Melaloncha biseta, Brown, 2004

Brown, Brian V., 2004, Revision of the subgenus Udamochiras of Melaloncha beekilling flies (Diptera: Phoridae: Metopininae), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 140 (1), pp. 1-42 : 26-28

publication ID 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2004.00086.x

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Melaloncha biseta

sp. nov.

MELALONCHA BISETA View in CoL SP. NOV. ( FIG. 67 View Figures 67–75 )

Recognition. Like M. hansoni ( Fig. 76 View Figures 76–86 ) M. biseta has slightly differentiated apical setae on the ovipositor, but the ovipositor of M. biseta is broader apically and the enlarged lateral seta is less differentiated ( Fig. 67 View Figures 67–75 ).

Description. Body length 2.4–3.4 mm. Frons orange, except vertex and ocellar region, which are black. Setal base of all setae either orange or black. Mean frontal width 0.29 head width; range 0.28–0.29. Frons with fine reticulate sculpturing, slightly shiny, punctate, with small, black setulae. Median furrow faint, but present. Frontal setae normal; arrangement of frontal setae unmodified, with ventral interfrontal setae near venter of frons. Dorsal interfrontal setae present, 0.5 length of postocellar setae, level with ventral ocellus to slightly ventral to level of ventral ocellus. Palpus unmodified. Ocular and genal setae flattened, yellow. Fore tarsomeres yellowish-brown, slightly expanded. Combined length of fore tarsomeres approximately 0.8 tibial length. Fore tarsomere 1 approximately twice as long as tarsomere 2. Fore tarsomere 5 slightly expanded. Pulvilli of fore leg large. Tarsal claws of all legs small, finely bifurcate at apex. Mid and hind leg yellowish-brown. Mean costal length 0.55 wing length; range 0.53–0.58. Tergite 6 of similar colour to other tergites. Tergites 2–6 lateroventrally black, with silver pollinosity. Venter of abdomen grey. Ovipositor relatively tubular, relatively straight. In dorsal view, lateral setae of ovipositor thin, short, relatively numerous, dorsoapical pair long, distinct. Ventrally, ovipositor with short, fine, sparse setae. Surface of ovipositor with faint, somewhat longitudinally directed sculpturing.

Variation. The specimen from Zurquí de Moravia has all setal bases black, whereas the other specimens have orange setal bases.

Host. The specimens from Cumbre Alto Beni were attracted to an aggregation of bees of several species, but the most likely host (based on size) was Partamona sp. Also present in large numbers were A. mellifera .

Geographical distribution. Costa Rica and Bolivia.

Etymology. Latin noun meaning two setae, referring to the larger dorsoapical pair on the ovipositor.

Holotype. ♀, BOLIVIA: La Paz: 40 km N Caranavi, Cumbre Alto Beni, 15.83∞S, 67.56∞W, 14.iv.2001, B. Brown, G. Kung, honey-sprayed leaves, 1600 m [ LACM ENT 128399 About LACM ] ( CBFC).

Paratypes. 1♀, same data as holotype ( LACM) . COSTA RICA: Alajuela: Reserva Biologia San Ramon, 10.22∞N, 84.62∞W , 1♀, iv-v.1995, P. Hanson, Malaise trap, 900 m ( LACM) ; San José: Zurquí de Moravia , 10.05∞N, 84.02∞W , 1♀, viii.1995, P. Hanson, Malaise trap, 1600 m ( LACM) .


( FIGS 68, 72 View Figures 67–75 )

Recognition. This species can be easily recognized by its extremely deep ( Fig. 72 View Figures 67–75 ) and laterally compressed ( Fig. 68 View Figures 67–75 ) ovipositor.

Melaloncha Melaloncha Borgmeier 70 71 biseta n. sp. compressicauda n. sp. 69 67

72 Melaloncha compressicauda n. sp.

Melaloncha 73 deinocerca Borgmeier

74 exigua Melaloncha n. sp.

75 falcata Melaloncha n. sp. Description. Body length 2.1–2.3 mm. Frons orange, except vertex and ocellar region, which are black. Setal base of all setae coloured like rest of frons. Mean frontal width 0.29 head width; range none. Frons with fine reticulate sculpturing, slightly shiny, weakly punctate, with small, pale setulae. Median furrow absent. Frontal setae normal; arrangement of frontal setae unmodified, with ventral interfrontal setae near venter of frons. Dorsal interfrontal setae present, 0.6 length of postocellar setae, level with ventral margin of ventral ocellus to slightly ventral to level of ventral ocellus. Palpus unmodified. Ocular and genal setae flattened, yellow. Fore tarsomeres yellowish-brown, slightly expanded. Combined length of fore tarsomeres approximately 0.8 tibial length. Fore tarsomere 1 approximately twice as long as tarsomere 2. Fore tarsomere 5 slightly expanded. Pulvilli of fore leg large. Tarsal claws of all legs small, finely bifurcate at apex. Mid and hind leg yellowish-brown, with tarsomeres 4–5 and apex of tarsomere 3 of mid leg dark brown dorsally. Mean costal length 0.56 wing length; range 0.55–0.57. Tergite 6 of similar colour to other tergites. Tergites 2–6 lateroventrally black, with silver pollinosity. Venter of abdomen grey. Ovipositor narrow, deep, extremely laterally compressed, sinuous on ventral margin, relatively straight. In dorsal view, lateral setae of ovipositor thin, short. Ventrally, ovipositor with short, fine, sparse setae. Surface of ovipositor with faint, irregular, reticulate sculpturing.

Geographical distribution. Costa Rica.

Etymology. Latin noun meaning compressed tail, referring to the shape of the ovipositor.

Holotype. ♀, COSTA RICA: Alajuela: Res. Biol. San Ramon, 10.22∞N, 84.62∞W, iv- v.1995, P. Hanson, Malaise trap, 900 m [ LACM ENT 128764 About LACM ] ( LACM).

Paratypes. COSTA RICA: Cartago: nr. Tuis , 1♀, 16– 22.vii.1993, W. J. Hanson, 3000 ft ( EMUS) .


( FIGS 11 View Figures 8–14 , 26 View Figures 22–27 , 69, 73 View Figures 67–75 )

Melaloncha deinocerca Borgmeier, 1960: 304–305 View in CoL , figs 64–66.

Holotype: ♀, BRAZIL: Mato Grosso: Westgrenze , v.1954, A. Vieira [ LACM ENT 134146 About LACM ] (examined; MZSP).

Recognition. Among species with a black frons, and indeed among all Melaloncha , the trilobed ovipositor of this species ( Fig. 69 View Figures 67–75 ) is extremely distinctive and unlikely to be confused with any other.

Description. Body length 1.8–2.5 mm. Frons black. Setal base of all setae coloured like rest of frons. Mean frontal width 0.3 head width; range 0.29–0.31. Frons with fine reticulate sculpturing, slightly shiny, with small punctures and small, black setulae restricted to lateral one-third. Median furrow absent. Frontal setae short; arrangement of frontal setae modified, with ventral interfrontal setae 0.4 frontal height from ventral margin of frons. Dorsal interfrontal setae present, 0.8 length of postocellar setae, slightly ventral to level of ventral ocellus. Palpus with one longer apical and several shorter, scattered black setae only. Ocular and genal setae normal, black. Fore tarsomeres yellowishbrown, slightly expanded. Combined length of fore tarsomeres approximately 0.9 tibial length. Fore tarsomere 1 approximately twice as long as tarsomere 2. Fore tarsomere 5 relatively narrow. Pulvilli of fore leg large. Tarsal claws of all legs enlarged, deeply bifurcate. Mid and hind leg yellowish-brown, except tarsomere 5 dark brown. Mean costal length 0.47 wing length; range 0.46–0.47. Tergite 6 of similar colour to other tergites. Tergites 2–6 lateroventrally black, with silver pollinosity. Venter of abdomen grey. Ovipositor trilobed, with dorsally curved lateral lobes and shorter, flat, apically rounded median lobe, relatively straight. In dorsal view, lateral setae of ovipositor minute, sparse. Ventrally, ovipositor with minute, sparse setae. Surface of ovipositor smooth, shiny. Intersegment 7–8 with triangular central portion and posterolateral processes ( Fig. 11 View Figures 8–14 ).

Variation. The holotype specimen appears to be alcohol bleached, and the colours much lighter than the other two more recently collected specimens. The more recent specimens were used for colour in the Description, above.

Unlike the holotype and the specimen from Mexico, which have the median lobe of the ovipositor relatively parallel-sided in dorsal view, the specimens from Costa Rica have the median lobe apically broadened. More specimens are needed to assess the significance of this variation.

Phylogenetic relationships. This species, with its unusual ovipositor and frontal setation, is not clearly related to any other Udamochiras species. The structure of intersegment 7–8 ( Fig. 11 View Figures 8–14 ) is somewhat similar to that of the M. colossia -group species M. trua , as is the dorsally concave ovipositor. The claws of M. deinocerca are also deeply bifurcate, like other species of the M. colossia -group, but it lacks a deeply impressed frontal furrow, the other major character of this group.

Host. At TYC I observed a female hovering over and darting at a worker of Partamona cf cupeira (sensu Roubik, 1992). At Finca Montezuma a female was attracted to an aggregation of several species of bees, mostly Plebeia spp. , but the most likely host (based on size) was Trigona amalthea silvestriana .

Geographical distribution. Mexico to Brazil.

Other material examined. COSTA RICA: Guanacaste: 3 km SE Rio Naranjo, Finca Montezuma , 10.67∞N, 85.06∞W, 1♀ [abdomen only; rest of body used for molecular analysis], 26.ii.2002, B. Brown, honeysprayed undergrowth ( LACM) ; Puntarenas: 5.5 km SW Rincon , TYC, 8.70∞N, 83.51∞W, 1♀, 11.viii.2001, B. Brown, honey-sprayed leaves ( LACM) . MEXICO: Nayarit: San Blas, La Bajada , 1♀, 20–21.iii.1983, W. J. Hanson ( EMUS) .


Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo














Melaloncha biseta

Brown, Brian V. 2004

Melaloncha deinocerca

Borgmeier T 1960: 305
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