Lanatospora costata, Vávra & Hyliš & Fiala & Refardt & Larsson, 2016

Vávra, Jiří, Hyliš, Miroslav, Fiala, Ivan, Refardt, Dominik & Larsson, J. I. Ronny, 2016, Microsporidia in a Woodland Pool I. Lanatospora costata sp. n. (Opisthosporidia, Microsporidia), Parasite of Megacyclops viridis (Crustacea, Copepoda): Fine Structure and Molecular Phylogeny, Acta Protozoologica 55 (4), pp. 269-280 : 278-279

publication ID 10.4467/16890027AP.16.023.6010


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Lanatospora costata

sp. nov.

Lanatospora costata sp. n.

Developmental stages: round meronts (8–10 µm), with single or two large (2.2–3 µm), isolated nuclei. Round sporonts (10 µm), with four smaller (2–3 µm) nuclei divide by rosette-like budding into 4-8 sporoblast and spores. Spores egg-shaped, 4,7 × 2,7 µm with single nucleus, small posterior vacuole. Shape of spores well preserved in dry smears, spores negatively stained measure 4,4 × 2.5 µm.

Spore: enclosed in a semipersistent sporophorous vesicle ensheating loosely the spore. Spore with a thick transparent endospore (70–80 nm), single nucleus, lamellar polaroplast of closely parallel membranes, occupying about 1/3 of the spore length and isofilar polar filament with 8–9 isofilar coils in a single row. Exospore built of a dark layer (50 nm), extending into a complex system of branched ribs with inner substructure, stretching to a distance of 160–200 nm from the spore surface and forming basket-like armor at the spore surface.

Transmission mode: not examined.

Type host, tissue infected and habitat: Megacyclops viridis (Jurine, 1820) , connective and adipose tissue. Woodland pool in the vicinity of the town Přerov nad Labem, Central Bohemia Region, Czech Republic (50°167′N, 14°810′E).

Deposition of types: slides with Giemsa and Burri-ink stained spores are deposited in the International Protozoan Type Slide Collection , Department of Invertebrate Zoology , National Museum of Natural History , Smithsonian Institution , Washington, DC, USA, Accs. USNM Nos. (1421569, 1421570) and in respective slide collections of Jiří Vávra and Miroslav Hyliš at the Department of Parasitology and at Laboratory of Electron Microscopy, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. SSU rRNA gene sequence was deposited at GenBank Acc. No. KX 832080 .


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Saratov State University

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