Microcerotermes Silvestri, 1901

Krishna, Kumar & Grimaldi, David, 2009, Diverse Rhinotermitidae and Termitidae (Isoptera) in Dominican Amber, American Museum Novitates 2009 (3640), pp. 1-48 : 20-21

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1206/633.1

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scientific name

Microcerotermes Silvestri, 1901


Genus Microcerotermes Silvestri, 1901 View in CoL

Microcerotermes is a genus most abundant in the tropical regions of the world, with seven living species from the Neotropical Region, two of which are reported from the West Indies, of which one is from Hispaniola ( Haiti only) (table 1). Most species are wood feeders and build hard carton nests of fecal matter. The two species described here, Microcerotermes insulans and M. setosus , are, with the exception of a dubious species in gum copal, the first record of this genus, living or fossil, from the Dominican Republic and the first fossil record of this genus.

Microcerotermes insulanus , new species

Figures 14–16 View Fig View Fig View Fig ; table 6

DIAGNOSIS: The imago of this species differs from M. setosus , n. sp., in having

TABLE 5 Measurements (mm) of imago of Amitermes lucidus , new species


Length of head to tip of labrum 1.04 Length of head to postclypeus 0.69 Width of head with eyes 0.94 Diameter of eye 0.23 Eye from lower margin 0.05 Length of ocellus 0.08 Length of postclypeus 0.23 Width of postclypeus 0.43 Maximum length of pronotum 0.51 Width of pronotum 0.79 Length of hind tibia 0.79 Length of forewing scale 0.43 Length of forewing from suture — Width of forewing —

smaller eyes, shorter and narrower forewings, a narrower pronotum, and its head and pronotum less densely covered with setae.

DESCRIPTION: Imago: Head and pronotum dark brown; antennae lighter brown; wings light brown. Head and pronotum covered with a moderate number of short setae; forewing scale with numerous long setae; wing membrane with a few short setae and dotlike punctations (microtrichia). Head with sides subparallel below eyes. Eyes small, nearly round. Ocelli barely visible (appear oval), approximately 0.05 mm from eyes. Fontanelle not clearly visible due to whitish film over head (appears dotlike). Postclypeus faintly arched; length half its width (length to width index 0.50). Antennae with 15 articles; third shortest; second subequal to fourth. Pronotum distorted in preservation, narrower than head; anterior margin concave; posterolateral corners broadly rounded. Forewing with median vein unbranched.

SPECIMEN: Holotype (imago) AMNH DR10- 1526 About AMNH .

ETYMOLOGY: This new species is named after the Latin insulanus , ‘‘islander’’.

Microcerotermes setosus , new species

Figures 14–16 View Fig View Fig View Fig ; table 6

DIAGNOSIS: The imago of this species differs from M. insulanus , n. sp., in having larger eyes, longer and wider forewings, and its head and pronotum densely covered with setae.

DESCRIPTION: Imago: Head and pronotum blackish brown; antennae brownish, lighter than head; forewing scale yellowish brown. Head with a dense mat of short setae, with many long setae interspersed; pronotum densely covered with short setae and longer setae along its margin; wing scale, tergites, sternites heavily covered with setae; anterior margin of forewing with a row of short setae; wing membrane with dotlike punctations (microtrichia). Head oblong, with sides subparallel below eyes. Eyes nearly round. Ocelli oval, very close (0.03 mm) to eyes. Fontanelle not visible due to debris on surface of head (in one specimen appears dotlike). Postclypeus apparently flat, perhaps distorted in preservation; length more than half its width (length to width index 0.58). Antennae with 15 articles; third shortest; second subequal to fourth. Pronotum narrower than head; anterior margin concave; anterolateral corners narrow; posterior margin faintly emarginate. Forewing with median vein with five branches.

SPECIMENS: Holotype (imago) AMNH DR10-1553 About AMNH . Paratypes (imagoes), AMNH DR10-1559 About AMNH , PB-256 .

ETYMOLOGY: This new species name is from the Latin setosus , for its being densely covered with setae.


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