Lamponata daviesae, PLATNICK, 2000

PLATNICK, NORMAN I., 2000, A Relimitation And Revision Of The Australasian Ground Spider Family Lamponidae (Araneae: Gnaphosoidea), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2000 (245), pp. 1-328 : 140

publication ID 10.1206/0003-0090(2000)245<0001:ARAROT>2.0.CO;2

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Lamponata daviesae

sp. nov.

Lamponata daviesae View in CoL , new species Figures 275 View Figs , 319–322 View Figs ; Map 38 View Map 38

TYPE: Male holotype taken in pitfall trap at Lake Broadwater , SW Dalby, 278119S, 1518169E, Queensland (May 17–Nov. 24, 1985; M. Bennie), deposited in QMB ( S34374 View Materials ) .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a patronym in honor of Dr. Valerie Davies of the Queensland Museum, whose extensive sorting of the Lake Broadwater material has produced numerous unusual lamponids, including the best series of this species.

DIAGNOSIS: With the characters of the genus and genitalia as in figures 319–322. The only taxa that could be confused with this species are males of the Lampona cylindrata group, which have a similarly long retrolateral tibial apophysis but have a basally protruding palpal bulb.

MALE: Total length 2.7. Dorsum of abdomen light gray with five broken transverse rows of dark spots (fig. 275), venter with vshaped dark marking; legs unmarked. Palpal femur sharply bent at about one­fifth its length, enlarged distally; retrolateral tibial apophysis long, distally flattened; cymbium produced ventrally (figs. 319, 320).

FEMALE: Total length 3.5. Coloration as in male except ventral abdominal dark mark absent. Epigynum with small, semicircular anterior hood far removed from midpiece (fig. 321); spermathecae compact, anterior portion only slightly expanded (fig. 322).

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: Northern Territory: cliff N of old ranger station, 11.3 km S Hermannsburg , 248039S, 1328469E, Oct. 1994, pitfall ( NMV K4669 About NMV ), 1 /; Todd River, Alice Springs, 238429S, 1338539E, July 1, 1969, sifted material from bark at trunk of large eucalypt trees (J. Balogh, HNMH), 1/. Queensland: Bushley Station , 238329S, 1508159E, Mar. 21–Oct. 22, 1990, pitfall, open forest (D. Wallace, R. Raven, K. Williams, QMB S30410 View Materials ), 1 /; 33 mi. S Blackall , 248259S, 1458289E, May 31, 1956, dry leaf litter, brigalow, wilga (F. Perkins, OMD), 1 /; Lake Broadwater, SW Dalby, 278119S, 1518169E, Jan. 26–Feb. 19, 1985, pitfall (M. Bennie, QMB S28651 View Materials ), 1/, May 17–Nov. 24, 1985, pitfalls (M. Bennie, QMB S28639 View Materials ), 1?, 1/, Nov. 24, 1985 – Jan. 3, 1986, pitfall (M. Bennie, QMB S28653 View Materials ), 1?, Jan. 3–Feb. 25, 1986, pitfall (M. Bennie, QMB S28644 View Materials ), 1?, Apr. 22–June 12, 1986, pitfall (M. Bennie, QMB S28640 View Materials ), 1 ?; Taroom district, Boggomoss No. 3, 258269S, 1508019E, Nov. 12, 1996 ­ Jan. 1997, pitfall (G. Monteith, D. Cook, QMB S36335 View Materials ), 1 ?; Windermere, near Glenmorgan, 278179S, 1498459E, Dec. 1990 – Sept. 1991 (R. Raven, B. Smyth, QMB ex S30363 View Materials ), 1?. South Australia: Jimmys Well , Mount Rescue Conservation Park , 358519S, 1408189E, in litter (D. Hirst, SAM N1996 View Materials /316, 317), 2 ?; 3 km S Mount Sturt , 328469S, 1358249E, Dec. 13–17, 1989, pitfall (D. Hirst, SAM N1997 View Materials / 132), 1 ?; 14 km WNW Renmark , 348079S, 1408379E, Aug. 8–Sept. 7, 1995, intercept trap (K. Pullen, QMB S34289 View Materials ), 1 ?; 79 km NNW Renmark , 338319S, 1408249E, Aug. 9– Sept. 7, 1995, intercept trap (K. Pullen, QMB), 1 ?; W ranger station, Rocky River, Flinders Chase, Kangaroo Island, 358579S, 1368439E, Nov. 7–9, 1987, pitfall (D. Hirst, SAM N1997 View Materials /131), 1?. Western Australia: Tamala Station , 268409S, 1138409E, Nov. 8, 1998 (V. Ovtsharenko, AMNH), 1 /; Woodstock Station , 218379S, 1188579E, Feb. 10– 17, 1989, pitfall (J. Waldock, R. How, J. Dell, WAM 96 About WAM /752), 1 /.

DISTRIBUTION: Widespread in drier parts of Australia (map 38).


Queensland Museum, Brisbane


Museum Victoria


South African Museum


American Museum of Natural History













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