Notophanus bellicilifer Thomas, 2011

Thomas, Michael C., 2011, A new genus and species of brontine Silvanidae from Australia (Coleoptera: Cucujoidea), Insecta Mundi 2011 (154), pp. 1-8 : 1-3

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.4645528

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Notophanus bellicilifer Thomas

sp. nov.

Notophanus bellicilifer Thomas , new species

Description. Holotype, female, deposited in ANIC, with the following label data: “STH. AUSTRALIA Ferrier MacDonald”/”30-I- 70 P. J.M. GREENSLADE 1000" [dissected with genitalia mounted on card below specimen].

Body. Length, 4.5mm. Color dark testaceous, with mouthparts, distal region of tibiae, and tarsi paler ( Fig. 1 View Figure 1 ).

Head. Triangular in shape, 1.75x wider than long, measured across eyes; abruptly constricted behind eyes, temple very short ( Fig. 3 View Figure 2-5 ); eyes located basally, about 0.5x length of head, with long setae that arise from temples and curve forward over eyes ( Fig. 2-3 View Figure 2-5 ); antennae elongate, filiform, attaining basal third of elytra ( Fig. 1 View Figure 1 ), scape elongate, 0.6x length of head, 3x length of pedicel; surface sculpture basally and laterally strongly rugose punctate with a long suberect seta arising from within each puncture ( Fig. 12 View Figure 10-13 ); sculpture of clypeus and frons conspicuously different from rest of head ( Fig. 2 View Figure 2-5 ), smooth with minute punctures each subtending a suberect seta ( Fig. 9 View Figure 6-9 ).

Pronotum. Slightly transverse, 1.15x wider than long; broadest near midpoint, slightly narrowed basally, lateral margins denticulate and heavily setose ( Fig. 2 View Figure 2-5 ); surface sculpture and pubescence as on head, conspicuously smooth are a longitudinal area at the midline ( Fig. 11 View Figure 10-13 ) and the lobate anterior angles ( Fig. 10 View Figure 10-13 ).

Elytra. Elongate, somewhat ovate, 1.7x longer than wide, widest at about midpoint; apices conjointly rounded; elytra with punctate striae, each puncture with a fine pale seta arising at the anterior margin; intervals with a single row of fine punctures, each subtending a slightly thicker dark seta; lateral margins moderately explanate and translucent, with long, stout setae ( Fig. 1 View Figure 1 ).

Paratypes. 9, as follows: 2, same data as holotype ( ANIC, FSCA) ; 3, “ 34.21S 139.29E SA Brookfield Con. Pk. 3-12 Sept. 1991 Campsite J. Lawrence, T. Weir, W. Dressler ”/”Berlesate ANIC 1174 About ANIC litter under mallee” ( ANIC) GoogleMaps ; 2, “ Vic. Wyperfield NP. 1km. N. of Frew’s Pln 8.ii.1970 R.W. T.” ( ANIC); 1, “(33.30S 135.54E) Hambridge Nat. Pk. Eyre Peninsula, S.A. 17.xii.70. Britton, Misko & Pullen ” ( ANIC) GoogleMaps ; 1, “ S. Aust. 3.2km W. Sherlock 12 Jan. 1970 R. W. Taylor ”/” ANIC Berlesate No. 182 Mallee ” ( ANIC) .

Other material examined. A single individual with hind wings was examined with the label data: “ 34.35S 132.46E VIC Robinvale 25 Oct-3 Nov 1988 T. Weir, J. Lawrence & M. Hansen”/”Berlesate ANIC 1085 red gum litter” (ANIC). It is provisionally assigned to N. bellicilifer . The discovery of a winged male and comparison of genitalia is necessary to clarify its status.

Etymology. The species epithet is combination of the Latin bellus (beautiful) and cilium (eyelash), meaning “bearing beautiful eyelashes.”

Discussion. There is no noticeable sexual dimorphism. The male genitalia ( Fig. 14 View Figure 14-17 ) are most similar to New Zealand’s Brontopriscus pleuralis (Sharp) in the apparently immoveable parameres, and short, broad shape of the basal strut of the median lobe and C-shaped structure basally (Thomas 2004). The apex of the median lobe is acuminate in N. bellicilifer while it is not in Brontopriscus Sharp , and the armature of the internal sac is much more complex in the former than the latter.


Australian National Insect Collection


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


Museum national d'Histoire Naturelle, Laboratiore de Paleontologie


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













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