Lonchocarpus heptaphyllus (Poir.) DC.

Molino, Jean-François, Sabatier, Daniel, Grenand, Pierre, Engel, Julien, Frame, Dawn, Delprete, Piero G., Fleury, Marie, Odonne, Guillaume, Davy, Damien, Lucas, Eve J. & Martin, Claire A., 2022, An annotated checklist of the tree species of French Guiana, including vernacular nomenclature, Adansonia (3) 44 (26), pp. 345-903 : 528

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Lonchocarpus heptaphyllus (Poir.) DC.


[876] Lonchocarpus heptaphyllus (Poir.) DC. View in CoL View at ENA

Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 2: 260 [mid Nov. 1825] (Candolle 1825). — Dalbergia heptaphylla Poir., Encycl. View in CoL [J. Lamarck et al.] Suppl. 2: 445 [3 July 1812] (Poiret 1812). — Amerimnon latifolium Willd., Sp. Pl. View in CoL , ed. 4 3 (2): 909 [1-10 Nov. 1802] ( Willdenow 1802), “ Amerimnum ”, nom. illeg. superfl. [ Amerimnon pinnatum Jacq. View in CoL , synonym of Platymiscium pinnatum (Jacq.) Dugand View in CoL in syn.]

Robinia sepium Sw., Fl. Ind. Occid. View in CoL 3: 1258 [Oct. 1806] (Swartz 1806), nom. illeg. hom., non Jacq. (Jacquin 1760) [synonym of Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex Walp. View in CoL ]

Dalbergia pentaphylla Poir., Encycl. View in CoL [J. Lamarck et al.] Suppl. 2: 445 [3 July 1812] (Poiret 1812).

Lonchocarpus latifolius DC., Prodr. View in CoL [A. P. de Candolle] 2: 260 [mid Nov. 1825] (Candolle 1825).

Lonchocarpus swartzii DC., Prodr. View in CoL [A. P. de Candolle] 2: 261 [mid Nov. 1825] (Candolle 1825).

Cytisus membranaceus Sessé & Moc., Fl. Mexic. View in CoL , ed. 2, 174 (Sessé & Mociño 1894).

Lonchocarpus discolor Huber, Bol. Mus. Paraense Hist. Nat. Ethnogr. View in CoL 3: 421 (Huber 1902).

Derris latifolia Ducke, Bol. Técn. Inst. Agron. N. View in CoL 18: 195 (Ducke 1949), nom. illeg. hom., non Prain (1898).

NOTES. — Dalbergia pentaphylla Poir. and D. heptaphylla Poir. , published simultaneously, are the earliest legitimate names for this species, and they have been synonymized by Silva & Tozzi (2012). Therefore, Lonchocarpus heptaphyllus (Poir.) DC. is the name to be used for this species. Amerimnon (“ Amerimnum ”) latifolium Willd. is an illegitimate name, because Willdenow (1802: 909) cited A. pinnatum (synonym of Platymiscium pinnatum ) in synonymy. Kunth ( Humboldt et al. 1824): 383, adnot. 2) placed Amerimnon latifolium in Lonchocarpus , but he did not associate the genus name with the epithet, thus the combination is invalid and the correct authority of L. latifolius is “DC.” Robinia nicou Aubl. , synonymised under L. latifolius by Tozzi & Silva (2007), is actually a species of Deguelia Aubl. ( Silva & Tozzi 2012) . Even though Cytisus membranaceus Sessé & Moc. already appears in the first edition of the Flora Mexicana ( Sessé & Mociño 1892 -1898: 190), ed. 2 has priority, probably from p. 49 onward (Stafleu & Cowan 1985: TL-2-11756]).

HERBARIUM DATA (FG). — 2 collections at CAY. Sel. exs.: R.A.A. Oldeman B-1441.

SIZE. — Up to 20 m tall ( Amshoff 1976).














Lonchocarpus heptaphyllus (Poir.) DC.

Molino, Jean-François, Sabatier, Daniel, Grenand, Pierre, Engel, Julien, Frame, Dawn, Delprete, Piero G., Fleury, Marie, Odonne, Guillaume, Davy, Damien, Lucas, Eve J. & Martin, Claire A. 2022

Derris latifolia Ducke, Bol. Técn. Inst. Agron. N.

Ducke 1949: 195

Lonchocarpus discolor Huber, Bol. Mus. Paraense Hist. Nat. Ethnogr.

Huber 1902: 421
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