Macrolycus quartus Y. Yang, Du & Liu, 2024

Du, Ruolan, Yang, Yuxia, Yang, Xingke & Liu, Haoyu, 2024, Five new species of the Macrolycus ligulatus species-group from China (Coleoptera, Lycidae), ZooKeys 1208, pp. 315-330 : 315-330

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1208.125938

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Macrolycus quartus Y. Yang, Du & Liu

sp. nov.

Macrolycus quartus Y. Yang, Du & Liu sp. nov.

Figs 5 A, B View Figure 5 , 6 A – C View Figure 6


The species resembles M. praecellens Kazantsev, 1993 , but can be distinguished from the latter by the following characters: lamellae of antennomeres III and IV obtuse at apices (Fig. 5 A View Figure 5 ); phallus integrally stout (Fig. 6 A – C View Figure 6 ), apical part relatively long and moderately expanded ventrally in lateral view (Fig. 6 C View Figure 6 ). In contrast, in M. praecellens , lamellae of antennomeres III and IV are acute at apices ( Kazantsev 1993: fig. 13); phallus is integrally slender, apical part is relatively short and strongly expanded ventrally in lateral view ( Kazantsev 1993: fig. 12).


The specific name is derived from the Latin quartus (the fourth), referring to its antennomere IV truncated at apex.

Type material.

Holotype. China: ♂ ( MHBU), Guangxi, Wuming, Damingshan , 1100 m, 27. v. 2011, leg. H. Y. Liu. Paratypes. 3 ♂ 9 ♀ ( MHBU), same data as the holotype ; 3 ♂ 7 ♀ ( MHBU), Guangxi, Wuming, Damingshan , 1230–1422 m, 20. v. 2011, leg. H. Y. Liu .


Male (Fig. 5 A View Figure 5 ). Length 9.4–10.6 mm (10.0 mm in holotype), width at humeri 1.9–2.3 mm (2.2 mm in holotype).

Body black. Pronotum, elytra and scutellum dark red. Surface covered with decumbent red pubescence (Fig. 5 A View Figure 5 ).

Eyes small, interocular distance about 2.3 times greater than eye diameter. Antennae flabellate, overlapping basal 2 / 3 length of elytra when inclined. Antennomere III triangular and obtuse apically, about 2.5 times longer than wide; IV – XI lamellate, lamella of IV apically obtuse and lamellae of V – XI pointed at apices; lamella of IX longest, 3.8 times longer than joint itself (Fig. 5 A View Figure 5 ).

Pronotum square, 1.1 times wider than long. Anterior margin projecting anteriad and feebly emarginate at apex, lateral margins sinuate and posterior margin bisinuate; anterior angles rounded, posterior angles sharp and sharply projected. Scutellum trapezoidal, feebly emarginate at apex (Fig. 5 A View Figure 5 ).

Elytra 3.8 times longer than humeral width. Costa I weak, II as strong as IV, and III weak and visible only at humeri (Fig. 5 A View Figure 5 ).

Phallus slender (Fig. 6 A – C View Figure 6 ), nearly parallel-sided basally in dorsal and ventral views (Fig. 6 A, B View Figure 6 ), subapical part moderately and asymmetrically inflated laterally, about 1.89 times as wide as basal part, with an oval ventral-cavity, apical part progressively expanded distad, apex with a shallow V-shaped notch, about 0.54 times as wide as subapical part; basal 1 / 3 part feebly curved ventrally in lateral view (Fig. 6 C View Figure 6 ), subapical part inflated ventrally, apical part moderately expanded ventrally, with a square lamella.

Female (Fig. 5 B View Figure 5 ). Similar to male, but larger in body size. Length 11.5–13.9 mm, width at humeri 2.7–3.3 mm. Antennae serrate and shorter, overlapping elytral mid-length when inclined. Pronotum 1.2 times wider than long, anterior angles obtuse-angled.


(Fig. 2 View Figure 2 ). China (Guangxi).











