Leuronota albilinea Rendón-Mera, Burckhardt & Vargas-Fonseca, 2024

Rendón-Mera, Diana Isabel, Burckhardt, Daniel, Durán, Juliana, Ocampo, Valentina & Vargas-Fonseca, Sergio Andrés, 2024, The jumping plant-lice (Hemiptera, Psylloidea) in Urban Green Spaces of Bogotá (Colombia), with descriptions of two new species and redescription of Mastigimas colombianus Burckhardt, Queiroz and Drohojowska, ZooKeys 1209, pp. 199-230 : 199-230

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/zookeys.1209.117368

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Leuronota albilinea Rendón-Mera, Burckhardt & Vargas-Fonseca

sp. nov.

* Leuronota albilinea Rendón-Mera, Burckhardt & Vargas-Fonseca sp. nov.

Fig. 4 View Figure 4

Type locality.

Colombia, Bogotá: Santa Fe, Parque Tercer Milenio, 4.70025, – 74.0654667, 2569 m.

Type material.

Holotype: Colombia • ♂, pinned; Bogotá, Santa Fe, Parque Tercer Milenio ; 4.70025, – 74.0654667; 2569 m; 19. ix. 2017; J. Duran leg.; on Clusia sp. ( Clusiaceae ); MPUJ_ENT 0074271 GoogleMaps . Paratypes: Santa Fe: • 28 ♂, 23 ♀; same data as for holotype but 4.7003, – 74.0655; MPUJ_ENT GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 1 ♀; same data as for preceding but NHMB GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 1 ♀; same data as for preceding but slide mounted; NHMB GoogleMaps 4 ♂, 4 ♀; same data as for preceding but in ethanol 70 %; NHMB GoogleMaps 19 ♂, 11 ♀; same data as for preceding but 27. vi. 2017; MPUJ_ENT GoogleMaps 1 ♂; same data as for preceding but 4.5989, – 74.0814; 2607 m; Prunus serotina ( Rosaceae ); MPUJ_ENT GoogleMaps .


Mesonotum with white longitudinal stripe (Fig. 4 B View Figure 4 ). Forewing (Fig. 4 C View Figure 4 ) with three brown transverse bands as follows: one along vein R 1, base of cells r 2 and m 2, vein Cu 1 and apex of cell cu 2 adjacent to vein Cu 1 b, one from subapex of cell r 1, through approx. middle of r 2 and m 2, to radular spinules of cu 1, and one from subapex of r 2, through base of m 1 to radular spinules of m 2; clavus brown along A 1 distal to apex of Cu 2. Paramere (Fig. 4 E, F View Figure 4 ) with apical process short and posterior margin with apical 1 / 2 sinuous. Female proctiger (Fig. 4 H View Figure 4 ) with apical portion relatively slender.


Colouration. Head, pronotum and pleura white, rest of notum and abdomen dark brown (Fig. 4 A, B View Figure 4 ). Vertex with dark brown longitudinal stripes adjacent to eyes, curving inwards distal to torulus; anterior margin usually brownish; discal foveae dark brown; margin of toruli brown. Genal process sometimes slightly darker apically. Antennal segments 1–8 pale-yellow, 9–10 black. Clypeus white, slightly brown posteriorly. Pronotum with two brown longitudinal stripes medially; sublateral and lateral indentations dark brown. Mesopraescutum and mesoscutum with white longitudinal stripe medially. Forewing membrane (Fig. 4 C View Figure 4 ) colourless, with three brown transverse bands as follows: one along vein R 1, base of cells r 2 and m 2, vein Cu 1 and apex of cell cu 2 adjacent to vein Cu 1 b, one from near apex of cell r 1, through approx. middle of r 2 and m 2, to radular spinules of cu 1, and one from near apex of r 2, through base of m 1 to radular spinules of m 2; clavus brown along A 1 distal to apex of Cu 2; veins yellow, brown within the colour pattern; radular spinules brown. Fore, mid legs and metafemur brown, rest of hind leg yellow with apicotarsus brown. Abdominal basal sternites white or yellow medially; intersegmental membrane straw-coloured. Male terminalia dark brown. Female terminalia brown dorsally and ventrally, yellow apically.

Structure. Genal processes (Fig. 4 A View Figure 4 ) 1.1–1.3 × as long as vertex along midline, subcylindrical, slightly narrowing apically, sometimes slightly curved outwards, divergent; apex rounded. Antenna 3.1–3.6 × as long as head width; longest terminal seta 3.5–4.0 × as long as short seta, and 0.6–0.8 × as long as segment 10. Labium with apical segment 0.3–0.4 × as long as medial segment. Forewing (Fig. 4 C View Figure 4 ) 5.2–5.6 × as long as head width, and 2.5–2.6 × as long as wide, obovate with angular apex; vein C + Sc evenly curved; vein Rs straight; vein M 2.1–2.3 × as long as M 1 + 2, bifurcating after imaginary line between apices of veins Rs and Cu 1 a; vein M 1 + 2 reaching wing margin approximately at imaginary line through trifurcation of vein R + M + Cu and bifurcation of vein M; vein Cu 1.3–1.4 × as long as R, and 1.6–1.8 × as long as Cu 1 b; cell r 1 approx. as wide as the narrowest section of r 2. Surface spinules widely spaced (Fig. 4 D View Figure 4 ), covering m 1, cu 1, and cu 2, and colour pattern on r 2 and m 2. Radular spinules forming triangular fields. Metafemur with six or seven apical bristles; metatibia 1.2–1.4 × as long as head width.

Terminalia. Male proctiger, in lateral view, subconical; apex constricted at anterior margin; anus large, occupying most part of apex, obliquely blunt. Paramere, in lateral view (Fig. 4 E, F View Figure 4 ), 0.9 × as long as proctiger; apical process short; bearing posterior lobe; anterior margin sinuous, concave submedially; posterior margin strongly irregular, concave in basal 1 / 3, strongly convex in median 1 / 3, sinuous in apical 1 / 3; outer surface (Fig. 4 E View Figure 4 ) covered in medium long setae along posterior apical 1 / 2; inner surface (Fig. 4 F View Figure 4 ) covered in short setae medially, long setae along anterior and posterior margins, and thick bristles anteriorly on apical tooth. Apical dilatation of aedeagus (Fig. 4 G View Figure 4 ) with ventral extension beak-like, short; apically slightly convex, with small subapical hump; sclerotised end tube of ductus ejaculatorius short, weakly sinuate. — Female proctiger (Fig. 4 H View Figure 4 ), in lateral view, 0.9 × as long as head width; apical portion ~ 1 / 2 proctiger length; dorsal outline weakly incised at transverse groove, apical portion relatively slender, apex blunt; covered in long setae laterally, medium long setae dorsally, and short setae apically. Circumanal ring 0.4 × as long as proctiger. Subgenital plate (Fig. 4 H View Figure 4 ), in lateral view, 0.8 × as long as proctiger; ventral outline straight in basal 1 / 2, weakly angular in the middle, straight in apical 1 / 2; sparsely covered in long setae, mostly ventrally and apically.

Measurements (in mm). BL 2 ♂ 3.7–4.1 (3.8 ± 0.31), 2 ♀ 4.4–4.7 (4.79 ± 0.37); HW ♂ 0.63, ♀ 0.67; VL ♂ 0.19, ♀ 0.18; GL ♂ 0.21, ♀ 0.23; AL ♂ 2.2, ♀ 1.78; LAB 2 ♂ 0.22, ♀ 0.27; LAB 3 ♂ 0.09, ♀ 0.09; FL ♂ 3.36, ♀ 3.46; TL ♂ 0.85, ♀ 0.78; MP 0.29; PL 0.26; FP 0.57; CRL 0.21; AP 0.25; SP 0.47.


From Latin albus = white, and linea = line, referring to the contrasting longitudinal white stripe on the mesonotum. Noun in the ablative case.


Colombia: Bogotá.

Host plant.

Unknown. Many adults were collected on Clusia sp. ( Clusiaceae ) in the same area suggesting it is a host rather than just a casual plant. Further studies are necessary to to check this assumption.


Leuronota albilinea Rendón-Mera, Burckhardt & Vargas-Fonseca , sp. nov. resembles L. inusitata (Tuthill, 1944) (known from Costa Rica, Mexico, and Panama) in the brown body colour with white head and pleura, and white longitudinal stripe on mesonotum. It differs in the forewing pattern, the obovate forewing (vs ovate), the paramere with short (vs long) apical process and sinuous (vs concave) apical 1 / 2 of posterior margin, the aedeagal head with a weakly sinuous apical margin (vs evenly convex), and the female proctiger with a relatively slender apical portion (vs massive). In the key of Brown and Hodkinson (1988), L. albilinea Rendón-Mera, Burckhardt & Vargas-Fonseca , sp. nov. keys out with L. inusitata . In the key of Burckhardt (1988), the species keys out in couplet 4 with L. digitulata Burckhardt, 1988 ( Paraguay) and L. fagarae Burckhardt, 1988 ( Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, USA), from which it differs in the forewing pattern with three brown transverse bands (vs restricted to anal margin or completely or almost completely covering the entire membrane).











