Senecio lingulatus (Schlechtendal) Cuatrecasas (1950: 44)

Calvo, Joel & Freire, Efraín, 2016, A nomenclator of Senecio group Lasiocephalus (Compositae, Senecioneae): nomenclatural and taxonomic notes and new typifications, Phytotaxa 260 (2), pp. 116-130 : 122

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.260.2.2

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Senecio lingulatus (Schlechtendal) Cuatrecasas (1950: 44)


9. Senecio lingulatus (Schlechtendal) Cuatrecasas (1950: 44) View in CoL . Lasiocephalus lingulatus Willdenow ex Schlechtendal (1818: 309) . Culcitium lingulatum (Schlechtendal) Blake (1937: 390) . Aetheolaena lingulata (Schlechtendal) Nordenstam (1978: 54) . Type:—“America meridionali” [from indicatio locotypica], F.W.H.A. Humboldt & A.J.A. Bonpland s.n. (holotype: B-W-16435-01 0 digital image!, designated by Cuatrecasas (1978: 310))

Cacalia arenaria Kunth View in CoL in Humboldt et al. (1818: 129), replaced name. Senecio sabulosus Candolle (1838: 422) View in CoL , replacement name, non Senecio arenarius Thunberg (1800: 158) View in CoL . Type:— ECUADOR. Pichincha / Cotopaxi, “inter El Tambillo et Mulalo” [from indicatio locotypica], F.W.H.A. Humboldt & A.J.A. Bonpland 3122 (lectotype: P-00320227 digital image!, designated here; isolectotypes: P-00659933 digital image!, P-00659934 digital image!).

Culcitium ledifolium Kunth View in CoL in Humboldt et al. (1818: 133). Lasiocephalus ledifolius (Kunth) Jeffrey (1992: 76) View in CoL . Aetheolaena ledifolia (Kunth) Nordenstam (1997: 47) View in CoL . Type:— ECUADOR. Pichincha, Rucu Pichincha, F.W.H.A. Humboldt & A.J.A. Bonpland 3046 (lectotype: P-00320239 digital image!, designated as “ holotype ” by Nordenstam (1999a: 263).

Culcitium adscendens Bentham (1845: 205) View in CoL . Senecio neoadscendens Cuatrecasas (1950: 45) , non Senecio adscendens Candolle (1838: 423) View in CoL . Type:— ECUADOR. Pichincha, near the farmhouse of Antisana, K.T. Hartweg 1134 (lectotype: K-000497735 digital image!, designated by Salomón & Freire (2014: 90); isolectotypes: E-00417026 digital image!, F-0076803F (fragment) digital image!, K-000497732 digital image!, LD-1683402 digital image!).

Culcitium hypoleucum Turczaninow (1851a: 206) View in CoL . Aetheolaena hypoleuca (Turczaninow) Nordenstam (1978: 54) View in CoL . Lasiocephalus hypoleucus (Turczaninow) Jeffrey (1992: 76) View in CoL . Type:— ECUADOR. Pichincha, rocks on Pichincha, W. Jameson 611 (lectotype: K-000497737 digital image!, designated here; isolectotypes: KW-001001795 digital image!).

Culcitium adscendens var. angustifolium Cuatrecasas (1935: 215) View in CoL . Type:— ECUADOR. Chimborazo, Nov 1864, J. Isern 680 (holotype: MA-223913 digital image!).

Culcitium pichinchense Cuatrecasas (1935: 215) View in CoL . Senecio pichinchensis (Cuatrecasas) Cuatrecasas (1950: 44) View in CoL , nom. illeg. (Art. 53.1), non Greenman (1938: 814). Senecio quitensis Cuatrecasas (1951: 38) View in CoL . Lasiocephalus pichinchensis (Cuatrecasas) Cuatrecasas (1978: 311) View in CoL . Aetheolaena pichinchensis (Cuatrecasas) Nordenstam (1997: 48) View in CoL . Type:— ECUADOR. Pichincha, monte del Pichincha, 11 Dec 1864, J. Isern 308 (lectotype: MA-234281 digital image!, designated as “ holotype ” by Cuatrecasas (1978: 311); isolectotype: F0076148F digital image!).

Taxonomic notes: —It is a highly variable species, mostly regarding the size, shape, and indumentum of the leaves, and the capitula number. On this basis we include C. pichinchense Cuatrecasas (1935: 215) View in CoL in the synonymy of S. lingulatus (Schlechtendal) Cuatrecasas (1950: 44) View in CoL . Our fieldwork carried out around the Pichincha Volcano let us ascertain that S. lingulatus View in CoL is quite common in this area, and as mentioned above, really variable. We found plants displaying almost linear leaves glabrescent above and lanate beneath, as well as plants with bigger leaves, oblongelliptic to oblanceolate or lanceolate, and lanate on both faces. The variability observed in capitula number was also striking. Plants with solitary capitulum as displayed on the type material of C. pichinchense View in CoL were not rare.

Nomenclatural notes: —The epithet having priority under Senecio is lingulatus . Although C. arenaria Kunth in Humboldt et al. (1818: 129) was also published in 1818, the epithet arenarius is unavailable because of the existence of the earlier name S. arenarius Thunberg (1800: 158) .

Distribution: — Colombia, Ecuador.














Senecio lingulatus (Schlechtendal) Cuatrecasas (1950: 44)

Calvo, Joel & Freire, Efraín 2016

Culcitium adscendens var. angustifolium

Cuatrecasas, J. 1935: )

Culcitium pichinchense

Nordenstam, B. 1997: )
Cuatrecasas, J. 1978: )
Cuatrecasas, J. 1978: 311
Cuatrecasas, J. 1951: )
Cuatrecasas, J. 1950: )
Greenman, J. M. 1938: 814
Cuatrecasas, J. 1935: )

Culcitium hypoleucum

Jeffrey, C. 1992: )
Nordenstam, B. 1978: )
Turczaninow, N. S. 1851: )

Culcitium adscendens

Salomon, L. & Freire, S. E. 2014: 90
Cuatrecasas, J. 1950: )
Bentham, G. 1845: )
Candolle, A. P. 1838: )

Culcitium ledifolium

Nordenstam, B. 1999: 263
Nordenstam, B. 1997: )
Jeffrey, C. 1992: )
Humboldt, F. W. H. A. & Bonpland, A. J. A. & Kunth, K. S. 1818: 133
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