Longepi barmah, PLATNICK, 2000

PLATNICK, NORMAN I., 2000, A Relimitation And Revision Of The Australasian Ground Spider Family Lamponidae (Araneae: Gnaphosoidea), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2000 (245), pp. 1-328 : 295-297

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1206/0003-0090(2000)245<0001:ARAROT>2.0.CO;2

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Longepi barmah

sp. nov.

Longepi barmah View in CoL , new species Figures 722–725 View Figs ; Map 81 View Map 81

TYPE: Female holotype from taken in pitfall trap on McDonalds Road , 1.8 km S Shepparton­Barmah Road, 368049S, 1458029E, Victoria (Jan. 17–22, 1994; G. Milledge), deposited in NMV .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

DIAGNOSIS: Males of this distinctive species can easily be recognized by the short, bifurcated retrolateral tibial apophysis (fig. 723) and narrow terminal apophysis (fig. 722), females by the lateral pockets of the epigynal hood (fig. 724) and posteriorly enlarged lateral ducts (fig. 725).

MALE: Total length 3.6. Coloration as in L. boyd . Leg spination: tibiae: III v1p­0­2; IV r0­1­1. Retrolateral tibial apophysis bifurcate, sinuous (fig. 723); terminal apophysis narrow, distal portion directed retrolaterally (fig. 722).

FEMALE: Total length 3.7. Coloration as in L. boyd . Leg spination as in male. Epigynal hood beak­shaped, with lateral pockets (fig. 724); lateral ducts enlarged, sinuous posteriorly (fig. 725).

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: New South Wales: 5 km N Bunningeree, at crossing of Ana branch of Darling River, at Silver City Highway , 338369S, 1418459E, Aug. 22, 1981, eucalypt litter (M. Kotzman, QMB), 1/. Queensland: Lake Broadwater , via Dalby , 278219S, 1518069E, May 6–Nov. 24, 1985, pitfalls (M. Bennie, QMB S28596 View Materials , S28635 View Materials ), 35?, 9/, Nov. 24, 1985 – Jan. 3, 1986, pitfalls (M. Bennie, QMB S28667 View Materials ), 4/, Jan. 3– Feb. 25, 1986, pitfalls (M. Bennie, QMB S28617 View Materials ), 2 /; 90 mi S Mackay, 218099S, 1498129E, July 18, 1968, Berlese, Acacia harpophylla litter (L. Mound, QMB), 1/. South Australia: 3.7 km NE Pooginagoric, 368279S, 1408559E, Dec. 5–8, 1995, pitfall ( SAM N1997 View Materials /80), 1/. Victoria: Cohuna, 358509S, 1448119E, Nov. 16–21, 1996, shelterbelt pitfall (J. Shield, J. Hooper, CVIC), 1/, Dec. 1996 – Jan. 1997, pitfall (J. Hooper, CVIC, 2 /; 1 km NNW Inglewood , 368349S, 1438519E, Oct. 15–20, 1989 (A. Coventry, NMV K4640 About NMV ), 2 ?; 2 km NNW Inglewood , 368339S, 1438519E, Oct. 15–20, 1989 (A. Coventry, NMV K4640 About NMV ), 1 ?; 7.5 km NNW Inglewood , 368309S, 1438539E, Oct. 15–20, 1989 (A. Coventry, NMV K4643 About NMV ), 3 ?; Potter Creek, 1.7 km S Western Highway , 368509S, 1428219E, Nov. 6, 1991, pitfall (S. Larwill, NMV K3644 About NMV ), 1 ?.

DISTRIBUTION: Eastern Australia, except Tasmania (map 81).


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Queensland Museum, Brisbane


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