Nipponaphaenops (Tanakaphaenops) kojii, Karaoğlan & Yekedüz & Yazgan & Mocan & Köksoy & Yaşar & Şenler & Utkan & Demirkazık & Akbulut & Ürün, 2022

Karaoğlan, Beliz Bahar, Yekedüz, Emre, Yazgan, Satı Coşkun, Mocan, Eda Eylemer, Köksoy, Elif Berna, Yaşar, Hatime Arzu, Şenler, Filiz Çay, Utkan, Güngör, Demirkazık, Ahmet, Akbulut, Hakan & Ürün, Yüksel, 2022, Contribution to the Knowledge of the Rakantrechus Complex (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini), with Description of a New Subgenus and a New Species of the Genus Nipponaphaenops S. Uéno, 1971 from Northwestern Shikoku, Western Japan, Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series A, Zoology (Zoology) 48 (3), pp. 119-138 : 133-136

publication ID 10.50826/bnmnszool.48.3_119

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Nipponaphaenops (Tanakaphaenops) kojii

sp. nov.

Nipponaphaenops (Tanakaphaenops) kojii

sp. nov.

( Figs. 1h, n View Fig , 2e, k View Fig , 3c–d View Fig , 6 View Fig )

Semiaphaenopsoid ˂ [sic]: Uéno & Naitô, 2009: 247. Semiaphaenopsoid specimen: Uéno & Naitô, 2009: 252.

Type material. Holotype: ˂ ( NSMT), lKuroyama, 480 m alt., Furuhashi , Ishidatami , Uchiko-chô [typed on white label] / Ehime Pref. northwestern Shikoku, western Japan, 9.V.2009, K. Tanaka leg. [typed on white label] / found in a baited trap set by K. Tanaka on 10.IV.2009 [typed on white label] / Holotype [typed on red label]z.

Diagnostic characters. See the diagnostic characters of the subgenus.

Description. Female. Body size small, BL: 5.39 mm. Colour of dorsum, venter, most of the appendages entirely dark reddish brown, maxilla and labial palpi pale yellowish brown. Surface polished, faintly iridescent. Microsculpture composed of fine transverse lines and strongly transverse meshes on head; very fine anastomosing transverse lines on pronotum and elytra.

Head elongate subquadrate, longer than wide, only feebly dilated anteriad, with the widest point located at the level of antennal insertion; apical margin of labrum moderately emarginate; labial suture only partially visible as a superficial transverse lineation; frontovertexal areas sharply convex, subcarinate along mid-line; genae flat, glabrous; neck constriction shallow; eye vestiges represented by small indistinct parallel-sided patches, with transverse wrinkles behind them; frontal furrows complete, rapidly divergent anteriad in anterior 2/11 of their length, widely gradually divergent posteriad in posterior 4/9 of their length, subparallel in between; anterior and posterior supraorbital pores widely distant from each other, on lines convergent posteriad; HW/HL 0.98, AL/EL 1.32, relative length of each antennal segment from I to XI: 1: 0.94: 1.55: 1.76: 1.76: 1.77: 1.55: 1.44: 1.37: 1.20: 1.55.

Pronotum elongate subcordate, widest at about apical 3/14; apex wider than base, slightly arcuate at middle; base nearly straight; sides somewhat irregularly curved, arcuately convergent apicad from the widest point, partially rectilinearly convergent posteriad from that point to basal 1/10, then slightly divergent to base; lateral borders entire, narrow in basal 7/9, wider in apical 2/9; anterior lateral seta inserted slightly behind the widest point, posterior one distinctly anteriorly shifted, located at 1/10 from base; dorsum convex in apical and median parts, baso-lateral areas before basal transverse impression narrowly longitudinally depressed along lateral borders, the bottom of the depressed areas transversely wrinkled; disc with a foveole on each side behind the widest parts; median-line distinct, deepening before vague apical transverse impression and also in and before basal transverse impression, but becoming shallower towards both ends; apical area rather strongly depressed at middle, rather deeply longitudinally strigose along apical margin; basal transverse impression deep and continuous, parallel to basal margin; basal area with a longitudinal paramedian impression and some deep longitudinal impressions; basal foveae rather small and deep; postangular carinae absent; PW/HW 1.30, PL/HL 1.50, PW/PL 0.86, PW/PA 1.33, PW/PB 1.56, PB/PA 0.85, PSa 22.7, PwL 21.5.

Elytra oval, large, more than twice as wide as pronotum, widest slightly behind middle; prehumeral basal parts strongly constricted basad in nearly straight lines; sides narrowly bordered and arcuate from behind shoulders to apices through slight preapical emargination; apices separately rounded; striae narrowly crenulate and weakly punctulate, 1–5 entirely moderately impressed, 6–7 superficial, partially represented by row of punctures, 8 partially impressed around marginal umbilicate pores; scutellar striole vanished; apical recurrent striole short, well incurved and directed to apical anastomosis of striae 3–5; intervals somewhat convex near suture and in basal parts, but flat in other parts; two discal setiferous pores on interval 4 next to stria 3 before middle; single discal setiferous pore on stria 5 behind middle; parascutellar pores on the base of stria 2; preapical pore on apical anastomosis of striae 2 and 3 before the level of anterior end of recurrent striole; apical triangle elongate, with inner edge away from mid-line anteriad; EW/PW 2.19, EL/PL 2.69, EL/EW 1.43. The positions of the elytral setae are as follows: D1 16.4, D2 34.8, D3 64.6, DP 87.8, U1 15.8, U2 17.5, U3 21.7, U4 29.2, U5 63.2, U6 68.7, U7 81.7, U8 89.1.

Legs fairly long and stout; protibia gradually dilated apicad, nearly straight, only slightly bowed near apex; mesotibia about 4/9 as long as elytra; metatibia feebly outcurved, about 5/9 as long as elytra; mesotarsus about 9/14 as long as mesotibia; mesotarsomere 1 longer than the mesotarsomeres 2–4 combined; metatarsus about 4/5 as long as metatibia; metatarsomere 1 much longer than metatarsomeres 2–4 combined.

Apical segment of the female gonopods unguiform, with a sensory fovea bearing a pair of sensory setae present on ventral face near apex; laterotergite with about ten or more apical fringing setae ( Fig. 2k View Fig ).

Reproductive tract. Not examined.

Male. Unknown.

Remarks. As mentioned in the introduction of this paper, the holotype specimen of this new species has already been introduced in Uéno and Naitô (2009), but it was treated as one of the problematical specimens supposedly related to (or a variant of) Iyotrechus hisamatsui S. Uéno et Naitô, 2009 (= Rakantrechus hisamatsui comb. nov.). A brief description of it (merely as a supposed variant of Iyotrechus hisamatsui ) given therein was, however, not to the point, because important characteristics that differ between this new species and Rakantrechus (Iyotrechus) hisamatsui comb. nov., such as the shape of mentum tooth, presence/absence of pronotal postangular setae, and condition of labial suture were not mentioned. Further, we were completely erroneous in stating that the humeral set of marginal umbilicate pores of elytra is lalmost aggregatedz ( Uéno & Naitô, 2009, p. 252). In fact, humeral set of Nipponaphaenops (T.) kojii sp. nov. is far from being aggregated as described above ( Fig. 3 d View Fig ). Having compared the holotype of N. kojii sp. nov. with the type series of Rakantrechus hisamatsui comb. nov. in that paper may seem to be widely misled or irrelevant to the subject. However, the late Dr. Uéno had intended to give a taxonomic consideration over a broader scope; he wrote (pers. comm.) in a letter to me dated 31 March, 2009 lI have an expectation that a certain affinity, like that between Nipponaphaenops and Ishikawatrechu s, will be shown also between the former and Iyotrechus z (in Japanese).

Notes on synonymy. Two spellings cited in the synonymy of this new species are not available. These spellings were used to refer to the holotype specimen (designated in this paper) of this new species in Uéno and Naitô (2009), but were not proposed as scientific names for a new species, as the taxonomic position of the specimen was not determined at the time.

Habitat and bionomics. The type locality of this remarkable new species is on the right (eastern) side of the Hiji-kawa River, about 0.7 km north of the type locality of Rakantrechus hisamatsui comb. nov. From nearby places, the members of Rakantrechus of the subgenera Iyotrechus and Izushites S. Uéno are also discovered ( Fig. 7 View Fig ). The holotype specimen was obtained by a baited pit-fall trap set in upper-hypogean environment (cf. Juberthie and Bouillon, 1983; Yoshida, 2012).

Etymology. This new species is named after its discoverer, Mr. Kôji Tanaka.


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