Macrorrhyncha thracica BECHEV, 1997

Bechev, D., 2010, Two New Species Of Macrorrhyncha Winnertz (Diptera: Keroplatidae) From Turkey, With Redescription Of Macrorrhyncha Thracica Bechev, Stat. N. And A Key To The Western Palaearctic Species Of The Genus, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 56 (4), pp. 335-345 : 340-344

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12584282

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scientific name

Macrorrhyncha thracica BECHEV, 1997


Macrorrhyncha thracica BECHEV, 1997 View in CoL , stat. n.

( Figs 7–9 View Figs 7–12 )

Macrorrhyncha geranias thracica BECHEV, 1997: 105 View in CoL , Figs 1 & 2 View Figs 1–6 .

Diagnosis. This species resembles M. geranias , M. anatolica and M. muglensis in having a bare mediotergite, proboscis longer than eye height, dorsal process of gonocoxite narrow in lateral view and gonostyle not elongate. M. traciaca differs from M. geranias in the entirely black coloration and having distal margin of tergite 9 with a trapezium-shaped emargination ( Fig. 10 View Figs 7–12 ) in M. geranias . The new species differs from M. anatolica in the presence of clear visible fold in the lateral margin of tergite 9 ( Fig 7 View Figs 7–12 ). Differences from M. muglensis are the presence of a not large fold in the lateral margin and absence of U-shaped emargination in the distal margin of tergite 9 ( Fig. 7 View Figs 7–12 ), joined by a broad bridge ventrally gonocoxites ( Fig. 8 View Figs 7–12 ) and gonostyle broad and rounded in ventral view ( Fig. 8 View Figs 7–12 ) in M. thracica .

Redescription (holotype)

Male. Body length 4.9 mm (n = 1). Wing length 3.6 mm.

Coloration (specimen in alcohol). Head dark brown, mouthparts brownish yellow. Antenna brownish, with scape, pedicel and base of first flagellomere yellowish. Mesoscutum in great part blackish brown to dark brown (three confluent dark stripes present), yellow on periphery. Scutellum yellowish, with small brown spot. Mediotergite in great part dark brown. Pleurae yellowish to brownish. Wing unmarked, yellowish. Veins brownish. Haltere yellow. Legs brownish yellow to brownish, with dark bristling. Abdomen brown, with sternites 1 to 4 yellowish to brownish and tergites 6 to 8 dark brown. Tergite 9 and gonocoxites brown, gonostyles paler.

Head. Flagellomeres 2–10 little longer as broad. Proboscis twice as long as eye height. Lateral ocellus about 1.5 its diameter distant from eye margin.

Thorax. Mediotergite bare and pleurae bare.

Wing. Costa extends about 0.25 distance from R 5 to M 1. R 4 short, ending in costa about twice its length from tip of R 1.

Male terminalia ( Figs 7–9 View Figs 7–12 ). Lateral margin of tergite 9 with not large medially directed fold, distal margin with small emargination ( Fig. 7 View Figs 7–12 ). Gonocoxites joined by a broad bridge ventrally and with internal process with a long apical seta ( Fig. 8 View Figs 7–12 ). Dorsal process of gonocoxite in lateral view enlarged distally ( Fig. 9 View Figs 7–12 ). Gonostyle in ventral view broad and rounded distally ( Fig. 8 View Figs 7–12 ).

Note. The holotype is in poor condition. Apical antennal flagellomeres absent (1–11 present). Wings adhered to each other and difficult to see. Legs missing except for the fore femora, right fore tibia and right hind leg. Chaetotaxy of mesoscutum and scutellum is unclear.

Material examined. Male holotype (in alcohol), Greece, Trakia, NE Sandra, Sapka Mts ,

41°07’06’’ N / 25°49’43’’ E, 220 m, 24.5.1994, leg. I Sivec, B. Horvan (in SMNH) GoogleMaps .


The species M. italica (COSTA) described by female only is not included in the key. Females can be determined using the key in CHANDLER et al., 2005. Male, probably M. italica , was described and the genitalia illustrated in PAPP (2009).

1 Mediotergite with setae 2

– Mediotergite without setae 4

2 Body mainly or entirely black with some grey dusting. Haltere black. Proboscis as long as head height. Male terminalia: CHANDLER et al. (2005, Figs 5 View Figs 1–6 , 11–12 View Figs 7–12 ) M. ibis CHANDLER, BECHEV & CASPES View in CoL

– Body at least partly yellow. Haltere yellowish brown 3

3 Hind coxa widely brown at base. Mediotergite dark brown on disc. Abdomen with tergites all dark brown. Male terminalia: MATILE (1975, Figs 13, 18) M. ancae MATILE View in CoL

– Coxae and mediotergite yellow. Abdomen with some brown markings on tergites 2–5, 6–7 all dark brown. Male terminalia: MATILE (1975, Figs 12 View Figs 7–12 , 16) M. flava WINNERTZ View in CoL

4 Gonocoxite without well developed dorsal process 5

– Gonocoxite with well developed dorsal process 7

5 Gonostyle in lateral view with well developed basal process. Male terminalia: CHANDLER (1994, Figs 26–28) M. ardea CHANDLER View in CoL

– Gonostyle in lateral view without well developed basal process 6

6 Haltere yellow. Gonostyle in lateral view with ventral lobe more developed. Male terminalia: CHANDLER (1994, Figs 30–33) M. guichardi CHANDLER View in CoL

– Haltere with black knob. Gonostyle in lateral view without ventral lobe developed. Male terminalia: BECHEV, (1992 b, Figs 1–2 View Figs 1–6 ) M. veleka BECHEV

7 Dorsal process of gonocoxite with strong setae (e. g. MATILE (1975, Fig. 17)) 8

– Dorsal process of gonocoxite without strong setae 9

8 Dorsal process of gonocoxite with a dense brush of black setae. Male terminalia: MATILE (1975, Figs 15, 17); CHANDLER (1992, Figs 6–8 View Figs 1–6 View Figs 7–12 ) M. rostrata (ZETTERSTEDT)

– Dorsal process of gonocoxite with several strong setae. Male terminalia: CHANDLER et al. (2005, Figs 3 View Figs 1–6 , 7–8 View Figs 7–12 ) M. brevirostris (LUNDSTRÖM)

9 Proboscis shorter than eye height 10

– Proboscis longer, about as long as eye height or more 11

10 Proboscis about as long as 1/2 of eye height. Male terminalia with gonostyle broadly rounded in ventral view ( CHANDLER & BLASCO-ZUMETA (2001, Figs 2–4 View Figs 1–6 )) M. gallica CHANDLER et MATILE

– Proboscis about as long as 2/3 of eye height. Male terminalia with gonostyle bearing an elongate slender posterior process ( BECHEV (1992 a, Figs 4–5 View Figs 1–6 )) M. collarti (TOLLEt)

11 Gonostyle with narrow elongate processes ( CHANDLER et al. (2005, Figs 1 View Figs 1–6 , 13)) M. laconica CHANDLER, BECHEV et CASPES

– Gonostyle without narrow elongate processes 12

12 Dorsal process of gonocoxite broad in lateral view (e.g. MATILE (1975, Fig. 19)) 13

– Dorsal process of gonocoxite narrow in lateral view (e.g. Figs 3, 6 View Figs 1–6 ) 14

13 Dorsal process of gonocoxite short in lateral view, not extending beyond apex of gonostyle. Male terminalia: MATILE (1975, Figs 14, 19) M. hispanica (STROBL)

– Dorsal process of gonocoxite long in lateral view, extending beyond apex of gonostyle. Male terminalia: KURINA (2004, Figs 1–3 View Figs 1–6 ) M. atticae KURINA

14 Dorsal process of gonocoxite in lateral view pointed apically, gonostyle in ventral view elongate. Male terminalia: CHANDLER et al. (2005, Figs 6 View Figs 1–6 , 15–16) M. pelargos CHANDLER, BECHEV et CASPES

– Dorsal process of gonocoxite in lateral view rounded apically, gonostyle in ventral view not elongate 15

15 Mesoscutum and abdomen uniformly black. Haltere with black knob. Male terminalia ( Figs 10–12 View Figs 7–12 ) M. geranias (LOEW)

– Mesoscutum dark on disc but side margins yellow or brownish, abdomen not uniformly black. Haltere yellow 16

16 Lateral margin of tergite 9 without clearly visible fold ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1–6 ). Gonostyle short and broad in lateral view ( Fig. 3 View Figs 1–6 ) M. anatolica sp. n.

– Lateral margin of tergite 9 with clearly visible fold ( Figs 4 View Figs 1–6 , 7 View Figs 7–12 ). Gonostyle in lateral view not short and broad ( Figs 6 View Figs 1–6 , 9 View Figs 7–12 ) 17

17 Lateral margin of tergite 9 with distinct medially directed fold, distal margin with U-shaped emargination ( Fig. 4 View Figs 1–6 ). Gonocoxites joined by a narrow bridge ventrally ( Fig. 5 View Figs 1–6 ). Gonostyle more or less triangular in ventral view ( Fig. 5 View Figs 1–6 ) M. muglensis sp. n.

– Lateral margin of tergite 9 with not large medially directed fold, distal margin with small emargination ( Fig. 7 View Figs 7–12 ). Gonocoxites joined by a broad bridge ventrally ( Fig. 8 View Figs 7–12 ). Gonostyle in ventral view broad and rounded distally ( Fig. 8 View Figs 7–12 ) M. thracica BECHEV , stat. n.


Department of Paleozoology, Swedish Museum of Natural History














Macrorrhyncha thracica BECHEV, 1997

Bechev, D. 2010

Macrorrhyncha geranias thracica

BECHEV, D. 1997: 105
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