Megalogryllus (Megalogryllus) excellens, Горохов, 2019

Горохов, А. В., 2019, Преąваритеλьная Гипотеза Об Истории Поąсемейства Gryllinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) В Америке И Новые Таксоны Поąтрибы Anurogryllina И Роąа, Amurian Zoological Journal XI (4), pp. 279-308 : 306-307

publication ID 10.33910/2686-9519-2019-11-4-279-308

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Megalogryllus (Megalogryllus) excellens

sp. nov.

Megalogryllus (Megalogryllus) excellens View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 52 View Figs 13–52 , 119 View Figs 100–119 , 120 View Figs 120–122 , 126–128 View Figs 123–128 ) BE967-F4FB-4104-80F5-8CDB73DF8D8B

Material. Holotype — male, Peru, bank of Rio Morona near its mouth and not far from Puerto America Town, ~ 200 m, primary forest, at light, 20– 23.01.2010, A. Gorochov ( ZIN) . Paratypes: 7 males, 4 females, same data as for holotype ( ZIN) ; 2 females, Peru, “ Rio Amazon & Rio Ucayali, between Iquitos and Pucallpa ”, at light in ship, 17– 20.02.2006, N. Kluge ( ZIN) .

Description. Male (holotype). General appearance ( Fig. 120 View Figs 120–122 ) similar to that of M. (M.) angustulus but with following differences: body slightly larger; colouration of head and pronotum uniformly dark brown with ocelli, pedicel and apex of labrum light brown, scape and rest of mouthparts brown, and antennal flagellum greyish brown; legs with light brown proximal parts (from coxa to base of femur) and greyish brown rest parts (dorsal surface of hind femur almost dark brown); tegmina light greyish brown with semitransparent membranes as in M. angustulus and almost transparent some membranes in lateral field; abdomen with light brown venter and greyish brown rest parts (including cerci and apical portion of genital plate); hind tibia with 6–7 outer and 3–4 inner dorsal non-articulated denticles located more proximally than longer articulated spines; hind basitarsus with 6–8 outer and six inner dorsal denticles; tegmina slightly protruding beyond abdominal apex, with dorsal field somewhat larger (wid- er) as well as having more numerous oblique veins (5 instead 4) and larger mirror (see Figs 118 and 119 View Figs 100–119 ), and with lateral field practically lacking crossveins. Genitalia also very similar to those of this species, but ectoparameres without concavity in middle part of their lateral edges, posterodorsal ectoparameral sclerite (pds) with spine-like apical process (spl) directed more backwards than downwards, endoparameres having small (short) anterior apodemes, rachis with anterior (sclerotized) part widened in profile, and rami with distal part very narrow and less curved ( Figs 52 View Figs 13–52 , 126–128 View Figs 123–128 ).

Variations. Other males with colouration from similar to that of holotype to clearly lighter [with brown epicranium having dark spot between ocelli and lightish longitudinal lines on dorsum, almost light brown mouthparts, pronotum and femora, and slightly lighter (than femora) rest of legs, sternites, abdominal tergites and cerci; number of spines and denticles on hind tibia and tarsus as well as oblique veins and longitudinal veins in lateral field of tegmina insignificantly varied; widened part of rachis sometimes indistinct in profile.

Female. Colouration and general structure of body as in lighter males and almost indistinguishable from those of female of M. angustulus , but number of tibial and tarsal spines and denticles as well as longitudinal veins in tegmina insignificantly varied; structure of genital plate and ovipositor also very similar to that of this female.

Length in mm. Body: male 25–29, female 26–32; body with wings: male 33–36, female 35–38; pronotum 3.7–4, female 3.9–4.2; tegmina: male 19–21, female 20–23; hind femora: male 14–15, female 14.8–16; ovipositor 3.9–4.2.

Comparison. The new species is most similar to M. angustulus but distinguished from the latter species in some proportions of structures of male tegminal stridulatory apparatus (mirror width / mirror length, mirror length / distance between mirror and stridulatory vein, and length of apical area / mirror length are approximately equal to 1.1, 1.2, 1.15 in the new species and 1.15, 1.2, 1.3 in M. angustulus , respectively) and the above-mentioned characters of male genitalia (see the description above). From M. molinai and M. clamosus , the new species differs in the male tegmina with their stridulatory apparatus longer than in M. molinai , apical area longer than in M. clamosus , and mirror distinctly less transverse than in the both species (see Figs 116, 117 and 119 View Figs 100–119 ).

Etymology. Name of this species is the Latin word “excellens ” (excellent).


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum













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