales linear, semi-persistent up to 1 cm long. Flowers almost always precocious, arranged in pseudo-umbels or racemes, (2-)4-8 flowers; rachis up to 1.5 cm; pedicels 1.5-3 cm long, articulated at or near the base or up to 7 mm above base, puberulous or rarely glabrous, often drying blue-black. Sepals green, elliptic to broadly elliptic, 3.5-5.5 mm long, 3-4 mm wide in flower, turning red in fruit 1.5-2 cm long, 0.8-1.2 cm wide. Petals yellow, obovate, 1.2-9.5 mm long, 0.7-4 mm wide. Anthers dehiscing by longitudinal slits, sometimes drying bluish, 0.8-1.5 mm long; filaments 2.5-3.5 mm long. Carpels 5-9; style capitate at apex with lobes, 3-6.5 mm long. Drupelets black, ellipsoid-subglobose, 6-13 mm long, 6-7 mm wide, attached at the base.


Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, and Zimbabwe (Fig. 11 View Figure 11 ).


Miombo woodland, on rocky ground. Altitude: 740-1940 m.


Flowering and fruiting October to February. This corresponds to the short rainfall season in East Africa from October to December and the longer rainfall season in southern Africa from November to March.

Preliminary IUCN conservation assessment.

Ochna puberula occurs in miombo woodland across east and southern Africa. The species has an estimated EOO of 1,695.266 km2 and AOO of 200 km2. Since the species has a large EOO, occurs in up to 29 locations with more than 10 in protected areas, and has no direct threats to its population size, number of mature individuals and distribution, the species is assessed as Least Concern (LC).

Additional material examined.

DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO - Haut Katanga • Katanga, Entre Pweto et Kapulo ; 25 June 1957; Duvignaud 3690; BR • Katanga , Route Kipiri-Pweto-Mitwaba, km 88; 30 May 1957; Duvignaud 3788; BR • Luiswishi ; 22 Nov. 1984; fl.; 1208 m; Malaisse 13386; BR [BR0000017182324], K [K001271482] .

UGANDA - Western • Ankole district; Bushenyi, S Kasyoha-Kitomi Forest ; Oct 1998; fr.; Hafashimana 0662; K [K000545621, K000545622] .

TANZANIA - Kondoa District • Near Mnenia on scarp; 13 Jan. 1928; fr.; Burtt 1053; BM, EA, K [K001383181, K001383180] . - Kigoma District • Simbo hills; 8 Jan. 1928; Burtt 1027; EA, K [K001383176, K001383175] . - Same District • Kinyassi Mt; 2 Jan. 1928; Burtt 921; K [K001383172] • 27 Jan. 1932; fr., Lynes 33; K [K001383178] . - Sumbawanga District • ca 2.0 km SW from junction with the Sumbawanga-Mbala (Zambia) Road on the road to Safu ; 08°34 ’54” S, 31°29 ’27” E; 1790-1820 m; 14-15 Nov. 1933; Schmidt 1194; K [K001383191] • Muse Escarpment; 2 Dec. 1963; fl.; Vesey-FitzGerald 4254; K [K001383192] • Sumbawanga district , 1.0 km S of Moravian Mission at Tatanda (Livingstone Memorial Mission) on the Sumbawanga-Mbala (Zambia) Road; 08°30 ’07” S, 31°30 ’08” E; 1780 m; 13 Nov. 1993; fr.; Schmidt et al. 1171; K [K001383193] GoogleMaps . - Mkalama District • Usule-Kiraminu , 15 Nov. 1933; fr.; Michelmore 822; EA, K [K001383177] . - Biharamulo District • Bukoba road; 13 Nov. 1948; Ford 851; K [K001383190] . - Iringa District • 4 mls from Iringa on Dodoma road; Feb. 1961; fr.; Procter 1763; K [K001383171] • Nyororo town, Idetero, off main road after Nyororo town along Mbeya road; 08°32 ’44” S, 35°00 ’51.3” E; 1795 m; 26 Jan. 2020; fr.; Shah TS 97; K [K001271512] GoogleMaps . - Ludewa District • Livingstone Mountains, steep E-facing slope of Ligala Mountain along foot trail from mission at Madunda ; 09°51'S, 34°27'E; 1940-2110 m; 13 Feb. 1991; fr.; Gereau & Kayombo 4021; K [K001082549] GoogleMaps . - Kilolo District • Kihesa-Kilolo town, off main Iringa-Dodoma road, near Kihesa town near old dump site; 07°43 ’53.8” S, 35°43 ’43.3” E; 1634 m; 22 Jan. 2020; Shah TS 90; K [K001271513] GoogleMaps . - Makete District • Lower Ndumbi Valley ; 08°55'S, 34°05'E; 1400-1800 m; 14 Dec. 1986; fr.; Lovett & Congdon 1109; K [K001383174, K001383179] GoogleMaps . - Manyoni District • Madibira Hills ; 1400 m; 9 Dec. 1990; fl.; Congdon 303; K [K001383183, K001383182] .

MALAWI - Chitipa District • Misuku crossroads; 30 Dec. 1972; Pawek 6257; K [K001387718] • Mzimba district, 1 mi. S of Mzambazi Mission; 1380 m; 28 Dec. 1975; Pawek 10598; K [K001387720] . - Rumphi District • Vwaze Marsh Reserve, Bowe road; 5 Feb. 1977; fr.; Pawek 12325; K [K001387722] . - Karonga District • 10 mi. SW of Karonga, Chaminade Sec. School; 740 m; 5 Jan. 1978; Pawek 13537; K [K001387719] .

MOZAMBIQUE - Tete Province • Angonia, Ulongue , dentro da pastagem da veterinaria; 11 Dec. 1980; fr.; Macuácua 1424; K [K001387717] .

ZAMBIA - Lusaka Province • Mteshi woodland on top of scarp overlooking Mweru Wantipa, near Mpundu ; 08°45'S, 29°50'E; 24 Oct. 1949; fl.; Bullock 1377; K [K001387765] GoogleMaps . - Southern Province • Mazabuka, Siambo Forest Reserve, near Choma ; 13 Dec. 1952; fr.; Angus 939; K [K001387741] • Mazabuka district , Siamambo Forest Reserve ; 17 Jan. 1960; White 6307; K [K001387755] • Choma; 14 Jan. 1963; van Rensburg 1208; K [K001387753] • Chilongowelo, old Mplungo Road; 12 Jan. 1952; fr.; Richards 360; K [K001387764] • Firebreak Chilongowelo, right side path; fl.; Richards 2296; K [K001387745] . - Northern Province • On steep rocky slopes of Sunzu Hill; 18 Nov. 1952; White 3706; K [K001387762] • Kawimbe ; 1680 m; 16 Nov. 1956; fl.; Richards 7000; K [K001387744] • Kambole Escarpment; 1500 m; 29 Jan. 1964; fr.; Richards 18875; K [K001387751] • Mbala district , in woodland, grass and rocks across the road from Ndundu; 1740 m; 30 Dec. 1967; Richards 22836; K [K001387756] . - Copperbelt Province • Ndola ; 10 Dec. 1953; fl.; Fanshawe 565; K [K001387736] • Ndola; Feb. 1954; Fanshawe 840; K [K001387742] • Sunzu Kalambo Farm; 8 Jan. 1955; Richards 3952; K [K001387763] • Kitwe; 11 Dec. 1955; Fanshawe 2648; K [K001387757] • Kitwe; 13 Dec. 1959; fl.; Fanshawe 5316; K [K001387767] • Kitwe; 16 Nov. 1955; fl.; Fanshawe 2610; K [K001387746] • Mufulira; 3 Jan. 1956; fr.; Fanshawe 2686; K [K001387740] . - Eastern Province • Nsadzu Br.; 900 m; 27 Nov. 1958; fl.; Robson 745; K [K001271504] • Nsadzu Br.; 900 m; 27 Nov. 1958; fl.; Robson 745; K [K001271504] • Hillside above Ndundu; 1740 m; 28 Jan. 1962; Richards 15966; K [K001387759] • Slope of Nakatari Hill ; 1650 m; 4 Nov. 1965; fl.; Richards 20666; K [K001271503] . - North-Western Province • Mwinilunga district, Zambesi River Rapids , 4 miles from Kalene Mission ; 1500 m; 5. Nov. 1962; fr.; Richards 17227; K [K001387761] • Mwinilunga district , Kabompo Gorge ; 1200 m; 22 Nov. 1962; fl.; Richards 17471; K [K001387760] .

ZIMBABWE - Harare District • Salisbury; 13 Nov. 1921; Eyles 3216; K [K001387732] • Salisbury, Bishops Mount; 6 Feb. 1933; Mundy 7907; K [K001387728] . - Chimanimani District • Melsetter, Rocklands , near "The View"; 7 Oct. 1950; Sturgeon 30492; K [K001387730, K00138773] . - Binga District • Sebungwe district ; 20 Nov. 1951; Lovemore 35082; K [K001387729] . - Mashonaland District • Marandellas, Grasslands Research Station ; 6 Dec. 1965; West 6994; K [K001387735] .


Robson (1963: 244); ( Verdcourt 2005: 26).


For differences to the closely similar species O. polyneura , see the note under that species. The distribution for O. puberula extends into south-eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). It is noteworthy that Robson (1962) and Verdcourt (2005) did not acknowledge this range extension as it is possible that they only saw material of O. puberula from cultivated areas of DRC. Robson (1962) included the non-cultivated DRC specimens under O. afzelioides. Later work, however, by Bamps and Farron (1967) revised the material from Lubumbashi (Elisabethville), Katanga province, DRC and placed it under O. puberula , listing O. afzelioides as a synonym. In this study, we clearly distinguish between the two species and can confirm the distribution of each. Moreover, an undescribed species, Ochna sp. 40 listed in FTEA ( Verdcourt 2005), is placed under O. puberula in this study based on molecular evidence supported by the morphology. The inclusion of the specimen Hafashimana 0662 here has extended the species’ range into Uganda. The specimen has an accrescent calyx that encloses the drupelets and has leaves drying blue-black, similar to other specimens of O. puberula . However, flowering material of this species from S Kasyoha-Kitomi forest, Ankole district, Uganda, has not been seen, and more material from this region would be ideal to place it confidently within O. puberula. As the specimen is sister to the rest of O. puberula , additional fertile material may reveal differences between specimens from this region and true O. puberula .














Ochna puberula N.Robson (Robson 1962: 25)

Shah, Toral, Mashimba, Fandey H., Suleiman, Haji. O., Mbailwa, Yahya S., Savolainen, Vincent, Larridon, Isabel & Darbyshire, Iain 2023

Ochna afzelioides

N. Robson (Robson 1962

Ochna holstii

Engl. (Engler 1894