Lamponella kimba, PLATNICK, 2000

PLATNICK, NORMAN I., 2000, A Relimitation And Revision Of The Australasian Ground Spider Family Lamponidae (Araneae: Gnaphosoidea), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2000 (245), pp. 1-328 : 166-167

publication ID 10.1206/0003-0090(2000)245<0001:ARAROT>2.0.CO;2

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Lamponella kimba

sp. nov.

Lamponella kimba View in CoL , new species Figures 388–391 View Figs ; Map 44 View Map 44

TYPE: Female holotype taken in a Berlese sample of litter from the base of mallee 25 km E by N of Kimba, 338059S, 1368419E, South Australia (Sept. 4, 1981; A. Calder), deposited in QMB .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

DIAGNOSIS: Males can be recognized by the sinuous median apophysis (fig. 388) and moderately long, triangular retrolateral tibial apophysis (fig. 389), females by the combined presence of an anteriorly depressed epigynum and laterally deflected anterior portions of the spermathecae (figs. 390, 391).

MALE: Total length 2.2. Abdominal dorsum light gray, without indications of anterior white spots but with pale posterior hairline chevrons. Retrolateral tibial apophysis almost triangular (fig. 389); embolus bent at tip (fig. 388).

FEMALE: Total length 3.4. Coloration as in male. Epigynal midpiece long, anterior two­ thirds depressed (fig. 390); anterior portions of spermathecae deflected to sides (fig. 391).

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: South Australia: 14 km WNW Renmark, 348079S, 1408379E, July 6, 1995, intercept trap (K. Pullen, QMB), 1?. Western Australia: Bold Park , 318579S, 1158469E, Mar. 18–May 19, 1994, pitfall (M. Harvey, J. Waldock, WAM 96 About WAM /759), 1 ?; Boolathana Station , 248259S, 1138429E, May 29–Aug. 25, 1995, pitfall (N. Hall, WAM 96 About WAM /1411), 1 ?; Bush Bay , 258079S, 1138449E, Aug. 16–Sept. 28, 1994, pitfall (M. Harvey, WAM 96 About WAM /760), 1 ?; Hepburn Heights , 318499S, 1158469E, July 13–Sept. 25, 1995, pitfall (M. Harvey, J. Waldock, WAM 96 About WAM /756), 1 /; Hepburn Heights , 318499S, 1158479E, Nov. 28, 1995 – Jan. 29, 1996, pitfall (M. Harvey, J. Waldock, WAM 96 About WAM /757), 1 /; Trigg, E side old West Coast Highway , 318539S, 1158459E, Aug. 29, 1993, litter (J. Waldock, WAM 95 About WAM / 1571), 1 ?; York , 318539S, 1168469E, Nov. 2, 1991, powder bark/mallet litter (J. Bannister, WAM 96 About WAM /758), 1 /.

DISTRIBUTION: Known only from Western and South Australia (map 44).


Queensland Museum, Brisbane













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