Leptomastidea hypogeococci Triapitsyn, 2018

Triapitsyn, Serguei V., Aguirre, María B., Logarzo, Guillermo A., Hight, Stephen D., Ciomperlik, Matthew A., Rugman-Jones, Paul F. & Verle Rodrigues, Jose C., 2018, Complex of primary and secondary parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae and Signiphoridae) of Hypogeococcus spp. mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) in the New World, Florida Entomologist 101 (3), pp. 411-434 : 417-424

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1653/024.101.0320

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scientific name

Leptomastidea hypogeococci Triapitsyn

sp. nov.

Leptomastidea hypogeococci Triapitsyn View in CoL , sp. n.

( Figs. 8–21 View Fig View Figs View Figs View Figs View Figs )

Leptomastidea sp. : Triapitsyn et al. 2014a: 173, 176–179 (distribution, host associations, taxonomic comments, brief diagnosis, illustrations); Noyes & Triapitsyn 2018: 20 (mentioned from Puerto Rico as a host of Prochiloneurus narendrani Noyes & Triapitsyn View in CoL , a hyperparasitoid of Harrisia View in CoL cactus mealybug).

Type Material. Holotype female [ UCRC] on slide ( Fig. 9 View Figs ) labeled: 1. “ PUERTO RICO (USA): Cabo Rojo, 17.9794°N, 67.1700°W, vi.2012, A. Galindo, from Hypogeococcus sp. on cactus, Pilosocereus royenii, Berlese sample, code: CR-P6”; 2. “Mounted by V. V. Berezovskiy 2012 in Canada balsam”; 3. [magenta] “ Leptomastidea hypogeococci S. Triapitsyn HOLOTYPE ♀ ”; 4. [bar code] “ UCRC ENT 311025”. The holotype is in excellent condition, complete, dissected under 4 coverslips. Paratypes: BARBADOS, St. Philip Parish, Mangrove, 31 Mar 2011, W. McQuilkin (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Alternanthera sp. ) [3 females, 3 males on points, UCRC]. PUERTO RICO ( USA): Cabo Rojo, 17.9794°N, 67.1700°W: Jun 2012, A. Galindo-Cardona (from Hypogeococcus sp. on P. royenii, Berlese sample) [1 female on point, 1 male on point and 1 male on slide, UCRC]; date unknown, E. Vélez (from Hypogeococcus sp. on P. royenii , encapsulations) [6 females on points, UCRC]. Guánica, 17.9561°N, 66.8722°W: Jun 2012, A. Galindo-Cardona (from Hypogeococcus sp. on P. royenii, Berlese sample) [2 females, 1 male on points, UCRC]; date unknown, E. Vélez (from Hypogeococcus sp. on P. royenii , encapsulations) [4 females on points, UCRC]. San Juan, Río Piedras, Jardín Botánico Sur, 1193 Calle Guayacan, J. C. V. Rodrigues laboratory at the University of Puerto Rico, 10 Jul 2013, Z. Rivera-Ocasio, from colony on Hypogeococcus sp. on Portulaca oleracea (the mealybug host is of Guánica dry forest origin, Guánica, 17.9561°N, 66. 8722°W, Feb 2012, A. Roda, J. C. V. Rodrigues, on P. royenii ); the parasitoid was originally from: Cabo Rojo, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Cabo Rojo National Wildlife Refuge, 17.9777°N, 67.1719°W, Apr 2012, E. Vélez, A. Galindo-Cardona, J. C. V. Rodrigues, on P. royenii [15 females, 10 males on points: BMNH (1 female, 1 male), METB (5 females, 3 males), UCRC (4 females, 3 males), USNM (5 females, 3 males); also 1 female on slide (molecular voucher PR17-243, UCRC ENT 311808) and 1 female in 95% ethanol in a freezer, UCRC]. USA, Florida, Palm Beach Co., Seacrest Scrub Natural Area, 19 Jun 2012, S. Weihman (from Hypogeococcus sp. mummies on Froelichia floridana ( Amaranthaceae )) [7 females, 7 males on points, UCRC (3 females, 3 males), USNM (4 females, 4 males); also 1 female, 1 male on slides, UCRC].

Additional (Non-Type) Material Examined. ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires, Hurlingham, Gral. Simón Bolívar 1559, 34.5875°S, 58.6405°W, 14 masl, 12 Mar 2017, M. B. Aguirre (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Alternanthera paronychioides in FuEDEI lab colony) [1 female, UCRC, molecular voucher PR17-256, UCRC ENT 311809]. Salta, 25.3535°S, 64.9279°W, 762 masl, near intersection of Ruta 16 and Ruta 9, 18 Nov 2014, G. A. Logarzo, M. B. Aguirre (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Alternanthera pungens ) [2 females, 1 male, UCRC, including molecular voucher PR17-254 (1 female, UCRC ENT 311810)]. BARBADOS: Christ Church Parish, Rockley, 8 Sep 2009, M. A. Ciomperlik (from Hypogeococcus sp. ) [4 females, 6 males, BMNH]. [No locality indi- cated], 21 Apr 2009, Wendy (from Hypogeococcus sp. ) [3 females, 3 males, BMNH]. BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: QuissamÃ, Praia Barra do Furado, 22.1063°S, 41.1502°W, 6 Dec 2016, M. B. Aguirre, S. D. Hight, M. D. Vitorino, G. A. Logarzo (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Amaranthaceae ) [9 females, 3 males, UCRC, including molecular voucher PR 17- 249 (1 female, UCRC ENT 311811)]. SÃo Pedro da Aldeia, 22.9087°S, 42.0366°W, 4 Dec 2016, G.A. Logarzo, M.D. Vitorino, S. D. Hight, M.B. Aguirre (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Cereus sp. ( Cactaceae )) [1 female, UCRC]. Saquarema, 22.9567°S, 42.7522°W, 4 Dec 2016, M. B. Aguirre, G. A. Logarzo, M. D. Vitorino, S. D. Hight (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Cereus sp. ) [3 females, 11 males, UCRC, including molecular vouchers PR 17-247 (1 female, UCRC ENT 311812) and PR 17-248 (1 male, UCRC ENT 311813)]. PUERTO RICO (USA): Cabo Rojo National Wildlife Refuge, 17.9787°N, 67.1708°W, 10 masl, host material collected 13 Feb 2017, parasitoids emerged 20 Feb 2017, Z. Rivera-Ocasio (from HCM, Hypogeococcus sp. , on cactus) [6 females, 3 males, UCRC, including molecular voucher PR17-257 (1 female, UCRC ENT 311814)]. Mayagüez, 16 Jul 2009, M. A. Ciomperlik (from Hypogeococcus sp. ) [5 females, 8 males, BMNH]. Mona Island, 12 Feb 2017, M. B. Aguirre, G. A. Logarzo (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Portulacaceae ) [1 female, UCRC]. Vieques Island: Heliport Monte Pirata, 17 Feb 2017, G. A. Logarzo, M. B. Aguirre (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Portulacaceae ) [1 male, UCRC]. Punta Conejos, Vieques National Wildlife Refuge, 18.1080°N, 65.3752°W, 1 masl, host material collected 30 Dec 2016, parasitoids emerged 21 Feb 2017, Z. Rivera-Ocasio (from HCM, Hypogeococcus sp. , on cactus [8 females, 5 males, UCRC, including molecular vouchers PR17-250 (1 female, UCRC ENT 311815) and PR17-253 (1 male, UCRC ENT 311816)]. USA, Florida, Lee Co., 30 Oct 2009, M. A. Ciomperlik (on Portulaca sp. ) [2 females, 3 males, BMNH].

Description. Female (holotype and paratypes). Body length 0.726 to 1.452 mm (air-dried and critical point-dried specimens). Body mostly orange-brown to brown except pronotum white laterally; scape yel- lowish except brown along dorsal margin, pedicel yellow or pale except slightly darker basally, flagellum dark brown to black, clava white; legs light brown except procoxa white.

Frontovertex, dorsal part of pronotum, mesoscutum, axilla, scutellum, lower part of mesopleuron, and lateral parts of propodeum with minute mesh-like sculpture. Pronotum, mesoscutum, axilla, and scutellum with short, dusky setae. Propodeum laterally with inconspicu- ous silvery-white pubescence.

Head ( Fig. 10 View Figs ) a little wider than high. Vertex in frontal view convex, about 0.5× head width. Occipital margin sharp. Ocelli in an obtuse tri- angle, posterior ocellus very far away from eye margin. Scrobes short, not meeting above; intertorulal prominence weakly developed but nevertheless conspicuous. Mandible 2-dentate; labial palpus 2-seg- mented, maxillary palpus 3-segmented.

Antenna ( Figs. 11 View Figs , 18 View Figs ) inserted at lower eye margin level. Radicle about 0.25× total scape length, rest of scape slender, 5.2 to 5.3× as long as wide, a little wider in the middle closer to apex, with faint sculpture. Pedicel about as long as (or just slightly shorter than) F1. Funicle segments longer than wide; F1 the longest funicle segment, F2 to F6 more or less subequal in length, just slightly shorter than F1; F1 with 1 or 2, F2, F3, and F4 each with 2 or 3, F5 with 3, and F6 with 3 or 4 short mps. Clava 4.1 to 4.2× as long as wide and shorter than combined length of 3 preceding funicle segments; first claval segment with 3 or 4, second with 3 to 5 (and possibly with as many as 6), and third with 3 mps.

Mesosoma shorter than metasoma ( Fig. 12 View Figs ). Pronotum narrow. Mesoscutum about 2× as wide as long. Scutellum a little wider than long, almost as long as mesoscutum; scutellar placoid sensilla in the middle of scutellum and close to each other.

Wings not abbreviated, fore wing extending far beyond apex of gaster. Fore wing ( Figs. 13 View Figs , 19 View Figs ) 3.0 to 3.1× as long as wide, unevenly pigmented, with 3 distinct, infuscate fasciae (all as transverse, straight cross-bands), second band (behind apex of venation) narrowly inter- rupted, third (subapical) band entire; postmarginal vein about as long as stigmal vein; longest marginal seta 0.09 to 0.1× maximum wing width. Hind wing ( Fig. 13 View Figs ) more or less hyaline (at most slightly infuscate, more conspicuously so basally), 6.1 to 6.4× as long as wide; longest marginal seta 0.6 to 0.7× maximum wing width.

Mesobasitarsus shorter than combined length of following mesotarsal segments; mesotibial spur a little longer than or about as long as mesobasitarsus.

Ovipositor occupying 0.5 to 0.7× length of gaster, exserted mark- edly beyond gastral apex (by 0.22 to 0.3× own total length); ovipositor length:metatibia length ratio 1.2 to 1.3.

Measurements of the holotype (mm, as length or length:width). Mesosoma: 0.51; gaster: 0.645; ovipositor: 0.504. Antenna: radicle: 0.075; scape: 0.218; pedicel: 0.081; F1: 0.083; F2: 0.076; F3: 0.072; F4: 0.072; F5: 0.073; F6: 0.073; clava: 0.182. Fore wing: 0.996:0.326; longest marginal seta: 0.030; hind wing: 0.597:0.098; longest marginal seta: 0.062.

Male (paratypes). Body length 0.561 to 1.057 mm (air-dried and critical point-dried specimens). Body ( Fig. 15 View Figs ) and appendages more or less uniformly brown except pedicel pale or light brown. Vertex in frontal view about 0.66× head width. Antenna ( Figs. 14 View Figs , 20 View Figs ) with scape minus radicle 4.2 to 4.5× as long as wide; flagellar segments with very long setae (much longer than each segment’s width); funicle segments longer than wide, more or less subequal in length (F1 slightly shorter), short mps on F2 (1), F3 (0 or 1), F4 to F6 (1 or 2); clava entire, 5.8 to 6.1× as long as wide, a little wider than funicle segments, with 3 or 4 short mps. Mesosoma about as long as metasoma. Fore wing ( Figs. 16 View Figs , 21 View Figs ) 2.8 to 2.9× as long as wide, relatively less pigmented than in female, with 2 distinct infuscate fasciae and sometimes also with an indistinct, irregular, rather small and faint infuscate subapical spot closer to wing’s anterior margin ( Fig. 21 View Figs ); longest marginal seta 0.15 to 0.2× maximum wing width. Hind wing ( Fig. 16 View Figs ) almost hyaline, 6.1 to 6.6× as long as wide; longest marginal seta 0.75 to 0.9× maximum wing width. Genitalia ( Fig. 17 View Figs ) occupying 0.7 to 0.8× length of gaster.

Diagnosis. This is the only species of Leptomastidea in the New World where the clava is contrastingly white ( Fig. 8 View Fig ), as mentioned in the key. It differs from L. abnormis in having a transverse, straight (almost perpendicular to the submarginal vein, Figs. 13 View Figs , 19 View Figs ), rather than an oblique ( Fig. 3 View Figs ), first (proximal) infuscate cross-band on the female fore wing behind the submarginal vein. Leptomastidea hypogeococci differs from L. debachi in the color patterns on the scape of the female antenna (compare Figs. 11 View Figs , 18 View Figs , and Fig. 6 View Figs ) and the configuration of infuscate fasciae on the fore wing (compare Figs. 13 View Figs , 19 View Figs , and Fig. 7 View Figs ). In the review of the world species of Leptomastidea by Trjapitzin (2009), L. hypogeococci keys to Couplet 30 together with the Afrotropical species L. jeanneli García Mercet , from which it differs in having a white clava of the female antenna and the first (proximal) transverse infuscate cross-band on the female fore wing straight, whereas in the female of L. jeanneli the clava is blackish-brown and the first infuscate band on the fore wing (behind the submarginal vein) is strongly oblique ( Prinsloo 2001).

Distribution. Argentina (Catamarca, Salta, Tucumán), Barbados, Florida ( USA), Puerto Rico ( USA) ( Triapitsyn et al. 2014a), and Brazil (Rio de Janeiro).

Hosts. Hypogeococcus pungens Granara de Willink s. str. and Hypogeococcus sp. in Argentina, Hypogeococcus spp. (including Harrisia cactus mealybug in Puerto Rico) in Barbados, Florida ( USA), and Puerto Rico ( Triapitsyn et al. 2014a), and Hypogeococcus sp. in Brazil.

Etymology. The species name refers to the generic name of its mealybug hosts, Hypogeococcus spp.

Comments. Initially this species had been thought to possibly belong to either L. antillicola or an undescribed taxon (J. S. Noyes, personal communication). A recent comparison of our specimens with the holotype of L. antillicola immediately made it clear that it is not conspecific; the latter is synonymized here under L. abnormis . Placement of this new species in Leptomastidea , as defined by Noyes (2000), is correct: L. hypogeococci has a 2-segmented labial palpus and 3 distinct, infuscate fasciae on the female fore wing; also its adults hold the wings erect over the back ( Fig. 8 View Fig ), in the same manner as do adults of other species of this genus ( Noyes 2000). There is no doubt whatsoever that L. hypogeococci is a native species because it parasitizes the mealybug Hypogeococcus sp. on the cactus P. royenii , both of which are native to the New World.

Genus Anagyrus Howard, 1896 ( Encyrtidae )

Comments. Members of Anagyrus in the Neotropical region can be recognized using the generic key in Noyes (1980). Later, Noyes (2000) provided a useful key to females of the genera in the subfamily Tetracneminae occurring in Costa Rica and a key to Costa Rican species of Anagyrus . More recently, Triapitsyn et al. (2014b) keyed the species in Argentina. Members of the genus are known to be mealybug parasitoids and are very diverse in the Neotropics; many species remain to be described. Anagyrus recognition is quite challenging, particularly because of common intraspecific variation in coloration of funicle segments of the female antenna, a character that is used extensively in taxonomic keys.

Anagyrus cachamai Triapitsyn, Logarzo & Aguirre, 2014

Anagyrus cachamai Triapitsyn, Logarzo & Aguirre View in CoL in Triapitsyn et al. 2014b: 203 (key), 210–216. Type locality: El Portezuelo (28.4495°S, 65.6331°W, 653 masl), Catamarca, Argentina. Holotype female [MLPA], examined ( Triapitsyn et al. 2014b).

Anagyrus cachamai Triapitsyn, Logarzo & Aguirre View in CoL : Triapitsyn et al. 2014a: 173–174 (habitus images of both sexes).

Type Material Examined. Paratypes (on slides): ARGENTINA, Córdoba, Jesús María , 30.9690°S, 64.0690°W, 509 masl, 14 Feb 2014, G. A. Logarzo, M. B. Aguirre (from Hypogeococcus pungens on Alternanthera pungens ) [1 female, 1 male, UCRC, molecular vouchers PR14-212 ( UCRC ENT 311745 View Materials ) and PR14-213 ( UCRC ENT 311746 View Materials ), respectively] GoogleMaps .

Material Examined. ARGENTINA: Mendoza, 32.7074°S, 68.8561°W, 816 masl, roadside of Ruta 52, collected 26 Mar 2017, M. B. Aguirre, G. A. Logarzo, S. D. Hight, S. V. Triapitsyn, emerged 28 Mar to 10 Apr 2017 (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Cereus? aethiops ) [21 females, 41 males, UCRC, including molecular voucher PR17-252 (1 female, UCRC ENT 311817)]. San Luis, San Luis, near intersection of Constitución & Lavalle, 33.2988°S, 66.3444°W, 719 masl, collected 28 Mar 2017: G. A. Logarzo, S. V. Triapitsyn, S. D. Hight, M. B. Aguirre (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Alternanthera pungens ) [4 females, 4 males, UCRC]; S. D. Hight, S. V. Triapitsyn, G. A. Logarzo, M. B. Aguirre, emerged 10 Apr 2017 (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Portulaca sp. ) [1 female, UCRC]. PARAGUAY: Boquerón, 22.2669°S, 60.4290°W, Fern- heim Colony: 24 Sep 2016, S. D. Hight, G. A. Logarzo, M. B. Aguirre (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Harrisia bonplandii ) [6 females, 5 males, UCRC, including molecular voucher PR17-246 (1 female, UCRC ENT 311818)]; 24 Sep 2016, S. D. Hight, G. A. Logarzo, M. B. Aguirre (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Cleistocactus baumannii ( Cactaceae )) [14 females, 6 males, UCRC, including molecular voucher PR17-245 (1 female, UCRC ENT 311819)]. Presidente Hayes: 23.6383°S, 58.7014°W (Ruta 9, km 251): 23 Sep 2016, G. A. Logarzo, M. B. Aguirre, S. D. Hight (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Harrisia tortuosa ) [3 males, UCRC]; 23 Sep 2016, G. A. Logarzo, S. D. Hight, M. B. Aguirre (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Harrisia bonplandii ) [2 females, 13 males, UCRC]; 23 Sep 2016, S. D. Hight, M. B. Aguirre, G. A. Logarzo (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Monvillea spegazzinii ( Cactaceae )) [2 females, 3 males, UCRC]. 23.2574°S, 59.1756°W (Ruta 9, km 318), 25 Sep 2016, S. D. Hight, M. B. Aguirre, G. A. Logarzo (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Harrisia bonplandii ) [5 males, UCRC]. José Falcón, 25.2474°S, 57.7094°W, 22 Sep 2016, M. B. Aguirre, G. A. Logarzo, S. D. Hight (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Portulaca sp. ) [6 females, 33 males, UCRC]. Near Colonia San Miguel, 24.3752°S, 58.1299°W, 21 Sep 2016, M. B. Aguirre, G. A. Logarzo, S. D. Hight (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Portulaca sp. ) [2 females, 4 males, UCRC].

Distribution. Argentina (Catamarca, Córdoba, Salta, Tucumán) ( Triapitsyn et al. 2014b) and Paraguay [new record].

Hosts. Hypogeococcus pungens Granara de Willink s. str. and Hypogeococcus spp. in Argentina ( Triapitsyn et al. 2014b) and also Hypogeococcus spp. in Paraguay. On 29 Sep 2016 and 23 Jun 2017, this species was imported, under appropriate permits, into the quarantine laboratory at the Center for Excellence in Quarantine & Invasive Species, University of Puerto Rico, Jardín Botánico, Río Piedras, San Juan, Puerto Rico, and a colony was successfully established using the Puerto Rican Harrisia cactus mealybug as host.

Comments. See Triapitsyn et al. (2014b) for its description and illustrations, information on the distribution and host associations in Argentina, and brief notes on its biological traits. The digital images of the habitus of the dry-mounted, critical-point dried specimens for both sexes of this species were provided by Triapitsyn et al. (2014a).

Anagyrus lapachosus Triapitsyn, Aguirre & Logarzo, 2016 View in CoL

Anagyrus lapachosus Triapitsyn, Aguirre & Logarzo, 2016: 590–594 View in CoL . Type locality: Los Lapachos, 24.6019°S, 65.0812°W), Salta, Argentina. Holotype female [MLPA], examined ( Triapitsyn et al. 2016).

Material Examined. PARAGUAY, Presidente Hayes, near Colonia San Miguel, 24.3752°S, 58.1299°W, 21 Sep 2016, M. B. Aguirre,G.A. Logarzo, S. D. Hight (from Hypogeococcus sp. on Portulaca sp. ) [2 females, UCRC].

Distribution. Argentina (Salta) ( Triapitsyn et al. 2016) and Paraguay [new record].

Hosts. Hypogeococcus sp. on Harrisia sp. in Argentina ( Triapitsyn et al. 2016) and Hypogeococcus sp. on Portulaca sp. in Paraguay.

Comments. On 29 Sep 2016 and 23 Jun 2017, this species was imported, under appropriate permits, into the quarantine laboratory at the Center for Excellence in Quarantine & Invasive Species, University of Puerto Rico, Jardín Botánico, Río Piedras , San Juan, Puerto Rico, but its colony did not do well on initial trial using Harrisia cactus mealybug as host .


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Leptomastidea hypogeococci Triapitsyn

Triapitsyn, Serguei V., Aguirre, María B., Logarzo, Guillermo A., Hight, Stephen D., Ciomperlik, Matthew A., Rugman-Jones, Paul F. & Verle Rodrigues, Jose C. 2018

Anagyrus lapachosus

Triapitsyn SV & Aguirre MB & Logarzo GA 2016: 594

Anagyrus cachamai

Triapitsyn SV & Aguirre MB & Logarzo GA & Dal Molin A. 2014: 173
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