Klugerella olasoi, Garciâa Goâmez, 2000

Garciâa Goâmez, C. M. Loâpez De La Cuadra J. C., 2000, The Cheilostomate Bryozoa (Bryozoa: Cheilostomatida) collected by the Spanish`AntaÂrtida 8611 ’ Expedition to the Scotia Arc and South Shetland Islands, Journal of Natural History 34, pp. 755-772 : 763-765

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scientific name

Klugerella olasoi

sp. nov.

Klugerella olasoi View in CoL n. sp.

(®gures 9±11)


HOLOTYPE:` AntaÂrtida 8611’ st. 167 ( South Georgia). One colony, fragmented, 5 mm diameter. MNCN 25.03 About MNCN /1902.

Material of other species examined for comparison

Klugerella aragoi (Audouin) n. comb.: BMNH 1965.8.6.2. Florida. Material examined and ®gured by Cook (1967).

Klugerella magni ®ca (Thornely): holotype, BMNH 1936.12 .30.171. Cargados (Indian Ocean) .

Klugerella marcusi (Cook) n. comb.: Tarifa ( Spain), Straits of Gibraltar. Collection of the authors.

Membraniporella nitida (Johnston) : Tarifa ( Spain), Straits of Gibraltar. Collection of the authors.


Colony encrusting unilaminar. Autozooids oval in shape. Zooidal dimensions are given in table 3. Narrow gymnocyst. Frontal shield of 9±11 costae, branching once or twice, conūent and crossing medially. The distalmost pair is wider than the remaining costae, a feature which is more pronounced at the base of the costae. Ori®ce D-shaped, with chitinized operculum. Two oral spines, long (approximately the length of a zooid) and laterally ¯attened, not branching, with chitinous bases. Interzooidal communication through uniporous mural septula. Ovicell and avicularia not found.


The genus Klugerella Moyano was proposed for several species formerly included in Membraniporella Hincks ( Moyano, 1991) . These species have costae generally branching, uniporous mural pore chambers and ovicells with a triangular or crescentic frontal area of uncalci®ed ectooecium. Klugerella olasoi n. sp. shows the two former features (®gures 9±11), but the ovicell has not been found. The presence of two oral spines as long as the zooid (®gure 10) distinguishes K. olasoi from all other species included in the genus, and particularly from its geographical neighbour K. antarctica (Kluge) , type species of Klugerella , which has two or four short oral spines often branching. The frontal shield is also diOEerent in both species: K. olasoi has 9±11 costae crossing but not fusing in the median line (®gures 9, 10), of which the distal pair is wider at the base than the remaining costae; K. antarctica has more costae [13±21 after Moyano (1991), 16±20 after Hayward (1995)], fusing at the median line and all of them equivalent in width.

Moyano (1991) included in Klugerella , together with K. antarctica , three species previously attributed to Membraniporella : M. magni ®ca Thornely (®gure 12), from the Indian Ocean, only known by the type material and not previously ®gured by SEM; M. bifurca Powell and M. gordoni Moyano , from the Paci®c Ocean. There are two Atlantic species currently included in Membraniporella that are better placed in Klugerella : Flustra aragoi Audouin (®gure 13) and Membraniporella marcusi Cook (®gure 14). Both Klugerella aragoi n. comb. and Klugerella marcusi n. comb. show the diagnostic characters of Klugerella , described above, thus being very diOEerent from Membraniporella nitida (Johnston) (®gure 15), type species of Membraniporella Hincks , in which costae do not branch, and which has basal multiporous chambers, ovicells with membranous ectooecium, except for a calci®ed basal rim, and small adventitious avicularia, all of these features lacking in any species of Klugerella . The presence of avicularia is variable in Klugerella , but when present (they are known in K. antarctica , K. bifurca and K. gordoni ) they are vicarious, similar to an autozooid but with enlarged operculum, and never small, adventitious like those of Membraniporella nitida . Although the diOEerences between Klugerella and Membraniporella have been previously established ( Moyano, 1991; Hayward, 1995), SEM micrographs of M. nitida together with some species of Klugerella are included for a better comparison. The attribution of Klugerella aragoi and Klugerella marcusi to this genus extends considerably its known distribution ( Moyano, 1996), to the northern hemisphere and even to European coasts, where K. marcusi has been found (LoÂpez de la Cuadra and GarcõÂa GoÂmez, 1993). A revision of other supposed species of Membraniporella is necessary, such as those described by Osburn (1950), M. crassicosta , M. aragoi var. paci ®ca (probably not conspeci®c with Klugerella aragoi ) and M. pulchra . Although specimens have not been examined during this study, the very detailed ®gures of Osburn (1950) show features which indicate that these species are probably not congeneric with M. nitida , but similar to Klugerella .

Etymology: olasoi refers to Ignacio Olaso, member of the`AntaÂrtida 8611’ and BENTART 95 Expeditions and Chief of the BENTART 94 Expedition, in recognition of his contribution to Spanish research in Antarctica.

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