Lispinus speciosus, Irmler, Ulrich, 2009

Irmler, Ulrich, 2009, New species and records of the genus Lispinus with a key to the species from Peru (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae), Zootaxa 2263, pp. 42-58 : 45

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.190786


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scientific name

Lispinus speciosus

sp. nov.

Lispinus speciosus View in CoL n. sp.

Figs. 4 View FIGURE 4 A–4E, 8E, 8P, 9D

Type material. Holotype: PERU: Madre de Dios: male, Pantiacolla Lodge, 8 km NE Mirador, Alto Madre do Dios River (12°38’23”S, 71°16’23”W), 950 m elevation, 24 OCT 2000, leg. R. Brooks, # PERU 1B00 0 83, collected under bark ( SEMC). Paratypes: PERU: 1 male, 3 females with same data as for holotype ( SEMC, UIC).

Diagnosis. The species can scarcely be confused with any other Neotropical Lispinus species. The combination of sparse and fine punctation of the pronotum and the slightly developed depression at the posterior angles of the pronotum is not found in other Lispinus species. In particular, the shape of the paramera, with the separate transparent lobe at the apex, is unique among the Neotropical Lispinus species.

Description. Body length 4.8 mm.

Body colour black with antennae and legs brown.

Head 0.55 mm long, 0.75 mm wide; eyes not prominent, as long as temples; anterior edge smoothly rounded and slightly emarginate in the middle; with two fine supraocular setae; two short setae at the front margin of clypeus and four setae on the disc, the anterior pair of discal setae at level of anterior edge of eyes, the posterior pair at level of posterior edge of eyes; punctation fine and sparse; distance between punctures two to three times as wide as diameter of punctures; a fine micro-punctation present; microsculpture fine; on clypeus transversely reticulate, on disc longitudinally reticulate; surface shiny.

Antennae relatively long, slightly longer than head and half of pronotum combined; antennomere 2 short and quadrate; antennomere 3 nearly twice as long as antennomere 2; antennomere 4 still longer than wide, the following ones quadrate.

Pronotum 0.80 mm long, 0.95 mm wide; widest shortly behind anterior angles; front edge emarginate, but already slightly prominent in the middle; thus, anterior angles prominent; sides straightly narrowed to posterior angles; several short setae along lateral margin; punctation and micro-punctation as sparse and fine as on head; microsculpture fine, longitudinally reticulate; surface shiny; impunctate midline restricted to longitudinal space in middle of disc; depression at posterior angles scarcely developed, weak, short and more or less oval in shape.

Elytra 1.10 mm long, 1.05 mm wide; punctation still sparser and finer than on pronotum and head; distance between punctures more than three times the diameter of punctures; fine and dense micro-punctation present; microsculpture longitudinally reticulate; surface shiny.

Abdomen extremely finely and sparsely punctate; abdominal tergites dorsally with large impunctate spaces; microsculpture transversely reticulate; surface shiny; each visible tergite with several diagonal striae.

Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Latin word meaning wonderful.


University of Kansas - Biodiversity Institute















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