Novius bellus Blackburn, 1889

Pang, Hong, Tang, Xue-Fei, Booth, Roger G., Vandenberg, Natalia, Forrester, Juanita, Mchugh, Joseph & Ślipiński, Adam, 2020, Revision Of The Australian Coccinellidae (Coleoptera). Genus Novius Mulsant Of Tribe Noviini, Annales Zoologici 70 (1), pp. 1-24 : 5-6

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scientific name

Novius bellus Blackburn


Novius bellus Blackburn

( Figs 6–11 View Figures 6–11 , 39–45 View Figures 39–68 , 69–71 View Figures 69–87 , 100–107)

Novius bellus Blackburn, 1889b: 189 . TL: South Australia, Sedan.

Rodolia bella: Ślipiński, 2007: 143 .

Eurodolia Severini Weise, 1895: 150 . TL: Tasmania. Syn. nov.

Rodolia severini: Ślipiński, 2007: 143 .

Novius immaculatus Lea, 1902: 492 . TL: Western Australia, Swan River. Syn. nov.

Rodolia immaculata: Ślipiński, 2007: 143 .

Diagnosis. Novius bellus is very similar to N. lindi and melanic color variants of both species are externally identical. However, these species can be distinguished by the details of the male genitalia with N. lindi having parallel, not apically expanded, parameres which are distinctly shorter than the penis guide, and the penis with a simple and sharp apex ( Figs 26 View Figures 25–29 , 122–126 View Figures 122–136 ). The eyes are also more broadly separated in N. lindi than in N. bellus ( Figs 69–71, 81, 82 View Figures 69–87 ).

Description. Length 3.5–4.0 mm. Body oval, widest just posterior to elytral humeri, 1.1–1.3 times longer than wide. Color pattern variable. Head and pronotum uniformly dark or with anterior part of pronotum reddish. Elytra of typical form red with black, medially expanded sutural stripe and forked stripe extending from each humerus with dorsal branch ending freely before reaching apex and the lower branch reaching lateral margin and extending to apical margin of elytron. Melanic forms with variable amounts of black color on elytra, up to completely black ( Figs 39–45 View Figures 39–68 ). Interocular distance in frontal view 2.0–2.2 times eye width. Male genitalia ( Figs 6–10 View Figures 6–11 ; Figs 100–107 View Figures 100–121 ): parameres slender, weakly expanded and rounded apically; penis guide about as long as parameres, apically point- ed. Penis blunt or weakly pointed apically. Female genitalia as in Figs 92, 93 View Figures 88–99 .

Type material. Novius bellus Blackburn : Lectotype (here designated) male, BMNH. “Type / Australia; Blackburn Coll.; B. M. 1910- 236. / Novius bellus Blackb. / T 2606 Vic”; Eurodolia severini Weise : Holotype: “ Tasmania ” IRSNB Brussels ; Novius immaculatus Lea : Holotype male: “ immaculatus Lea TYPE, Swan R. /10408 Novius immaculatus Lea, W. Australia, TYPE / S. A. Museum. ”

Other specimens examined. New South Wales: Sydney, C. Darwin, 87-42 (5, BMNH); Sydney, G.E. Bryant, 7.ix.1908 (1, BMNH); Casula, xi.1958, N.N. Nikitin (2, BMNH); Cabramatta, Georges R. Valley, 28.iii.1962, M.I. Nikitin (2, BMNH); Covan, 4.2.61, M.I. Nikitin, Brit. Mus, 1962-101 (1, BMNH). Sydney, H.W. Cox, H.J. Carter Coll. P.20.4.22 (7, VM); NSW. 34km N of Woodburn, 20.iv.1980, G.F. Hevel & J.A. Fortin, 2031513 (1, USNMNH); G. Brant Coll. 1919-147, N, Sydney, G.E. Bryant, xi.1908 (1, ANIC). Queensland: Brisbane, 27.28S, 153.01E, xi.1992, V. Brancatini (8, BMNH); Bluff Rg., S. slopes, nr. Biggenden,, Frauca, by sweeping (1, ANIC); Watalgan Rg., via Rosedale, 17.iv.1975, H. Frauca (1, ANIC); E. moluccana Woodland, Mulgowie, S.E. Old, M.D. Peart. A 834, 31.viii. 1983 (1, ANIC); Brisbane, 27.31.3S, 152.56.2E, 28.iii. 1994, V. Brancatini, (LPL9516, KE20) feeding on Monophlebulus comperei on Eucalyptus sp. (17, ANIC). Brisbane, 27.30.66S, 152.59.73E, xii.1994 - i.1995, W. Fahey, ( LP 153-160), Predator of Icerya aegyptiaca & Icerya seychellarum on Ficus benjamina (32, ANIC). Brisbane, 27.28S, 153.01E, 25.ii.1992, V. Brancatini, (LPL9516), Host: 1st instar- Icerya purchasi on Hakea sp., Reared on Icerya aegyptiaca (4, ANIC); Kenmore, 27.37.3S, 152.56.0E, ix.1994, V. Brancatini, Predator of Icerya seychellarum on Michelia figo (9, ANIC); E. moluccana Woodland Mulgowie, M.D. Peart (1, ANIC); Kenmore, 27.37.3S, 152.56.0E, 20.vii.1994, Ofahey, feeding on Icerya seychellarum on Michelia figo (1, ANIC); Long Pocket, 27.30.65S, 152.59.731E, 28.xii.1994, O. Fahey, feeding on Icerya aegyptiaca on Ficus sp. (2, ANIC); Long Pocket, 27.30.65S, 152.59.731E, 28. xii.1994, O. Fahey, feeding on Icerya aegyptiaca / I. seychellarum on Ficus sp./ avocado (1, ANIC); Long Pocket, 27.30.65S, 152.59. 731E, 5.i.1995, O. Fahey, feeding on Icerya aegyptiaca / I. seychellarum on Ficus sp./ avocado (3, ANIC); Mt Coot-tha, 27.28.9S, 152.58.4E, 13.iv.1994, D.P.A. Sands, V. Brancatini, feeding on Monophlebulus comperei on Eucalypt (3, ANIC). Western Australia: Coral Bay (nr. Cardabia), 1-2.viii.1978, H. & A. Howden (10, BMNH); Swan R, S.A. Museum (1, SAM).

Distribution. New South Wales, Queensland, Western Australia ( Fig. 11 View Figures 6–11 ).


Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Okresní vlastivedné muzeum


Australian National Insect Collection


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Laboratory of Palaeontology


South African Museum
















Novius bellus Blackburn

Pang, Hong, Tang, Xue-Fei, Booth, Roger G., Vandenberg, Natalia, Forrester, Juanita, Mchugh, Joseph & Ślipiński, Adam 2020

Rodolia bella: Ślipiński, 2007: 143

Slipinski, S. A. 2007: 143

Rodolia severini: Ślipiński, 2007: 143

Slipinski, S. A. 2007: 143

Rodolia immaculata: Ślipiński, 2007: 143

Slipinski, S. A. 2007: 143

Novius immaculatus

Lea, A. M. 1902: 492

Eurodolia Severini Weise, 1895: 150

Weise, J. 1895: 150

Novius bellus

Blackburn, T. 1889: 189
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