Laboulbenia microcarpa W. Rossi, J.A. Torres et Bernardi, 2015

Rossi, Walter, Torres, Juan A. & Bernardi, Matteo, 2015, New Laboulbeniales parasitic on weevils from the Amazon rainforest, Phytotaxa 231 (2), pp. 187-192 : 191

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.231.2.8

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scientific name

Laboulbenia microcarpa W. Rossi, J.A. Torres et Bernardi

sp. nov.

Laboulbenia microcarpa W. Rossi, J.A. Torres et Bernardi sp. nov. Fig. 1C View FIGURE 1

MycoBank MB 814455

Etymology: —From Greek mikros = small and karpos = fruit, because of the small perithecium.

Original description: —Thallus grayish brown, with darker perithecial venter and outer margins of cells III and IV. Basal cell of the receptacle about twice as long as its maximum length, not strongly tapered towards the foot. Suprabasal cell of about the same length, but wider. Cells III and IV subequal, broadly isodiametric. Cell V triangular, very small. Insertion cell black, thick, slightly narrower than the upper side of cells IV and V. Outer appendage simple, erect, elongate, consisting of a linear series of cells that are gradually longer, paler and more slender from below upwards. In young thalli the inner appendage consists of a very small cell that gives rise to two elongate cells each bearing apically a grayish antheridium; in mature thalli the antheridia are displaced laterally by the development of short, straight and divergent branchlets. Cell VI small, slightly longer than broad. Perithecium relatively small, oblong, united to the receptacle for one fourth of its length, the outer margins very slightly convex, the tip rather abruptly distinguished, distinctly bent outwards, blackish, except the subhyaline, large, rounded lips. Length from foot to the perithecial apex 125–180 μm. Length from foot to tip of longest appendage 275 μm. Perithecium 20–27 × 55–75 μm.

Type: — ECUADOR. Orellana: P. N. Yasuní, Estación de Biodiversidad Tiputini, 220–250 m, by fogging in tropical rain forest, 01 October 1999, Terry Erwin & al., on the elytra and the pronotum of a female specimen of an undescribed species of Sicoderus ( Curculioninae , Erodiscini ) (FI3874!).

Additional specimens examined: —Same data as the holotype, 01 February 2001, on the elytra of Lancearius esau (Chevrolat) (Eurodiscini) (FI3907!). Total of 25 mature and 38 immature thalli have been examined.

Comments:— Laboulbenia microcarpa is characterized by the very small perithecium, which is only slightly longer than the ascospores ( Fig. 1C View FIGURE 1 ). At first sight it remembers L. vulgaris Peyritsch ; however the latter has a larger perithecium, a larger cell V, and a smaller basal cell of the inner appendage, which is also rarely bifurcate and bears more numerous antheridia.













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