Lampona cumberland, PLATNICK, 2000

PLATNICK, NORMAN I., 2000, A Relimitation And Revision Of The Australasian Ground Spider Family Lamponidae (Araneae: Gnaphosoidea), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2000 (245), pp. 1-328 : 100-101

publication ID 10.1206/0003-0090(2000)245<0001:ARAROT>2.0.CO;2

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Lampona cumberland

sp. nov.

Lampona cumberland View in CoL , new species Figures 44 View Figs , 218–221 View Figs ; Map 24 View Map 24

TYPES: Female holotype and male allotype taken under Eucalyptus regnans bark at Cumberland Falls, 378349S, 1458539E, Vic­ toria (May 27, 1991; M. Harvey, M. Blosfelds), deposited in WAM (95/1006, 1007) .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

DIAGNOSIS: Males of this species resemble those of L. fife in having many setae on the retrolateral tibial apophysis (largely omitted from fig. 219 so that the apophysis shape can be seen) but can be distinguished by the abrupt subdistal narrowing of that apophysis (fig. 219); females can be recognized by the pronounced lateral epigynal margins and triangular median portions of the spermathecae (figs. 220, 221).

MALE: Total length 6.9. Dorsum of abdomen with one pair of anteromedian and three pairs of posteromedian light chevrons (as in fig. 44); posterior femora, tibiae, and metatarsi with distal dark rings, tibiae with slightly darkened proximal ring as well. Palpal femur darkened, sinuous, but without distinct ventral protrusion; retrolateral tibial apophysis with wide rectangular base and hooklike tip, dorsally with stiff setae (fig. 219); tegulum globose, extending to about one­half of tibial length; conductor extending to prolateral side of embolus (fig. 218).

FEMALE: Total length 7.9. Coloration as in male, except anteromedian abdominal light chevron larger. Epigynum with distinct lateral margins, with median depression between anterior ends of lateral margins (fig. 220); spermathecae tripartite, median part largest (fig. 221).

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: Victoria: 0.7 km N Acheron Gap , 7 km NE Mount Donna Buang, 378409S, 1458449E, Oct. 26–Dec. 28, 1995, pitfall, eucalypt forest (G. Milledge, NMV K4660 About NMV ), 1 /; The Big Culvert, 2.5 km ENE Mount Observation , 378349S, 1458529E, Feb. 19, 1996, beech forest (G. Milledge, NMV K4662 About NMV ), 1 ?; Cement Creek , 378429S, 1458449E, Sept. 8, 1990, under eucalypt bark (M. Harvey, M. Blosfelds, WAM 95 About WAM /1011), 1 ?; Cobb Hill, 14 km SE Bonang, Goonmirk Range , 378129S, 1488459E, Nov. 24, 1985, Berlese, litter under tree ferns (J., N. Lawrence, QMB), 1 ?; near Churchill , 388189S, 1468279E, Dec. 23, 1992 (R. de Souza­Daw, SAM N1996 View Materials /219), 1 /; Cumberland Falls , 378349S, 1458539E, May 27, 1991, under Eucalyptus regnans bark (M. Harvey, M. Blosfelds, WAM 95 About WAM /1008), 1 /; Jeeralang West Road, 0.1 km N Binns Hill Junction, Strzelecki Ranges , 388279S, 1468299E, Mar. 4, 1996, eucalypt forest (G. Milledge, NMV K4663 About NMV ), 1 /; Mount Macedon , 378259S, 1448359E, Nov. 30, 1996, elev. 700 m (N. Platnick, R. Raven, V. Ovtsharenko, K. Catley, AMNH), 3 ?; Mount Saint Leonard , 378349S, 1458329E, Apr. 6, 1991, under eucalypt bark (M. Harvey, M. Blosfelds, WAM 95 About WAM /1009, 1010), 1?, 1 /; Sherbrook Forest , 378539S, 1458219E, Sept. 1974 ( NMV K3655 About NMV ), 1 /; Warburton , 378459S, 1458419E, Jan. 14, 1968 (R. Kelly, NMV K3417 About NMV ), 1 /.

DISTRIBUTION: Known only from Victoria (map 24).


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