Matsumuraja formosana Takahashi, 1925

Xu, Ying, Chen, Jing, Jiang, Liyun & Qiao, Gexia, 2024, Revision of Matsumuraja (Hemiptera, Aphidinae, Macrosiphini) in China with two new synonyms and four new records, Zootaxa 5477 (1), pp. 27-42 : 28-29

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5477.1.2

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scientific name

Matsumuraja formosana Takahashi, 1925


Matsumuraja formosana Takahashi, 1925 View in CoL

( Figs 1 View FIGURE 1 , 8a View FIGURE 8 , 9f View FIGURE 9 , 10a View FIGURE 10 , 11a, b View FIGURE 11 )

Specimens examined. Four apterous viviparous females, CHINA: Guizhou ( Guiyang City ), 27.IX.1999, No. 12454- 1-1, on Rubus , coll. L. K. Zhang ; one apterous viviparous female, CHINA: Hunan ( Xiangxi City ), 26.IX.2015, No. 36094-1-1, on Rubus , coll. F. F. Niu ; two apterous viviparous females, CHINA: Sichuan ( Chengdu City ), 17.VIII.2018, No. 43946-1-1, on Rubus , coll. J. F. Ji and Y. Xu ; two apterous viviparous females, CHINA: Sichuan ( Ganzi City ), 9. VII.2019, No. 45790-1-1, on Rubus , coll. J. F. Ji ; one apterous viviparous female, CHINA: Sichuan ( Ganzi City ), 10. VI.2021, No. 50541-1-1, on Rubus , coll. T. Y. Liu and S. Xu ; one apterous viviparous female and two alate viviparous females, CHINA: Sichuan (Luding County), 1.X.2018, No. 44902-1-1, on Rubus , coll. J. F. Ji ; four apterous viviparous females, CHINA: Tibet ( Shigatse City ), 24. VII.2021, No. 51962-1-1, No. 51963-1-1, on Rubus , coll. Y. Xu ; two apterous viviparous females, CHINA: Tibet ( Nyingchi City ), 29. VI.2021, No. 51729-1-1, on Rubus , coll. Y. Xu ; one apterous viviparous female and one alate viviparous female, CHINA: Tibet ( Nyingchi City ), 27. VI.2021, No. 51711-1-1, on Rubus , coll. Y. Xu ; two apterous viviparous females and four alate viviparous females, CHINA: Shaanxi ( Xianyang City ), 20. V.1984, No. 6226-1-2, on Rubus , coll. X. F. Dai (as M. rubicola in Zhang et al. 1999a).

Diagnosis. Ant. I with one long finger-like process ( Fig. 1b View FIGURE 1 ), 0.79–1.12 times the segment; long, thick and capitate antennal setae, and the longest setae of Ant. III 0.47–1.14 times Ant. IIIBD; abdominal tergites I–IV and VI–VII, each with two paired short conical spinal tubercles; tergite V with one paired short conical spinal tubercles; the spinal tubercles on abdominal tergites VI–VII are longer than others; and the dorsal setae are long, thick and capitate, 1.61–3.00 times Ant. IIIBD.

Distribution. China (Guizhou, Hunan, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan ( Tao 1963), Tibet).

Comment. The species was reported in Zhang et al. (1999b) and Jiang et al. (2011) from China. However, after checking the specimens ( Fig. 8b View FIGURE 8 ), it appears that they are Matsumuraja rubi (Matsumura) . The main characteristics of the specimens in the two books are as follows: Ant. I with one long finger-like process on the inner side; thoracis nota and abdominal tergites I–VII each with one paired long finger-like spinal tubercles, and the marginal tubercles are slightly swollen; SIPH long cylindrical, not swollen. Although the Ant. I of the two species have a long finger process on the inner side, the main distinctions between them are as follows: M. formosana : abdominal tergites I–IV and VI–VII, each with two paired short conical spinal tubercles and marginal tubercles also short conical ( Fig. 8a View FIGURE 8 ) ( M. rubi : abdominal tergites I–VII, each with one paired long finger-like spinal tubercles and the marginal tubercles slightly swollen); M. formosana : spinal setae of the abdomen long and capitate, and much longer than the spinal tubercles ( M. rubi : spinal setae of abdomen long and capitate but much shorter than the spinal tubercles); M. formosana : SIPH long cylindrical and swollen at distal 1/3 part ( M. rubi : SIPH long cylindrical, not swollen). Therefore, the species that is listed in the two books is Matsumuraja rubi (Matsumura) .


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium













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