Miltochrista cornutia Volynkin, Černý & Huang, 2022

Volynkin, Anton V., Černý, Karel & Huang, Si-Yao, 2022, Two new species of the Miltochrista modesta (Leech) species group from Northern Vietnam and South China (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae), Ecologica Montenegrina 59, pp. 60-73 : 61-65

publication ID 10.37828/em.2022.59.6

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scientific name

Miltochrista cornutia Volynkin, Černý & Huang

sp. nov.

Miltochrista cornutia Volynkin, Černý & Huang , sp. n.

( Figs 1–4 View Figures 1–8 , 23, 24 View Figures 23–26 , 33 View Figures 33–37 )

Type material. Holotype ( Figs 1 View Figures 1–8 , 23 View Figures 23–26 ): male, “N- Vietnam 1400m | Mai-chau , Urwald [tropical forest] | 40km SE Moc-chau | 20.50’N 104.50’E [20°50'N 104°50'E] | 07.–15.IV.1995 leg. | Sinjaev & EinhSamml [Sinyaev & local collectors]” / “Genitalpräparat | Heterocera | Nr. 31.484 | Museum Witt München” (MWM/ ZSM). GoogleMaps

Paratypes: VIETNAM: 74 males, 9 females, the same data as in the holotype, gen. prep. No.: MWM 31.508 (male) (prepared by Volynkin) (MWM/ ZSM) ; 5 males, Mai-chau , 25 km S Moc-chau, 1400m, 20°50'N 104°40'E, 14–18.XI.1994, V. Sinyaev leg., secondary forest, gen. prep. Nos.: MWM 31488, MWM 31.502, MWM 31.503 (males) (prepared by Volynkin) (MWM/ ZSM) GoogleMaps ; 1 female, Hoang Lien Son , Sa Pa, 12–17. V.1990, M. Kalaòsa & Z. Koštál leg. (MWM/ ZSM) ; 1 female, Tam Dao (secondary forest), 60 km NW Hanoi, 1300m, 21°34'N 105°20'E, 1–5. V.1993, Sinyaev & Simonov leg. (MWM/ ZSM) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, 3 females, Mt. Fan-si-pan, W side, Chapa, 22°20'N 103°40'E, 1600–1800m, IV.1995, Sinyaev & local collectors leg., gen. prep. No.: MWM 31.485 (prepared by Volynkin) (MWM/ ZSM) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, the same data as previous but 20–30.X.1994 (MWM/ ZSM) GoogleMaps ; 3 males, 1 female, the same data as previous but IV.1994 (MWM/ ZSM) GoogleMaps ; 6 males, 3 females, the same data as previous but IX.1994 (MWM/ ZSM) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, the same data as previous but IX.1995 (MWM/ ZSM) GoogleMaps ; 2 males, 1 female, the same data as previous but 15–25.IV.1995 (MWM/ ZSM) GoogleMaps ; 4 males, 3 females, Mt. Fan-si-pan (West), Cha-pa, secondary forest, 22°20'N 103°40'E, IX.1994, Mong leg., gen. prep. No.: MWM 31.509 (male) (prepared by Volynkin) (MWM/ ZSM) GoogleMaps ; 9 males, 2 females, the same locality as previous but V.1995, local collectors leg. (MWM/ ZSM) GoogleMaps ; 2 females, the same locality as previous but secondary forest/cultivated land, 30. VI.–12.VII.1994, Brechlin & Schintlmeister leg. GoogleMaps

(MWM/ ZSM) ; 3 males, Mt. Fan-si-pan, N side, Chapa, 22°17'N 103°44'E, 1600m, 1–7.XI.1995, Sinyaev & collector leg., gen. prep. No.: MWM 31.514 (prepared by Volynkin) (MWM/ ZSM) GoogleMaps ; 2 males, the same data as previous but 28.X.–3.XI.1994 (MWM/ ZSM) GoogleMaps ; 10 males, 3 females, the same data as previous but 20– 30.IV.1995 (MWM/ ZSM) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, the same locality as previous but 1–7.XI.1995, Sinyaev & Afonin leg. (MWM/ ZSM) GoogleMaps ; 3 males, 2 females, Mt. Fan-si-pan, Cha-pa, 2400m, NN, 22°15'N 103°46'E, 8–29. GoogleMaps V.1993, Sinyaev & Simonov leg. (MWM/ ZSM) ; 8 males, 1 female, Phansipan [Mt. Fansipan], Sapa, 1000m , V.1990, Kubáň leg. ( CKC) ; 1 female, 1–16. V.1990 , Sa-Pa, Huang-Lien-son Distr. , 1600m, Jan Horák leg. ( CKC) ; 2 males, 4 females, Cha pa, Tonkin (Pételot) / 1920–1932 coll. L. & J. De Joannis, Muséum Paris, unique numbers : MNHN, Paris EL83596, EL83597, EL83598, EL83599, EL83600, EL83601 ( MNHN) ; 1 female, Cha-pa , Tonkin / Muséum Paris, Coll. L. Dupont 1943, unique number : MNHN, Paris EL83602 ( MNHN).

Diagnosis. The new species ( Figs 1–4 View Figures 1–8 ) is externally reminiscent of M. modesta ( Figs 5, 6 View Figures 1–8 ) known from China but distinguished by the somewhat larger spots of the forewing pattern. The male genital capsule of Miltochrista cornutia sp. n. ( Figs 23, 24 View Figures 23–26 ) differs from M. modesta ( Fig. 25 View Figures 23–26 ) in the longer valva with a more elongate and distally tapered distal lobe (it is rounded in the congener), and the markedly longer and more upcurved distal saccular process. Additionally, in the new species, the uncus is postmedially dilated (it is evenly slender in M. modesta ), the anellus lacks the ventral-lateral sclerotised stripes, and the proximal section of the sacculus is broader than in M. modesta and has a smooth dorsal margin whereas it is setose in the congener. The vesica of M. cornutia sp. n. is broader than in M. modesta , having a markedly shorter distal diverticulum, and bearing two robust cornuti of different lengths (and one or two additional tiny cornuti in some specimens) whereas in M. modesta , it bears a broad medial area of granulation instead. In the female genitalia, M. cornutia sp. n. ( Fig. 33 View Figures 33–37 ) differs from M. modesta ( Fig. 34 View Figures 33–37 ) in the markedly narrower and rectangular antrum (it is funnel-shaped in the congener), the markedly longer and broader ductus bursae, and the larger corpus bursae posteriorly bearing two broad sclerotised pockets edged with dense clusters of robust spines whereas in M. modesta , the posterior section of the corpus bursae bears a short and narrow sclerotised pocket edged with a short cluster of markedly shorter spines. The appendix bursae of M. cornutia sp. n. is conical with an additional diverticulum at the junction with the ductus bursae whereas it is semiglobular and lacking the diverticulum in M. modesta .

Description. External morphology of adults ( Figs 1–4 View Figures 1–8 ). Forewing length 13–16 mm in males and 15–18 mm in females. Spring generation significantly larger than autumnal one. Sexual dimorphism limited: female larger than male and with somewhat broader forewing. Head deep yellow with one black circular spot on frons. Thorax deep yellow; tegula deep yellow and lacking spots; patagia deep yellow with circular black spot medially; prothorax with two circular black spots anteriorly, and metathorax with one larger circular black spot medially. Forewing broad with rounded apex and oblique tornus. Forewing ground colour deep yellow, pattern elements black. Antemedial area with costal margin edged with black scales. Antemedial fascia oblique and represented by two spots near costal and anal margins. Discal spot semicircular. Postmedial fascia strongly curved outwards medially and anteriorly, interrupted into series of seven or eight spots of various sizes. Cilia deep yellow. Hindwing uniformly pale ochreous-yellow. Abdomen ochreous-yellow. Male genitalia ( Figs 23, 24 View Figures 23–26 ). Uncus elongate and slender, laterally flattened, postmedially dilated, distally tapered and apically pointed, almost straight proximally and downcurved distally. Tuba analis narrow with broad and setose subscaphium. Arms of tegumen moderately broad, weakly sclerotised. Vinculum equal in length to tegumen, heavily sclerotised, with U-shaped saccus. Valva elongate and narrow, with medially concave dorsal margin, and conical and apically rounded distal membranous lobe. Sacculus broad basally but strongly tapered distally, with long, robust and apically rounded distal saccular process gradually upcurved distally and extending further than the valva apex. Transtillae broad, heavily sclerotised and fused with each other. Juxta pyramidal and weakly sclerotised. Phallus elongate, straight, cylindrical with short and rounded coecum. Vesica sack-like with three short semiglobular ventral, lateral and distal (dorsal) diverticula, and two robust blade-shaped cornuti of different lengths. In some specimens one or two additional tiny cornuti present. Vesica ejaculatorius originates proximally-dorsally, lacking basal sclerotised plate. Female genitalia ( Fig. 33 View Figures 33–37 ). Papilla analis broad, rectangular with rounded corners, weakly setose. Apophyses long and thin, apophysis anterioris somewhat longer than apophysis posterioris. Antrum rectangular, dorso-ventrally flattened, with swollen and heavily sclerotised, horseshoe-shaped ventral margin of ostium. Medial section of ductus bursae short, gelatinous, somewhat constricted. Anterior section of corpus bursae elongate, dorso-ventrally flattened, sclerotised, with anterior end asymmetrically dilated to the right. Ductus bursae sack-like, with sclerotised posterior section having two broad and long heavily sclerotised pockets anteriorly edged with elongate dense clusters of robust spines. Anterior section of corpus bursae densely covered with spinulose scobination and bearing elongate strip-like weakly sclerotised signum bearing several transversal folds. Appendix bursae positioned postero-laterally on right side, membranous, conical and apically rounded, with additional short diverticulum at junction with ductus bursae.

Distribution. The species is known only from Northern Vietnam (Lào Cai and Hòa Bình Provinces).

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the robust cornuti in the phallus vesica, which are absent in the similar M. modesta . The name is a noun in the nominative singular in apposition.


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