Kunungua ornata, Bolshakova & Konstantinov, 2024

Bolshakova, Darya S. & Konstantinov, Fedor V., 2024, Revision of the genus Kunungua (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Miridae) with descriptions of three new species and new generic synonymy, Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 71 (1), pp. 219-239 : 219-239

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/dez.71.122735

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Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift by Pensoft

scientific name

Kunungua ornata

sp. nov.

Kunungua ornata sp. nov.

Figs 6 D View Figure 6 , 7 D View Figure 7 , 8 F View Figure 8 , 9 E View Figure 9 , 10 R – U View Figure 10

Material examined.

Holotype. ♂, Democratic Republic of the Congo: Bas-Uele: Djamba , 9.82 ° S, 22.12 ° E, 25 Dec 1924, Dr H. Schouteden ( ZISP_ENT00008428 ) ( MRAC) GoogleMaps .

Paratype. Democratic Republic Of The Congo: Orientale: Yangambi , 0.78 ° N, 24.47 ° E, Jun 1948, P. L. G. Benoit, 1 ♂ ( ZISP_ENT00008429 ) ( MRAC) GoogleMaps .


Recognised by the following combination of characters: antennal segment I brown, pale yellow basally; collar brownish yellow; corium pale yellow, with wide, oblique brown band along cuneal fracture, starting near apex of clavus, reaching costal margin, and gradually narrowing laterally; cuneus pale yellow, with inner and outer margins narrowly brown; femora and tibiae pale yellow (Figs 6 D View Figure 6 , 7 D View Figure 7 ).

The new species clearly differs from all congeners by the wide, oblique, gradually narrowing laterally, brown band, starting near the apex of the clavus and reaching the costal margin. While it somewhat resembles K. gemina in the shape of both parameres, it differs from that species in the shape of the apex of the right paramere (Fig. 10 I, K View Figure 10 ), not to mention the striking differences in the colour-pattern (Fig. 6 D, F View Figure 6 ).


Male. Colouration (Figs 6 D View Figure 6 , 7 D View Figure 7 ). Head, except for pale yellow posterior and anterior margins of eye peduncle and antennal fossa, antennal segment I, except for basal pale yellow quarter, and antennal segment II dark brown, antennal segments III and IV brownish; eyes reddish brown; collar brownish yellow; calli, pronotal disk, and scutellum dark brown; corium pale yellow, with wide oblique transverse brown band along cuneal fracture, starting near apex of clavus and narrowing towards costal margin; clavus dark brown; membrane semitransparent, pale yellow, with brown membranal vein; coxae brownish, posteriorly pale yellow; femora and tibiae pale yellow; cuneus pale yellow, with brown inner and outer margins; tarsal segments I and II pale yellow, the latter brownish apically, segment III brownish; abdomen dark brown.

Vestiture. Clothed with whitish long simple setae, adpressed on hemelytron, semierect elsewhere, subequal to width of antennal segment I at middle, somewhat shorter on pronotum.

Structure. Total length 3.9–4.2 mm; body 3.4–3.6 times as long as width of pronotum and 3.7–4.0 times as long as pronotal length.

Head 0.3 times as long as wide, 2 times as wide as collar; antennal fossa large, removed from inner eye margin by distance subequal to its own width, located at the level of inferior eye margin; frons flattened, only slightly convex distally; vertex 1.0–1.1 times as wide as length of antennal segment I, segment I 1.6–2.1 times as long as head, 0.5–0.6 times as long as pronotum, 0.5 times as long as pronotal width; labium reaching middle coxa (Fig. 7 D View Figure 7 ).

Thorax. Posterior margin of pronotum slightly concave medially (Fig. 6 D View Figure 6 ); pronotum 1.1 times as wide as long, 1.1–1.2 times as wide as head; calli 0.5–0.6 times as wide as basal width of pronotum; pronotal disk, calli, and collar 0.7 times, 0.2 times, and 0.1–0.2 times as long as pronotum, respectively; calli and collar together 0.3 times as long as pronotum.

Hemelytron. Semitransparent, long, corium reaching slightly beyond apex of abdomen; cuneus nearly twice and a half as long as wide at base (Figs 6 D View Figure 6 , 7 D View Figure 7 ).

Legs. Slender, femora gradually thickening apically (Fig. 6 D View Figure 6 ).

Genitalia. Genital capsule. Lateral portions of cuplike sclerite forming inner parts of paramere sockets lobe-shaped, right lobe about twice as large as left one; outgrowths forming outer sides of right and left paramere sockets trapeziform, wide and short, right one medially depressed, about twice as large as left (Fig. 9 E View Figure 9 ).

Parameres. Subequal in size, left paramere slightly larger, falciform, tapering at apex (Fig. 10 R, S View Figure 10 ); right paramere with a flattened sensory lobe and upturned hook-like apex (Fig. 10 T, U View Figure 10 ).

Aedeagus. As in Fig. 8 F; C View Figure 8 - shaped, sclerotised basal part without any outgrowths.

Female. Unknown.


Known from two localities in Congo.




The specific epithet is the Latin adjective ornatus, - a, - um, meaning “ ornate, adorned with decorative details ”, referring to the presence of a wide brown band on the corium.


Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale











