Nostovicina laticristata, Valiukevicius and Burrow, 2005

Burrow, Carole Jan, Murphy, Michael & Turner, Susan, 2023, Late Silurian to earliest Devonian vertebrate biostratigraphy of the Birch Creek II section, Roberts Mountains, Nevada, U. S. A., PaleoBios 40 (1975), pp. 1-32 : 13-14

publication ID 10.5070/P940454153

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scientific name

Nostovicina laticristata



( FIG. 4B–D, 4J View Figure 4 ; TABLE 1 View Table 1 ; SUPPL. 1, FIGS. 19)

Nostolepis laticristata Valiukevičius, 1994 , 149, 150, fig. 70.1, pl. 18.9, 19.1–19.3.

Nostovicina laticristata Valiukevičius and Burrow 2005 , 646.

Type material — Holotype LIGG 30-1569 ; Uryum Beds , Tareya River , Taimyr , Russia (Lower Devonian, Lochkovian).

Referred specimens —Scales assigned to this species occur at levels 517–613’ (157.6–186.8 m), and include UCR 10768-6, -10 and thin section UCR 10768-11(level 518.3’= 158 m): Roberts Mountains Formation.

Description —Small scales up to 0.4 mm wide, with crowns mostly conforming to two morphotypes, both of which have a smooth flat subtriangular surface with five or six short, usually smoothly rounded and nonbranching, ridges leading back from the anterior crown margin. Posterolateral edges of the crown are straight or slightly convex and lack denticulations, converging at a slightly obtuse angle. One morphotype has several oblique ridges leading back from the posterior corner along the lateral faces of the crown ( Fig. 4B View Figure 4 ), and the other morphotype lacks ridges on the posterolateral sides of the crown ( Fig. 4C, D View Figure 4 ). All scales have a short or no neck. The base is convex and about the same height as the crown plus neck, lacking a marked rim between the neck and base. As usual for BC II scales, histology is poorly preserved with scales having extensive hyphal borings. Four wide growth zones form the crown ( Fig. 4J View Figure 4 ).

Comparison —This taxon was erected for circa 5000 isolated scales from the Lochkovian of Taimyr by Valiukevičius (1994), who originally assigned the species to Nostolepis ; it was subsequently reassigned to Nostovicina Valiukevičius and Burrow (2005) , based on histological structure. Some scales from Timan–Pechora that Valiukevičius (1994) assigned to this species were reassigned to Nostolepis adzvensis Valiukevičius (2003b) and subsequently by Valiukevičius and Burrow (2005) to Pechoralepis adzvensis , based once again on histological differences. The two species Nostovicina laticristata and Pechoralepis adzvensis are virtually impossible to differentiate on morphology alone, but histological study of scales confirmed that those from BC II are N. laticristata . The latter show a similar range in size and morphology to scales from the Lochkovian of the Arctic Canadian Archipelago, which Vieth (1980) assigned to Gomphonchus sp. cf. G. hoppei , and which have since also been assigned to N. laticristata ( Valiukevičius 1994, Turner and Burrow 1997: CJB, personal observation of scales from GSC localities C-8771, C-67653, C-76085). A partial articulated fish from the Lochkovian MOTH locality of Northwest Territories, Canada ( Hanke 2001, figs. 82–85: captioned as Nostolepis tewonensis ?) is here considered to be Nostovicina laticristata . Lochkovian–Pragian scales from southeastern Australia that are now assigned to Nostovicina guangxiensis ( Wang, 1992) have a very similar or greater range of crown morphotypes ( Burrow 2002, figs. 4E–I, 5J–M, 12A, C, D), but these scales are on average much larger than those of N. laticristata . One of the type scales of Nostolepis tewonensis ( Wang et al. 1998, pl. 1H) from the lower Lochkovian of the Xiaputonggou Formation, Tewo county, China, resembles the simplest variants of Nostovicina laticristata , and it seems possible that the Chinese scales from that level should be reassigned to the latter species. The holotype and other paratype scales of N. tewonensis were from the much older, upper Wenlockian Miaogou Formation. N. laticristata is now recorded from the Lochkovian of arctic Canada, Northwest Territories Canada, Nevada, Taimyr, Podolia, and east Baltic countries ( Valiukevičius 1994, 2000, Turner and Burrow 1997).


Geological Survey of Canada










Nostovicina laticristata

Burrow, Carole Jan, Murphy, Michael & Turner, Susan 2023

Nostovicina laticristata Valiukevičius and Burrow 2005

Valiukevicius and Burrow 2005

Nostolepis laticristata Valiukevičius, 1994

Valiukevicius 1994
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