Neobyctiscidius weibaoshanensis Legalov, 2008

Legalov, Andrei A., 2008, New species of the tribe Byctiscini (Coleoptera, Rhynchitidae) from Yunnan, Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 8 (1), pp. 49-54 : 50-54

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13204588

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scientific name

Neobyctiscidius weibaoshanensis Legalov

sp. nov.

Neobyctiscidius weibaoshanensis Legalov , sp.n.

( figs. 5, 7 View Figs , 13, 16, 17, 19 View Figs )

Holotype. Male ( NMPC), China, Yunnan prov., Weibaoshan mts.

Description. MALE: Body black, weakly lustrous, almost naked. Rostrum short, thick, lustrous, weakly curved, largely punctate, without carina, 3.0 times as long as wide, 1.11 times as short as pronotum, expanded to apex. Antennae almost located on rostrum middle. Forehead wide, flat, densely small punctate. Eyes not protruding. Vertex densely punctate. Temples short. Antennae short. Scapus and 1st segment oval. First segment hardly shorter than scapus, 2nd segment narrow-oval, considerable narrower than 1st segments, 3rd segment hardly shorter than 2nd, narrow, 4th and 5th segments rounded, 6th segment larger than 4 th, 7th segment sharply transversal, wide. Clava wide and long, equal length to funicle. First and 2nd segments of almost equal length, 3rd segment tear-shaped, longer than 2nd. Pronotum weakly transversal, 1.1 times as long as wide, almost rectangular, weakly narrowed to apex, densely largely punctate, without middle striae. Greatest width near the basis. Sides almost direct. Scutellum rectangular, wide. Elytra wide, 1.13 times as long as wide. Humeri weakly convex. Intervals wide, convex, very dense small punctate, almost without luster. Scutellar stria present. Striae narrow and deep. Points in striae small. 9th striae merge with 10th striae at level of the metacoxa. Thorax small and densely punctate. Prothorax with small tooth. Metepisternum wide. Abdomen convex, matte, weakly flattened on the middle. First and 2nd ventrites wider, 3rd ventrite narrower, 4th ventrite narrow, 5th ventrite very narrow. Pygidium convex, densely punctate. Legs long. Femora weakly widened. Tibiae almost direct, without luster, weakly expanded to apex. Tarsi short and wide. First segment weakly elongated, 2nd segment wide triangular, 3rd segment bilobed. Clausal segment elongated. Claws with teeth. Length of body: 2.3 mm.

Diagnosis. This new species is lake to Neobyctiscidius hanungensis Legalov, 2007 from Vietnam but differs by the densely punctate body, with weakly luster, shorter and thick rostrum, wider head, shorter temples, more narrowed sides of the pronotum, narrower elytra, wider elytral intervals, abdomen without luster, not pointed apex of the aedeagus and basal sclerite of the endophallus.

Etymology. The name is formed from the location “Weibaoshan” – “weibaoshanensis ”.

Distribution. China (Yunnan).


National Museum Prague

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